The wife of the power minister's family

Chapter 156 Assisting in the Autopsy

When Xu Jing heard this, she didn't think much about it.

In her opinion, the Ministry of Punishment was originally responsible for criminal cases. It could only be said that the jurisdiction was different from that of Dali Temple. Xiao Yi was friends with Zhao Liulang and knew that Zhao Shaohua had been kidnapped. It was normal for him to come and take a look. Who knew that he would happen to be arrested? A young man.

You know, people from outside will take the poison given by Mrs. Yu. Who in their right mind would be willing to take this risk?Of course I can get rid of this obviously deceptive job.

However, Xiao Yi was too talkative and came in as soon as he was asked to come in.

Zhao Shaohua, who is more familiar with the ups and downs of the officialdom than she is, has a look of hatred on his face, "Aren't those people in Dali Temple obviously bullying you! Yanci, you usually look smart, why, why are you so stupid this time? !”

Xiao Yi just said lightly: "It doesn't matter, it's just a small effort. What Mrs. Yu made is not an unreasonable request. Besides, Chang Yu is very worried about you."

When he said the last sentence, his eyes glanced at Xu Jing vaguely.

Zhao Shaohua choked and couldn't say any words of accusation.

Xiao Yi's meaning was very clear. Part of the reason why he came in was her, and she had no choice but to accept this favor.

Everyone else looked surprised when they saw Xiao Yi.

Let’s not talk about Xiao Yi’s outstanding abilities. As a minister of the Ministry of Justice, he feels very reliable!
You know, there is another reason why they are so panicked. In addition to their lives now being in Mrs. Yu's hands, there is another reason - no one here can seriously investigate the case!
To them, Mrs. Yu's request is no different than shaving one's head and plucking one's ears - an amateur!For Xiao Yi, it is just his daily job!
Guo Liuyun couldn't help but said in surprise: "Shilang Xiao, we can feel relieved now that you are here! I suddenly feel that we might really be able to find out the real culprit who killed Zhenniang."

Jiang Erlang, on the other hand, kept staring at Xiao Yi after seeing him. It was only then that he seemed to confirm that the person who came was really him. He couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth and let out a soft "ha" with unknown meaning.

I didn't expect that this trip would bring such an unexpected gain.

Mrs. Yu obviously did not expect that Xiao Yi would come in personally, but she definitely welcomed his arrival and said quietly: "Now that Mr. Xiao has come in, I will leave all the investigation to Mr. Xiao, everyone." Just cooperate well with Mr. Xiao."

After speaking, he turned to Xiao Yi and said, "If you have any needs, Minister Xiao, in this house, please tell me at any time."

Xiao Yi nodded without being polite, and called the servants around to bring a chair to sit down. He asked Xu Jing and others to sit back on the table where they had breakfast, and then began to ask them about the progress of the case.

Xiao Yi didn't need to be secretive like Xu Jing. Every question he asked was exactly on point. Under his guidance, everyone quickly told Xiao Yi everything they had thought and analyzed last night.

Before Xiao Yi came in, he had already learned about the case in detail. He knew what the case was like half a year ago. After listening to the words of everyone present and reading the diary that Zhao Shaohua gave him, he quickly understood Some inference.

No wonder they asked people to call in these servants.

Although Xu Jing sat quietly and said few words from beginning to end today, when everyone recounted what happened last night, she would always be mentioned in and out of their words. Xiao Yi didn't need to think carefully to know that a group of laymen To be able to analyze to this extent together, it is indispensable for someone to be there to help.

He couldn't help but raise his lips secretly.

He knew that no matter what the situation, she would never put herself at a disadvantage.

Mrs. Yu did not go back to the room to rest this time. She had been sitting aside and listening to Xiao Yi's questions. When she heard that they all felt that Wu Youbing was the most suspicious, she glanced at Wu Youbing with a gloomy face. There was clearly something in that look that made people sad. A frightening and deep murderous intention.

Xu Jing, who had been observing her secretly, raised her eyebrows slightly with a thoughtful look on her face.

It is not difficult to understand that Mrs. Yu has murderous intentions towards Wu Youbing, but when she heard that most people suspected that Wu Youbing was the murderer, she clearly did not show any surprise.

This is somewhat intriguing.After finishing the question, Mrs. Yu saw that Xiao Yi's eyes were slightly lowered as if he was deep in thought, and she couldn't help but said: "Master Xiao, are you going to interrogate these servants who came in today?"

Xiao Yi raised his eyes, glanced at her, and said: "Mrs. Yu, before the interrogation, I have something to discuss with you."

Mrs. Yu was slightly stunned.

However, it is rare for an official who specializes in investigating cases to dare to come in with such weight. Mrs. Yu also felt grateful and respected, and nodded without thinking: "It's no problem."

She saw that Xiao Yi wanted to talk to her alone, so she took him to the side room where she originally rested.

Everyone who was left behind looked at each other, unable to think of what Xiao Yi wanted to say to Mrs. Yu.

But Xu Jing couldn't help but her heart beat faster because of excitement and surprise.

She probably guessed what Xiao Yi wanted to do.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Xiao Yi and Mrs. Yu came out. Xiao Yi's face was as usual, but everyone was surprised to find that Mrs. Yu's face was much uglier than before going in. Her brows were slightly wrinkled and the corners of her mouth were tightened, as if Why things struggle.

However, after walking in front of them, her expression became firm, and it was obvious that she had made a decision in her heart.

Xiao Yi said his intention without any nonsense, "Mrs. Yu took great pains to preserve Wang Wuniang's body, which is a good thing for the investigation, so I plan to conduct an autopsy next."

Autopsy? !
It turned out to be an autopsy!
It is normal to investigate a case and conduct an autopsy. However, where is the fraud here?

Could it be that Minister Xiao wants to conduct an autopsy in person?
This is not impossible. Xiao Shilang has been handling cases all year round and must have studied autopsies!
Xiao Yi suddenly said: "Although I have some knowledge of autopsies, I am not a professional autopsy after all. I heard that a doctor was accidentally involved in this matter. The doctor knows more about the human body. I hope she can Assist me with the autopsy."

After saying that, a pair of eyes looked straight at Xu Jing without any cover.

This request may sound strange at first, but if you think about it carefully, it makes sense.

Although it was possible to trick people in from the outside, let alone the time-consuming trip back and forth. Since Mr. Xiao knew how to do autopsies and there was a doctor here, there was no need to find someone else to come in.

Zhao Shaohua said quickly: "Doctor Xu was involved in this by me. I want to ask Dr. Xu first if he is willing."

Not all doctors are willing to do such dirty and despicable things as autopsies.

If Dr. Xu is not willing, she will resolutely defend Dr. Xu's wishes.

Little did she know that Xu Jing was not only willing, but had even been looking forward to this for a long time. Her lips behind the veil raised slightly, she took a step forward and said: "I came here by accident, and I am also destined to Wang Wuniang. If If I can do something for Wang Wuniang, it is my duty to do so."

Mrs. Yu couldn't help but look at her deeply and said, "Please Shi Lang Xiao and Dr. Xu come with me."

After saying that, he led the two of them towards the wing facing the water.

Xu Ya, the only person present who knew Xu Jing's true identity, opened her eyes in disbelief. She felt that what was happening now was even more confusing than Wang Wuniang's death!

I'm a little busy these days, so I can't guarantee the update time, but it will be back to normal tomorrow~

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