The wife of the power minister's family

Chapter 244 The reason why a man gives a woman a hairpin

In order to give the Xu family enough time to digest what she said, Xu Jing excused herself from being tired in the evening and did not go to the hall to have dinner with them.

The next day, Xu Jing got up early in the morning as usual. First, she went to do a routine morning reading with several young apprentices, assigned them tasks for the day, and said with a smile: "In a few days, I will give them You are taking a small test. You are still learning to read, so the small test is not a written test. It is mainly to test some of your basic medical knowledge and knowledge of medicinal materials. You should prepare well.

Xianhua, you are the senior sister, you should take good care of the younger ones. "

There are a total of five little medical girls in her batch of training. Among them, Qianhua is ten years old and is the oldest. Zisu and Zifu are nine and seven years old respectively. They are a pair of biological sisters. Poria and Magnolia are both. Eight years old.

As Zhou Qi said, they are all very smart, and most importantly, they are very motivated. They quickly absorbed the knowledge taught by Cheng Xianbai and her, which made Xu Jing very pleased.

After hearing what Xu Jing said, all the little girls responded loudly, then spread out and started to do the tasks assigned to them by Xu Jing.

The place where they had their classes was a room that had been converted into a pharmacy. There were all kinds of medicinal materials and medical books in it. Xu Jing taught them one to two hours of class every day, and the rest of the time they would spend time in the pharmacy sorting it out. Take notes from class and memorize medicinal materials.

While they were doing their tasks, Xu Jing shuttled among them, giving them a few words from time to time.

"Zisu, Zifu, your drawing of human acupuncture points is good, but there are a few wrong marks. There is a book on the bookshelf that talks about human acupuncture points. Go find it and correct it yourself according to the picture above. Show me later."

"Poria, your classification of medicinal materials is correct. Dandelion and Purpurea are both heat-clearing and detoxifying medicines. Put them down boldly. You remember things very quickly, but you always lack confidence. This needs to be corrected."

"The same goes for Mallow. While you are diluting, the patient may not be able to wait any longer. Doctors must be cautious, but caution should be due to reverence for life, not lack of confidence in oneself."

"Xianhua, you are the oldest and the fastest among these children to learn things. If you feel you have mastered the things I taught you, you can go to the bookshelf and look for the medical books I recommended to you before."

After Xu Jing and Xianhua finished speaking, they stood up, but without warning, they met a pair of gentle and smiling eyes.

She was slightly startled and looked at Xu Huaian who was standing by the door at some point. After a moment of silence, she smiled slightly and said, "Why is my cousin here?"

"My father said that you didn't have dinner with us last night, so I'm afraid you're still blaming us in your heart."

Xu Huai'an said softly: "This morning, you didn't come to have breakfast with us. Dad felt very uneasy. He said that if we make it difficult for you here, we will move out."

Xu Jing suddenly had a headache, "That's not what I meant. It really upsets me to think like this..."

"Even if Ah Jing didn't mean it, she was avoiding us on purpose."

Xu Huai'an looked at Xu Jing and suddenly smiled softly and said: "We haven't seen each other for so many years. Ah Jing doesn't know how to get along with us? It was clear that Ah Jing liked to act coquettishly with us in the past. Every time... we have to leave Xijing Sometimes, she would hold my or my dad’s hands, crying and not letting us go. At that time, Jing..."

His eyes moved to the little girls in the room, and there was a bit of nostalgia in his eyes, and he said softly: "They are just as old as these children."

Xu Jing looked at him quietly for a while and sighed secretly.

She could more or less guess what Xu Huai'an was thinking. She wanted to tell him that she was no longer the Xu Jing she used to be. The Xu Jing she used to be was long gone.

But, she couldn't say that.

She walked up to Xu Huaian and said: "Cousin... I'm right. I was so angry with you a few years ago. When I saw you all of a sudden, I didn't know how to get along with you, but I definitely didn't blame you. I mean, you and your uncle must not think this way.

Where's the uncle? I'll explain it to my uncle in person. "

Xu Huaian looked at the woman in front of him and felt in a trance.     It's really completely different.

In the past, Ah Jing was afraid of being alone, noisy, and willful. When they were about to leave, she would cry excitedly, "If you really care about me, don't leave! There is really no one who really cares about me in this world!" I might as well just die!" She would deliberately hide and let them search every corner of the village anxiously, just to see if they really cared about her.

That kind of Ah Jing made him feel both love and distress at the same time.

Ah Jing, who later hated them, would stare at them with poisonous eyes every time she saw them, and excitedly tell them to get lost, saying that their kindness to her was really just an act. No matter how they explained, they didn't want to believe it. Even my father knelt down in pain and begged her to listen to what they said, but he just looked at them coldly, turned around and left.

But that kind of Ah Jing is actually the same as when she was a child.

He could still see in her the shadow of the little girl who cried and wouldn't let them go when she was little.

However, the current Ah Jing is generous, confident, bright, shrewd and restrained in her dealings with others, and many times it is even difficult for people to see what she is thinking.

It was like a stranger he had never met before.

Seeing Xu Huaian not speaking for a long time, Xu Jing raised her eyebrows and said, "Cousin, what's wrong? Could it be that uncle is out?"

Xu Huaian just woke up from a dream and said with a faint smile: "No, dad is sighing in the front hall. No matter how we persuade him to go back to his room to rest, he doesn't listen."

Xu Jing seemed to have seen the stubborn expression on Xu Sihai's face, and couldn't help but chuckled and said, "Then let's go there now."

The two walked side by side slowly towards the front hall. Along the way, Xu Jing could feel that Xu Huaian kept peeking at her. She could only watch her nose and nose, pretending not to know.

When he was about to walk to the front hall, Xu Huaian suddenly whispered: "On your fifteenth birthday, when you lived in Zhuangzi, we met for the last time. At that time, I gave you a tourmaline butterfly and peony hairpin." , do you remember?"

Xu Jing's footsteps suddenly stopped.

"You were very unhappy at that time and asked me if I often gave hairpins to girls."

Xu Huaian's hands hanging on both sides tightened little by little. Recalling the girl's cute expression pouting with an angry face that day, her heart felt as if she was being pricked by needles.

"I said, of course not. I have only given you a hairpin for women. You asked me again why I gave you a hairpin. Do you know what it means when a man gives a hairpin to a woman?"

As he spoke, scenes after scenes appeared in Xu Jing's mind involuntarily.

It's just a pity that she is not the master of memory. To her, it seems that she is just watching a movie full of regret and helplessness. She will feel sad and regretful for the hero and heroine in the movie, but in the end she cannot empathize with them.

Xu Huaian walked up to Xu Jing cautiously, looked down at her, with a touch of longing and regret in his gentle eyes, and said in a slightly trembling voice: "I said at that time, I know, I will tell you the next time we meet. You. Jing, you don’t know how much I regret that I didn’t tell you the reason why I gave you the hairpin. If I had told you at that time, would our ending be different?
  It's just that there is no regret medicine in the world. It's my fault. I was too weak at the time and failed to protect you and give you a sufficient sense of security.

But, Ah Jing, since I was a child, I have sworn in my heart that I will take care of you for the rest of my life.

Do you really... want to remarry Xiao Qilang? "

 Three shifts today!
    (End of this chapter)

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