The wife of the power minister's family

Chapter 214 I was impressed by her

That's certainly not appropriate.

In fact, after Xu Jing decided to remarry Xiao Yi, she was already thinking of renting a house in Xijing and moving out temporarily, but she hadn't found a suitable one yet.

She wanted to buy a house directly and boldly, but the house prices in the capital were so high in any era that it made people tremble. Xu Jing tried to ask Zhou Qi before, and Zhou Qi said that the one-level courtyards in the most remote parts of Xijing were all expensive. It costs at least 200 taels and upwards. If you want to buy a good location, you need at least 500 taels and upwards. Xu Jing was silent after hearing this.

She has always followed the principle of cost-effectiveness when buying things. She can afford to buy a yard in a remote place, but it is really not necessary. It is better to rent one temporarily and work hard to earn money to buy a good one.

After hearing Xu Jing's thoughts, Zhao Shaohua couldn't help but chuckle, "You are just like what my aunt said, you are self-reliant and admirable. Although I have a house and a shop under my name, they were all given to me by my family. , I have never tried to earn a copper plate on my own. I have just discussed this issue with my eldest aunt. I originally wanted to give you a mansion from our Zhao family, but my eldest aunt said you would not accept it. "

That's true, there is no reward for no merit. Although Xu Jing helped the Zhao family a lot today, she did not solve the case alone, not to mention that for this matter, the Zhao family would not give her a house.

She will be rewarded as much as she has done, so that she can feel at ease.

Xu Jing raised her lips and said: "If you want to help me, just help me keep an eye on where in Xijing there are houses for rent in better locations and with higher cost performance.

To be honest, my behavior is considered unusual among you. Sometimes when I think about it, I feel sorry for Xiao Yi. I don't care about the rumors, but he was implicated by me after all. "

She will not return to the Xu family, nor will she give up her career, nor will she live in the backyard like other women after getting married, focusing on her husband and family.

Therefore, even if the Zhao family is behind her, her reputation will not be much better in the future.

Xu Jing thought of this when she decided to fake remarry with Xiao Yi, but at that time she thought that even if there were rumors, Xiao Yi would be freed in three years, so it shouldn't be a big deal, but today Wen's When Xu Ya exposed her identity in front of everyone, and she personally felt everyone's hostility, she realized that she still thought of things too simply.

Zhao Shaohua was stunned for a moment and immediately understood what Xu Jing meant. He couldn't help but chuckle and said: "I originally thought it was unreal for you and Yanci to be together, but now I suddenly feel that it's no wonder you can be together. Are you worried? Others' gossip about you will affect Yanci, but Yanci is worried that you will feel embarrassed because of these rumors. Did you know that just before leaving, Yanci told us that you are a woman who has her own opinions, no matter you Whatever you do, you hope we can give you a helping hand."

This is actually saying that he hopes they will not have many demands on Xu Jing just because Xu Jing remarries him. He believes that everything Xu Jing does has her own sense of proportion and consideration, and he will not hinder or even support it. .

Xu Jing was slightly startled, and Zhao Shaohua continued with a smile: "He is probably worried that the eldest aunt will advise you not to continue to show your face in the future, or not to interfere too much in the affairs of the medical clinic. For other women, the eldest aunt may I really would suggest this, but Yanci is overthinking it this time. The eldest aunt said that it would be a great loss for a talented woman like you to be restrained in the backyard. What you did today is to completely convince the eldest aunt. .

You don’t have to worry about those rumors. No one has been talked about behind their backs. Even my eldest aunt and I have encountered villains. As long as we don’t offend anyone in what we do, it doesn’t matter what they say.

In the front yard today, many ladies and ladies mocked you openly and secretly. The eldest aunt just said lightly, you are the benefactor of our Duke Liang’s Mansion, and you are the future wife of Yanci. To oppose you is to fight against the Duke Liang’s Mansion. Be against.Hey, you didn’t see the expressions on those ladies’ faces, they didn’t dare to say a word on the spot! "

As Xu Jing listened, her heart became more and more at ease.Although the direction of things was all within her plan, she was still grateful for the support she received from so many people.

The next day, Xu Jing kept looking after Liang Guogong and was not ready to leave until noon.

When she walked to the gate, Xu Jing suddenly heard a shrill cry. Qingyu who was following her pursed her lips slightly and said: "Early this morning, Madam sent someone to tell the news that Manager Liao was gone. Manager Liao’s wife, I heard that Manager Liao’s wife fainted on the spot, and she didn’t rush over until now.

The madam didn't even dare to tell Manager Liao's mother about this. Manager Liao was her only son, and she didn't know if the old man could bear it. "

Behind every murder, there must be a group of heartbroken people. No matter how many conflicts people have when they are alive, when they die, everything is gone.

The Zhao family was not in a good mood because of this incident. Although Zhao Shaohua smiled sweetly in front of her, he always had a stern face behind his back. When Xu Jing met Zhao Jingming this morning, it was rare that the guy didn't play tricks with her. , said hello to her and left in a hurry.

Qingyu sent Xu Jing outside the gate and said: "My servant has arranged the carriage for Madam Xu, and asked Madam Xu to wait here for a while. Madam originally wanted to see Madam Xu off in person, but because Manager Liao's wife came , Madam can’t get away.”

When Xu Jing came over, Mrs. Cen personally called the carriage from the mansion to pick her up, so she could only take the Zhao family's carriage when she went back.

Xu Jing smiled and said: "It is a troubled time in the Duke's Mansion right now. Madam Cen is too polite."

At this moment, a call suddenly came from not far away, "Ms. Xu!"

Xu Jing was stunned for a moment. When she turned around, she saw a familiar carriage arriving in front of the Duke's Mansion. Dong Li jumped out of the carriage, walked quickly to her and saluted respectfully: "Mrs. Xu, sir." Jun said he would send you back personally."

Xiao Yi came unexpectedly.

Xu Jing raised her eyebrows slightly. It was noon now, so he came here specially during the lunch break?
Qingyu couldn't help but smile and said with an ambiguous look: "Xiao Qilang really values ​​Madam Xu. He has to come and send Madam Xu back in person at such a short time. No wonder Xiao Qilang sent someone over just now to ask when Madam Xu will leave. It seems that Madam Xu is not We need the carriage from our Duke’s palace.”

Xu Jing glared at Qingyu helplessly. This girl had suffered a lot yesterday because of Qingyun's betrayal, but today she looked like she was fine.

However, as a maid next to Mrs. Cen, she naturally cannot indulge in her own emotions all the time.

After Xu Jing said goodbye to Qingyu, she followed Dong Li into Xiao Yi's carriage. The carriage was lit with incense that could calm the mind. Xiao Yi sat upright in it as usual. When he saw the woman who came up, His dark eyes softly softened, and he said, "Have you had lunch?"

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