The wife of the power minister's family

Chapter 158 The secret hidden in the corpse

But the cause of death column said that the deceased died of excessive blood loss.

However, there were no serious superficial injuries on the deceased. Where did this excessive blood loss come from?

Xu Jing took a quick look and saw that the excessive blood loss mentioned above was due to the fact that when the deceased was found, her lower body and lower body were obviously bleeding heavily, soaking the entire skirt. That's why the editor at that time judged that the cause of her death was excessive blood loss. many.

However, if it was just normal intercourse, how could the woman bleed heavily?

Not to mention that the deceased probably didn’t put up much resistance at the time!

Although it is also possible that the murderer was inexperienced and did not find the right person when he acted, or he had some perverted hobby of torturing people, no matter what the situation is, it will be reflected in the deceased, but this corpse shows that the woman's lower body, The body showed signs of being violated, but there were no other visible injuries.

The problem is not on the surface of the body, it may only be inside the body.

Xu Jing quickly came up with an idea, put down the scroll and said, "Bring the body here."

Immediately, under Mrs. Yu's shocked eyes, Xu Jing took off all Wang Wuniang's clothes, then picked up the scalpel and used a T-shaped incision to cut open the corpse in front of her.

Even though Xiao Yi had made some psychological preparations for Mrs. Yu before, Mrs. Yu still couldn't accept it. She covered her mouth, her eyes filled with tears, and she took a step back unsteadily.

That is to say, she is the one here. If it were someone else who was not determined, they would have been scared away long ago.

However, Xu Jing and Xiao Yi were both busy with the anatomy, and even though they felt something was wrong with her, they didn't care about her.

Although this body has been dead for more than half a year, due to careful preservation, the organs in the body of the deceased have not been severely decayed. Except for the pancreas, which is the first to undergo self-melting, other organs can still be seen relatively clearly. its outline.

Because of her inner thoughts, Xu Jing first explored the abdominal and pelvic cavity of the deceased. When Xu Jing cut open the uterine cavity of the deceased, she was stunned and her face could not help but darken.

Although Xiao Yi didn't know much about the structure of the human body, he kept paying attention to Xu Jing's face and asked, "But what did you find?"

Xu Jing pursed her lips and did not answer him immediately. Instead, she picked up a pair of tweezers, picked up a small piece of dark brown soft material that was a little larger than a man's thumb, and separated it from the official cavity with a scalpel. There were adhesions on the inner wall. After putting it on a clean tray, he said in a deep voice: "This is the woman's uncut embryo."

What Xu Jing said was not very clear, but both Mrs. Yu and Xiao Yi understood it.

Mrs. Yu's face turned pale, and suddenly her whole body became weak. She sat down on the ground, and the tears that had been lingering in her eyes finally fell down, and she couldn't help but said: "No, no, no, no..."

Xu Jing sighed secretly and looked at Mrs. Yu, her mood was indescribably heavy. "Before he was killed, the deceased had obviously just had a miscarriage, but the miscarriage was not clean, and there was still unclean fetal material left in the body." Therefore, she...bleeded profusely when she was violated for the last time. I am afraid that neither the murderer nor the deceased had expected this...

I remember that the maid next to the deceased once said that the deceased asked to live in the temple for a while before going to enjoy the snow. I suspect that the deceased found out that she was pregnant, so she found an excuse to go to the temple and looked for an opportunity to have an abortion. …”


Mrs. Yu suddenly lost her mind and roared, with tears streaming down her face: "I don't believe it! Why is it my treasure? Why?!"

Although she said she didn't believe it, looking at her appearance, it was obvious that she believed it, but she just couldn't accept it.

Xu Jing sighed secretly and said: "Although the deceased did this in secret, no matter how secretly she did it, there would still be some clues. What's more, if the abortion was not clean, the deceased would often feel pain and heaviness in the stomach. Feeling, and there will be bleeding..."

It's impossible that the maids around her didn't notice these things, they just didn't think about the miscarriage.

Mrs. Yu obviously couldn't listen anymore, she kept shaking her head and murmured: "Impossible, why is it my treasure, why..."

