The wife of the power minister's family

Chapter 200 Xiao Shilang is indeed not an ordinary man

Chapter 200 Xiao Shilang is indeed no ordinary man (first update)
Xiao Yi was silent for a moment and suddenly said: "As for the remarriage, I hope Madam Xu can leave it all to me. I will ask the Holy One for the remarriage."

Xu Jing was slightly stunned.

She immediately understood the reason why Xiao Yi did this. If they remarried hastily, the Xu family would definitely jump out and intervene in the matter. After all, to the Xu family, Xiao Yi was a stronger branch than the Wushun Hou Mansion. .

She didn't know the Xiao family very well, but as Xiao Yi was the legitimate son of the Xiao family, the Xiao family would definitely not sit idly by and ignore this matter.

But if it is a decree from the Holy One, these troubles can be avoided directly. The most important thing is that Xiao Yi personally asked for such a decree, which is enough to show that he attaches great importance to the matter of remarriage, and there will be much less gossip about her in the future. .

Xu Jing had other worries, "However, if it is the Holy Emperor's decree, if we reconcile in the future, we will be criticized by others for not paying attention to the royal dignity..."

Xiao Yi smiled lightly and said: "I asked for this decree, and it was not the Holy One who made the decision. The Holy One is willing to issue such a decree only out of favor for me, a minister, and has nothing to do with royal dignity. What's more, the marriage matter It is a family matter, and it is difficult for upright officials to deal with family matters. Even couples who get married according to the decree are not guaranteed to live a harmonious life. In history, couples who got married according to the decree then reconciled and divorced, and even made a fuss. It’s not like there’s nothing.”

It makes sense to say that she always falls into a common problem of modern people - subconsciously thinking about the majesty of the ancient royal family very seriously, but there are so many dynasties and emperors in history, and the regulations of each dynasty are different, and the rules of each emperor are different. Her temperament is also different. As a native of this world, Xiao Yi knows the rules of this world better than she does.

Xu Jing nodded and said with a smile: "Okay, then I'll leave this matter to Mr. Xiao!"

After everything was settled, Xu Jing went back with satisfaction.

After returning, she told Chunyang Chunxiang about her decision to marry Xiao Yi. After Chunxiang saw her wife's ability, she didn't care much about whether she could remarry Xiao Shilang. After hearing this, she became worried about her wife's future. Career, "If my wife remarries Xiao Shilang, can she still open a medical clinic outside and treat people?"

Xu Jing smiled slightly and said: "I told Shilang Xiao about this. Shilang Xiao said that he would not interfere with what I wanted to do, and he also said that he could help when needed."

Chunxiang was happy now, "Shilang Xiao is indeed not an ordinary man. Many men don't want their wives to show their faces outside!"

Chunyang on the side sighed secretly.

Indeed, a man who is so tolerant and sensible, and who unconditionally supports his wife in everything, is a peerless good man no matter where he is.

Only silly girls like Niangzi and Chunxiang would think that Shilang Xiao's tolerance and dedication are purely because Shilang Xiao is a good person!

Hey, my wife is usually very smart. No matter how cunning and treacherous the criminal is, she can see through his plot at a glance. Why is she so slow when it comes to her own affairs?

Because Xiao Yi said that he would leave all the remarriage matters to him, he would also find ways to suppress Xu Ya and Wu Youbing's actions first. Xu Jing then lived a relatively relaxed and leisurely life.

Zhou Qi finally decided on the bunk in Xijing. Seeing the bunk that Zhou Qi finally decided on, Xu Jing raised her eyebrows secretly.

The shop he chose is on Xuanwu Street in Xijing. The most prosperous street in Xijing is the north-south Zhuque Street located in the middle of Xijing. Zhuque Street connects the Imperial City to the north and the city gate to the south. It is the most spacious and tidy street in Xijing and has the largest flow of people. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the face of Xijing.

The branch of Guangmingtang is on Zhuque Street. It is said that the branch of Tianyi Pavilion was also on Zhuque Street.

Xuanwu Street is a street running horizontally from east to west. It is located in the north of Xijing. Although it is not as prosperous as Zhuque Street, it is also one of the main roads in Xijing. The most important thing is that Xuanwu Street is close to the north where the powerful and powerful people gather. It is in line with Tianyi Pavilion’s future positioning in Xijing.

