The wife of the power minister's family

Chapter 174: Death is natural

Mrs. Jiang's cold and piercing eyes instantly shifted to Xin Zhiwan, and Xin Zhiwan's heart trembled. Although her sister-in-law was from the Jiang family, her temper was not arrogant. She had not given her anything because of Xiao Xueqiu's death in these years. Despite her good looks, she just ignored her and had never looked at her like this.

Mrs. Jiang twitched her lips sarcastically and said, "Who said there are no bees? I will find the bees later and show them to you! Before that, I would like to ask Zhiwan about your painting of Little Snowball. Who encouraged you to draw it?"

Everyone's expressions changed. They knew that Xin Zhiwan drew a picture of a little snowball to irritate Mrs. Jiang. Mrs. Huaiyin Hou also scolded Xin Zhiwan, but it seemed that Mrs. Jiang had no intention of pursuing it. , and I am happy to handle it with care.

Who would have expected that she would bring up this matter at this time.

Madam Huaiyin Hou couldn't help but said: "Yan Xia, didn't you just let that matter go? I've already reprimanded Wan'er!"

Mrs. Jiang Shao looked at Mrs. Huaiyin Hou expressionlessly, "I said forget it before because I thought it was just a child's prank. Later I discovered that Zhiwan was probably used by some people with evil intentions."

Xin Zhiwan turned pale and subconsciously glanced at Madam Hua beside her. Madam Hua suddenly bit her lip, timidly took a step forward and said: "I, I admit, the painting Zhiwan painted has something to do with me, but , But I didn’t want to use Zhiwan for anything! When I was chatting with Zhiwan, we talked about the pets she had raised when she was a child. Zhiwan said that she had raised a kitten named Little Snowball, which was very cute. I said that I I wanted to see what the little snowball looked like, so I just drew that picture for me to see. I really had no other thoughts at all!"

Xin Zhiwan also said quickly: "That's it. It was my idea to show that painting to my sister-in-law later, and it had nothing to do with Zhiwan! If my sister-in-law wants to blame me, just blame me!"

Xu Jing, who was standing behind Mrs. Jiang, couldn't help but smile silently.

This Xin Siniang didn't even know that she was being used as a weapon.

Even if she had not thought of showing the painting to Madam Jiang, Madam Hua would definitely have persuaded her to do so.

Seeing their "deep sisterly love", Mrs. Jiang's smile became even more sarcastic, "Okay, just treat it as your own decision to show me the painting, and specifically pick out the little snowballs to play in this corridor." It’s not your idea to draw the picture alone! I’m sure Madam Hua encouraged you a lot when she asked you to draw something! And her purpose was to remind me of Xiao Xueqiu’s death The situation was as miserable as it was back then, and I don’t dare to walk through this corridor again!”

Xin Zhiwan looked at her in astonishment, speechless for a moment.

She... was right. When she drew the little snowball, it was Zhiwan who said, "I heard that the little snowball often plays in the corridor leading to the old lady's room." That made her decide to draw the little snowball. Picture of the cloister.

But, what does this have to do with Zhiwan trying to harm her? !

Mrs. Jiang continued: "If I don't go through that corridor, if I want to go to the old lady's yard, I can only go through the yard outside. Coincidentally, Liu Da, who is in charge of gardening in that area, has had diarrhea in the past two days and asked for leave. , it’s really too much of a coincidence!”

Xin Lei was startled and said in disbelief: "Are you trying to say that bees are in the yard?"


Mrs. Huaiyin Hou said quickly: "Liu Da only took two days off, but bees really came to build a nest. How could it be possible in just two days..."

"Mother, doesn't mother know what kind of work Liu Da does on a daily basis?"

Mrs. Jiang interrupted her coldly. At this point, it was impossible for her to save any face for her.

"Liu Da is used to cheating and playing tricks on weekdays. Although he does a good job on the surface, he may only take care of the invisible areas once every ten and a half months! My husband is right, the bees I'm talking about are In the yard outside, in the innermost corner of the elm tree, there is a newly built beehive! Because it is usually covered by leaves, no one can see it unless you walk in.

I don’t know whether this hive is the masterpiece of Madam Hua or whether it was discovered accidentally by Madam Hua. In short, the result is—" Madam Jiang looked at Madam Hua with a sneer and said sternly: "You obviously want to use that hive. You don’t know what the devil is. Kill me unconsciously!

If I hadn't discovered anything fishy today and walked into the nearby yard with Buyao, which was stained with the smell of beeswax, Madam Hua would only have to find a way to disturb the hive from a distance, or throw a small stone, or shoot it with a slingshot. The bees in the hive will swarm out when they are frightened. At that time, I will become a living target for them to attack! "

Anyone with some common sense knows that the smell of beeswax has an extraordinary appeal to bees, and bees' sense of smell is far superior to humans. Even if the smell of beeswax on the walking stick is weak, they can still identify it.

It can be described as... a very painstaking layout.

Xu Jing's eyes were cold as she looked at Madam Hua not far away who was panicking and didn't know what to do. She felt some admiration for her in her heart.

She was very cautious. Even though Liu Da liked to be lazy, she was worried about it and tried every means to make him "sick".

Liu Da doesn't need to be sick for too long. Mrs. Jiang's health has improved in the past two days. It is estimated that tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, she will be able to pay respects to her elders and successfully step into her death trap.

Although bees sting people, they may not die, but Mrs. Jiang has just been seriously ill and her body has not fully recovered. Being stung by a swarm of bees will scare her to death. By then, she will take advantage of it. If Mrs. Jiang uses some tricks when she is in critical condition, Mrs. Jiang's "death" will seem so logical and natural.

Everyone will think that this is just an accident, and no one will think that this is a conspiracy on her part.

Everyone looked in disbelief. Xin Lei's face darkened, and he immediately called his attendant and said: "Shuangquan, go to the elm tree in the yard immediately to see if there is really a beehive!"

The chief responded and walked over quickly. Soon, his voice came from the yard, "Your Majesty, it really does exist! This hive is not small!"

Everyone opened their eyes slightly and took a breath of cold air.

It turned out to be true!
A maid next to the old lady couldn't help but said: "My slave said that I always see one or two bees when I pass that road recently, but there are still many flowers blooming in the yard in early autumn, so I don't have many." think……"

After all, who would have thought that so many gardeners in the Huaiyin Marquis Mansion would be exposed to such a big danger!

The old lady who had been silent could no longer calm down, her face completely darkened, "Ayao, what's going on! Is what Yan Xia said true?!"

"I, I didn't! Believe me, old lady, I really didn't! Huaiyin Marquis Mansion was kind enough to take me in, and I was grateful before it was too late. How could I do such a harmful thing!"

Madam Hua shook her head desperately, her eyes were red, and she said pitifully: "As Zhiwan said, the young lady's medicines are all handled by people around her, how can I do anything? And the young lady has been ill these past few days. , I only entered the young lady’s room when I followed Zhiwan to visit the doctor. How could I have the chance to steal the young madam’s hairpin, and then tamper with the rest..."

Mrs. Jiang was too lazy to watch her dying struggle. She closed her eyes and said, "Yes, you really have no chance to do anything, because you bribed the maid next to me, and you let her do it! Today, I Let’s clean up the portal.

Jingshui, your new master is in such a mess, why don’t you stand up and say a word for her? ! "

Jingdan and Jingyi were shocked when they heard their young lady say that Madam Hua bribed the people around her. When they heard the young lady say Jingshui's name, they couldn't help but turned their heads and glared. Jing Shui looked at a loss, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

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