Xiao Yi couldn't help but feel heavy. He looked at Xu Jing and said, "If that's the case, why didn't the deceased resist? She should know well that if she didn't resist, she would only escape death."

Of course, it is also possible that the deceased was in despair at the time. It would also make sense for a frustrated person to have no desire to live.

Xu Jing shook her head and said: "I don't know, but the autopsy is not over yet. Maybe the deceased has something else that he has not told us." After saying that, she put her thoughts together and continued to check.

However, she didn't find any obvious abnormalities elsewhere. Finally, she carefully separated the heart. Even Xiao Yi, who had seen her dissect several times, couldn't help but frown slightly.

In previous dissections, Xu Jing had not achieved this step, because in previous cases, Xu Jing had clear goals during the dissections.

As for this case, there are still some doubts that cannot be explained by relying on external clues alone.

She put the deceased's heart on the tray and cut it open with the six-knife technique. Suddenly, her eyes froze and she bent down to observe the four cavities carefully.

However, it was found that there were obvious atherosclerotic plaques in the coronary arteries of the deceased, which was a symptom of coronary artery blockage, and there was obvious bleeding and congestion near the myocardial infarction, which were all manifestations of myocardial infarction before the death of the deceased.

No wonder, no wonder...

This can explain why Wang Wuniang didn't struggle much when she was violated for the last time.

Perhaps due to excessive emotion and despair, she suddenly suffered an acute myocardial infarction. In extreme pain, she had no strength to struggle at all!He passed away completely like this.

This is very likely to be the real cause of death of the deceased.

This poor girl has really experienced all the most painful things in her sixteen years in this world.

Xu Jing told Xiao Yi and Mrs. Yu her judgment. After all, Mrs. Yu was not that fragile. After listening to Xu Jing's words, her fists were so strong that veins popped out, and she suddenly laughed sarcastically, "The Wang family That old godly woman also slandered my Zhen'er, saying that my Zhen'er was a playboy and a dissolute nature, haha! Hahaha! I should arrest her and let her kowtow to my Zhen'er to apologize! The Wang family doesn't deserve it, it does. Don’t fuck my treasure!”

Xu Jing suddenly said: "Mrs. Yu, you have already suspected someone in your heart. Do you think the person who did these things is Wu Sanlang?"

Mrs. Yu was startled, then curled her lips weakly and said, "How do you know?"

"I guessed it from your expression, but even if Wu Sanlang is not the real murderer, you don't care, because you have already decided that no matter whether you can find out the truth or not, you will drag Wu Sanlang to die together."

Xu Jing said softly: "In this way, if Wu Sanlang is the real murderer, you will have achieved your goal of avenging Wang Wuniang. If not, Wu Shunhou's house lost a legitimate son because of this incident, and he was detained for such a long time. This dirty hat will definitely not be able to swallow this breath. It is very likely that they will demand a retrial of Wang Wuniang’s case. Under the pressure from the Wushun Houfu, the chance of Wang Wuniang’s case being retried will be greatly increased.”

Mrs. Yu couldn't help but look at the woman in front of her in shock.

This woman was far beyond her imagination.

She was silent for a while, then raised her lips sarcastically. Just when she was about to say something, she heard her say: "But Mrs. Yu doesn't have to do that now. I already know who the murderer is."

After saying that, she didn't look at Mrs. Yu's shocked expression again, and looked at Xiao Yi, "Shilang Xiao, I thought of a way to find the murderer, but I need Shilang Xiao to come forward to do it."

By the time Xu Jing and the others came out of the wing near the water, almost two hours had passed.

As soon as they came out, everyone who was waiting impatiently outside immediately stared at them. Chen Xi could not hold back his anger and said: "Master Xiao, do you know who the murderer is?"

After saying that, he couldn't help but look at Wu Youbing beside him. The meaning couldn't be more obvious.

Wu Youbing couldn't help but wanted to explode again, but Xiao Yi's voice sounded at the right time, "I already know the identity of the murderer, but before that, I still want to ask you something. I will find a room later. I'll call you in and ask.


He raised his eyes to look at Wu Youbing, whose face was ashen, and said in a calm voice, "Wu Sanlang, please come with me."

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