The wife of the power minister's family

Chapter 152 The person with the greatest suspicion

Chapter 152 The person with the greatest suspicion (second update)

In other words, for about an hour that day, there was no one around Wang Wuniang!
Zhao Shaohua felt that he had finally caught some clues about this case, so he tried to remain calm and asked: "Can you ladies, fifth lady, tell me where she went during that time?"

When Xiao Tao and Mu Dan heard this question, their expressions darkened suddenly. Xiao Tao bit her lip and shook her head, "When we saw the Fifth Lady that day, the Fifth Lady seemed to be very depressed. She was unwilling to speak no matter what, even... not even She was willing to freshen up, but we tried to persuade her for a long time to no avail. We just thought that the fifth lady had been too shocked and would be fine after a night's rest, so we didn't ask any more questions.

Unexpectedly, Wu Niangzi's whole person seemed to have changed since that day, like a snail shrinking into its shell. She was unwilling to leave the door, and she ate very little. She had lost weight visibly. Come down.

During that time, you also knew Mrs. Zhao.The madam was very worried about the fifth lady, but the fifth lady, who usually obeyed the madam the most, was actually not willing to see the madam this time. The madam tried her best to persuade the fifth lady to go out once to accompany the madam to buy makeup. . "

Everyone immediately knew that it was Wang Wuniang who wrote in the diary about the time she met Chen Xi and the others.

Xiao Tao continued: "My wife almost fell ill during that period. She even often said that she was going to kill Wu Sanlang to vent her anger on the Fifth Lady. Not long after that, the Fifth Lady suddenly offered to go alone. After staying at Famen Temple in the suburbs for a few days to relax, the Fifth Lady was finally willing to go somewhere else. There was no reason why Madam should not agree, so she immediately agreed.

Later, a few days after the Fifth Lady returned from Famen Temple, she was...murdered..."

Now there is something I don’t understand.

What was wrong with Wang Wuniang started after she came back from looking for Wu Youbing that day!

During that time when no one was with her, she must have encountered something... something very terrible.

Xu Jing pursed her lips and asked: "Did you, the fifth lady, do anything wrong after you got home that day? For example, are there any traces of... being violated on your body?"

Everyone's face changed slightly.

However, in fact, after reading the diary, everyone had guessed that the thing that made Wang Wuniang miserable was probably because she was defiled by a gangster.

In other words, the time she was defiled before her death was not her first time.

This poor girl has probably suffered two atrocities!
Xiao Tao's eyes suddenly turned red, and she choked and said: "Our Fifth Lady has never liked others to take her bath since she was a child. She usually bathes and washes herself. However, when we saw the Fifth Lady that time, we found that she was wearing It's not the clothes you wear when you go out, but another set of clothes.

We asked the fifth lady where the previous set of clothes had gone, and the fifth lady only said that the clothes were stained with the smell of rouge from Guixiangyuan. She found them dirty and burned them when she came back.

Although the slaves and maids thought that the Fifth Lady’s behavior was strange, at that time because the Wushun Marquis Mansion broke off the engagement, many of the Fifth Lady’s actions were different from before, so the slaves did not think much about it..."

During that period, all the abnormalities in Wang Wuniang seemed to be explained by the fact that the engagement was broken off.

Who would have thought that such terrible things had happened behind this girl.

Zhao Shaohua was already so angry that he clenched his fists, his eyes filled with tears, and he gritted his teeth and said word by word: "Bastard! Seriously bastard!"

Not to mention Mrs. Yu, even if she knew these things, she would be so angry that she would explode.

As Zhen Niang’s mother, how deeply should Mrs. Yu feel distressed and blame herself?
Jiang Erlang, who had been silent until now, spoke quietly: "Now, the situation is generally clear. If the murderer who killed Wang Wuniang is among us, the most suspicious one seems..."

He raised his eyes slightly, looked at Wu Youbing steadily, and said, "It's just you, Wu Sanlang."

Wu Sanlang was shocked and immediately said excitedly: "Why is it me who is the most suspicious! Since we broke off the engagement, except for the time when the woman came to see me and when we went to enjoy the snow, I have never seen her!"

Liu Fuyue looked at Wen Wenrou, and now she looked at him coldly, her voice tightened, "Zhenniang's diary shows that the person who bullied and humiliated her must be someone who knows her, otherwise that person People don’t know Zhenniang’s identity and life experience that well. Zhenniang went to find you that day. Who knows if Zhenniang was with you for more than an hour when she was missing! Or, do you have any witnesses who can prove it? , after you entered Guixiang Courtyard that day, you never saw Zhenniang again!" Wu Youbing's face suddenly turned red, "How can I prove this! I stayed in Guixiang Courtyard for two or three hours, and I always had to go to the latrine or something. Yes, whoever goes to the latrine will specially pick up a person as a witness!"

He dared not believe what he said, because Feng Qi, who went to Guixiangyuan with him that day, was also there.

If he lies, they put pressure on Feng Qi, and Feng Qi can expose him on the spot.

"So, you can't prove that you never saw Zhenniang when she was missing for more than an hour."

Guo Liuyun also sneered and said, "How do you want us to believe that the person who hurt Zhenniang is not you!"


At this moment, Chen Xi, who had been thinking hard, suddenly said: "I remember, I remember! I...I once called Wang Wuniang's original name in front of Wu Sanlang!
I remember that not long after Wu Sanlang came back from Jiangnan, when he was making noises about breaking off his engagement with Wang Wuniang, Princess Zhenning once held an autumn banquet. Wu Sanlang, myself, and Wang Wuniang all attended the banquet. .

I, I knew in my heart that Wu Sanlang was making trouble to break off his engagement with Wang Wuniang, so I deliberately called Wang Wuniang’s original name in front of Wu Sanlang..."

Wu Youbing almost jumped up, "Don't talk nonsense and try to pin the blame on me!"

"I do not have!"

Chen Xi immediately said: "Zhiyi and the maids around me were all there that day, and they can all testify! I, I am not that bullying. At least, when I call Wang Wuniang by her original name, I usually choose her to be alone. At that time, only that time, I, I wanted to see her laugh, so I deliberately called her by her original name in front of Wu Sanlang...

I remember clearly that it was in front of the eldest princess's mansion. Zhiyi and I were late. When we came down, we happened to see Wu Sanlang and Wang Wuniang who were also late. Wu Sanlang had just got off the carriage, and I stepped forward. , said a few words to Wang Wuniang...

By the way, all the servants around Wang Wuniang and Wu Sanlang were there that day, and Wu Sanlang's coachman hadn't even left yet!If you don’t believe it, just ask them! "

Looking at Chen Xi's appearance, she obviously didn't dare to lie anymore.

Mudan suddenly took a step forward, her face completely darkened, "Yes, I have also remembered that this happened."

Xiao Tao and Shen Zhiyi also testified.

Everyone looked at Wu Youbing and couldn't help but become more suspicious.

Wu Youbing grew up so big, and for the first time he knew what it was like to jump into the Yellow River and not be able to wash away it. His chest couldn't help but rise and fall, and he suddenly gritted his teeth and roared, "It's not me anyway! Don't think that I will plead guilty. At worst, we will waste our money." We will die together in three days!"

Everyone couldn't help but panic.

Mrs. Yu's request to them is to find the real culprit who killed Wang Wuniang.

However, although Wu Sanlang is the most suspected, they have no evidence to prove that he is the murderer. If he refuses to plead guilty, they will not be able to fulfill Mrs. Yu's request.

Seeing that the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became deadlocked, Xu Jing was silent for a moment and said quietly, "I think the murderer is not Wu Sanlang."

(End of this chapter)

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