The wife of the power minister's family

Chapter 172 This is a dead end

Chapter 172 This is a dead end (first update)
Xu Jing smiled lightly and said, "Thank you, Mrs. Zhao, for your concern. Don't worry, I am sensible."

She raised these doubts to Mrs. Jiang with absolute certainty, but she was not sure how serious the conspiracy against Mrs. Jiang was.

Jingdan quickly brought them to a spacious and clear corridor and said: "This is the place where the Fourth Lady painted. Go forward along this corridor and turn right, which is the old lady's residence. I She is devoted to eating fast and chanting Buddha, so she moved to Xiangmingju a long time ago. Xiangmingju is the most secluded courtyard in our Huaiyin Marquis Mansion. When she was a child, the fourth lady lived with the old lady. It was only in the past two years that she became independent. Xiaoxue When the ball is around, the fourth lady likes to play with it on this corridor, and the young lady even plays with the little snowball from time to time."

Jingdan said, her eyes couldn't help but feel a little sad.

Thinking back to the beginning, the relationship between my young lady and my fourth wife could not be said to be very close, but they got along well.

Xu Jing looked around and saw a yard next to the corridor. The yard was full of flowers and plants, and there was a rockery pond next to it. Because it was autumn, the leaves on the trees had begun to turn yellow, but they had not yet When the leaves are falling, looking at it this way, the branches and leaves are still very dense, and the crowns of the trees are connected, blocking the sky and the sun.

After watching for a while, Xu Jing asked: "You said that after Mrs. Jiang witnessed the tragic death of Xiao Xueqiu, she did not dare to walk on this road for a long time. At that time, which way did she take to go to the old lady's yard? ?”

In general, the daughter-in-law of other families has to pay greetings to her elders every day. Even if Mrs. Jiang is the wife of the Jiang family, she cannot escape this matter.

Jingdan pointed to an opening leading to the yard not far away and said: "The young lady always goes out through that opening and follows the stone road in the yard to the old lady's yard. If you don't take this road, you have to go Go around to the back door of Xiangming Residence and enter, which is almost half of the Huaiyin Marquis Mansion.

It's just that the stone road in the yard is not as stable as the road in the corridor. Sometimes it's windy and rainy, and if the servants don't have time to clean it, the ground will be full of fallen flowers and leaves, not to mention it's also very slippery, making it very inconvenient to walk, so generally speaking , everyone did not take that road, but went to the old lady's yard through the corridor. "

When Xu Jing heard this, her heart suddenly felt like lightning.

Suppose the Fourth Lady had some intention in painting that painting, what could it be?Just to disgust Mrs. Jiang, why did she not paint earlier, later, but why did she wait until now to paint?
What if her purpose is not just to disgust Mrs. Jiang?It's not to disgust her, but it has only one purpose - to make Mrs. Jiang recall the scene when she saw Little Snowball die with her own eyes!

When Mrs. Jiang saw the tragic death of Xiao Xueqiu, she didn't want to walk through this corridor because of a knot in her heart. Assuming that this time, Mrs. Jiang doesn't want to walk through this corridor for the same reason, then she can only do what she did before. , go to the old lady’s yard via the stone path in the yard!

What's on that stone road?
Xu Jing suddenly stepped forward without saying a word and quickly walked into the yard. Zhao Shaohua and Jingdan were stunned and quickly followed them with confusion, "Doctor Xu, what are you doing in the yard?"

Xu Jing did not answer their questions. After walking to the stone road in the yard, she discovered that there was an unusual amount of vegetation on both sides of the road. Various ancient trees and flowers were scattered left and right, and even looked a bit messy. The branches of some trees had already It has grown, but no one has pruned it.

Xu Jing frowned, "Doesn't the Huaiyin Marquis Mansion have a gardener who is responsible for gardening in the yard?"

Jingdan was stunned and said: "Of course there are. If I remember correctly, there are six gardeners in the house. Each gardener has an area he is responsible for. The gardener in charge of this area is my wife and nurse. My son, relying on his relationship with his wife, he cheated on her from time to time. Although her wife knew about it, because of her feelings for her nanny and the gardener, although she sometimes cheated on her, she was used to it. It’s just superficial, just turn a blind eye.”

Because for a period of time, his young wife often took this road, Jingdan knew so much about the gardener.

Xu Jing stretched out her hand and touched the branches that had grown out, and said: "No matter how lazy you are, you can't just prune the branches that have reached the stone road."

After all, this is in front of the old lady's yard. If the gardener's work is so rough, how can the old lady have any objections?

Jingdan was slightly stunned, this was indeed a bit strange.She shook her head and said: "His work is not so rough. There must be some reason. Please ask someone to ask..."

Just at this time, a maid passed by in the corridor. Jingdan's eyes lit up and he waved to her quickly: "Sister Qiao'er, sister Qiao'er, just in time, let me ask you, what is Liu Da who is in charge of this area recently?" What happened? The branches have grown to the road and are not pruned. When I took our young lady’s guest through here just now, the guest’s clothes were snagged. "

The maid named Qiao'er stopped, glanced at Xu Jing and Zhao Shaohua, curled her lips and said: "Then Liu Da has taken leave for the past two days, saying that he has a bad stomach. He originally said that he would be on duty today. , to my surprise, he sent someone over this morning to tell him that he was still in a daze, and he probably had to wait for two more days.

Madam would like to find someone to temporarily take over his job, but you know what Liu Da is like on weekdays, and the gardeners nearby are not very willing to take his job. "

There were some words that she couldn't say clearly in front of Xu Jing and the two guests, but it didn't prevent Xu Jing and the others from understanding what she meant.

Liu Da is lazy by nature on weekdays and only does superficial work. He doesn't know how much he has escaped. Who knows how bad the area he is responsible for is in those places that outsiders cannot see? Of course the gardener is not willing to wade into this muddy water.

Mrs. Huaiyin Hou must be well aware of Liu Da's situation, and it would be inappropriate to force other gardeners to take over Liu Da's work.

This resulted in the two days when Liu Da was away, and no one took care of this area at all.

Xu Jing suddenly asked: "Do you know why Liu Da has a bad stomach?"

Qiao'er was stunned for a moment. Although he felt it was strange to ask this question as a guest, he thought that they were Mrs. Jiang's guests, so he still bowed and said, "I don't know. If you are curious, you can ask someone who is familiar with Liu Da." The servant asked."

Xu Jing didn't speak anymore, her mind was thinking quickly.

Something was wrong. Although these things seemed to be coincidences, she always felt that there was a thread connecting them all.

Mrs. Jiang’s cold weather, the stolen hairpin and hairpin, the strange sweet scent on her steps, the painting of little snowballs, the gardener who suddenly took leave...

A sudden flash occurred in Xu Jing's mind, and she stepped into the grass on both sides without saying a word, carefully pushing aside the bushes to take a closer look.

Jingdan and Zhao Shaohua were startled by her actions. Zhao Shaohua quickly said: "Doctor Xu, what's wrong with you? But what's wrong?"

Xu Jing took the time to look around and said, "I thought of something and wanted to verify it..."

If it's not here, it's probably on the other side.

Suddenly, her eyes sharpened, and she stared at a place covered by layers of branches and leaves, and her heartbeat accelerated little by little.

found it!
This is indeed a vicious... murderous conspiracy against Mrs. Jiang!
(End of this chapter)

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