Xu Jing was actually worried at first that Zhou Qi would choose the shop on Zhuque Street because of his unwillingness. She had warned him before that although Jiang Yu agreed to let them in, the premise was that it would not harm the interests of Guangmingtang. He opened his shop directly on Zhuque Street, clearly intending to compete with Guangmingtang. It would be hard to say whether Jiang Yu would still be willing to keep his promise with her.Now that she saw the location of the shop he finally selected, Xu Jing breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhou Qi still has a sense of proportion. Even if he hates something in his heart, he still knows what to give priority to.

Such partners are reliable.

In the afternoon of that day, Xu Jing went to Zhou Qi and said: "Master Zhou has already chosen the location of the shop. I believe that the Xijing branch of Tianyi Pavilion will be opened soon. I suggest that Tianyi Pavilion can do some activities in advance. Building momentum... Well, it's just propaganda. After autumn, more and more people suffer from wind and cold. I have a prescription here that has a very good preventive effect on wind and cold. You can drink it when the patient feels uncomfortable in the early stage. It can also cure his illness, and Master Zhou can make medicine kits and distribute them for free when the store is about to open."

Zhou Qi was slightly stunned. He took Xu Jing's prescription and looked at it. He couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly, "Did Madam Xu come up with this prescription herself?"

Wind-cold is a very common disease. Each medical center has different methods for treating wind-cold, but generally they follow ancient prescriptions. Doctors who can develop their own special medicines are often either talented or have rich experience.

Naturally, their Tianyi Pavilion also had special medicines for treating wind-cold, as well as medicines for preventing wind-cold, but he had never thought of using this method to promote it.

"That's right." Xu Jing responded vaguely and said, "I know your Tianyi Pavilion must also have medicines to prevent wind and cold, but nowadays people rarely go to medical clinics to buy preventive medicines, so most medical clinics are developing When it comes to preventive drugs, they cost far less effort than therapeutic drugs, and the efficacy is naturally not that good. I dare say that my prescription is definitely the best among the current prescriptions for preventing wind and cold! Since it is a medicine used for publicity, if it is not effective, it will not have any publicity effect. Of course, Master Zhou is the master of Tianyi Pavilion, and it is up to Master Zhou to decide whether to use this recipe or not."

Zhou Qi couldn't help but laugh, put the prescription on the table, and said: "Mrs. Xu has said so, but I still don't use it. Doesn't it seem too ungrateful? Madam Xu is right, unless it is when the plague is rampant. , otherwise ordinary people will rarely go to the hospital to buy medicines to prevent colds, and they will only use some home remedies. Madam Xu is willing to provide us with such precious prescriptions, which is really a great help to us."

After all, although they mainly target the wealthy families in Xijing, ordinary people are also their very important patients.

Zhou Qi paused and suddenly said: "I saw that Madam Xu had ignored the matter of Tianyi Hall opening a branch in Xijing before. I thought Madam Xu was not interested and did not dare to disturb Madam Xu with these matters."

"We are partners now. If everything goes well in Tianyi Pavilion, it will also be of great help to my Xinglin Hall. How could I not be interested?"

Xu Jing raised her lips slightly and said: "The scale of Xinglintang cannot be expanded in a short period of time. In the early stage, I was still counting on the Tianyi Pavilion owned by Mr. Zhou. I have recently been making several medicines commonly used in autumn and winter. When Tianyi Pavilion opens, We also plan to sell it in Tianyi Pavilion.”

Zhou Qi's eyes suddenly lit up. He had heard about the fact that Xu Jing's Lithospermum ointment had recently become very popular among the women of wealthy families in Xijing, "That's absolutely welcome!"

At this moment, Manager Yuan came over. When he saw Xu Jing, he immediately said: "Ms. Xu, you are indeed here. You have guests who are waiting in the lobby."

Does she have guests?

She has had so many customers recently.

Xu Jing responded and followed Manager Yuan away.

After seeing Xu Jing leave, the attendant who had been standing next to Zhou Qi couldn't help but said: "Why do you think, little man, that Madam Xu is suddenly interested in us opening a semicolon in Xijing?"

(End of this chapter)

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