The wife of the power minister's family

Chapter 257 The professional qualities of the kidnapper

Hearing Xu Ya's words, Jiang Shaobai frowned and said, "Let the Xu family and Wang family come in immediately."

Soon, people from the Xu family and the Wang family hurried in. Duke Qiao strode forward with a dark face and gritted his teeth: "What is going on! Where is the letter?!"

The servant of the Wang family immediately handed over the letter with trembling hands. Duke Qiao opened it and took a quick look. He seemed to be frozen in place.

Xu Guangyi also quickly stepped forward and took the letter from the servant of the Xu family. After reading it, his expression changed drastically, "This... the handwriting of this is completely different from the last blackmail letter! The ransom demanded is also different! "

Xu Jing stood aside and saw the letter in Xu Guangyi's hand. There were only two simple sentences written on it -

Prepare a ransom of 10,000 taels, which must be unnumbered gold bars.

The trading location and trading time will be notified later.

Although the writing on the letter was neat, it looked very unnatural, and many of the strokes had a deliberately distorted feel.

This... is the letter I wrote with great effort in order to hide my true handwriting!

At this time, Qiao Guogong walked over quickly, gritted his teeth and snatched the letter from Xu Guangyi's hand. After taking a look, he walked to Xu Ya who was still lying on the ground and roared: "You are deliberately playing tricks." I!"

It looked like an angry lion, ready to bite Xu Ya into pieces at any time.

Xu Ya was so frightened that tears came out. She moved back desperately and said in a trembling voice: "It's not me! This letter is really... really not my handwriting! I... I locked up those two children in Qiulin Mountain outside the city. In a nearby cabin, there were... guards arranged to watch them. There was no way anything would happen to them! Yes... yes, someone must have known about this and was playing a prank! That must be the case!

I...I sent Tan Yun to see those two children in the afternoon..."

Qiulin Mountain is a mountain south of Xijing. Two hours is enough to go back and forth from Xijing Government Office to Qiulin Mountain even if you don't rush.

Xu Jing looked at Xu Ya suddenly and said, "When did you send Tan Yun to see those two children?"

"Da... it's about midnight (two o'clock in the afternoon)..."

As she said that, Xu Ya's eyes suddenly opened. She had been restless all afternoon today, and she even ignored such obvious doubts!

It's almost Xushi (7 p.m.), and no matter how slow Tan Yun moves, he should be back long ago!

She didn't come back, the only possibility is - something happened to her!

Upon hearing this, Duke Qiao immediately turned around and walked out, shouting: "Send someone to Qiulin Mountain immediately!"

Xu Guangyi looked at Xu Ya anxiously, then at Duke Qiao who had walked away, gritted his teeth, and followed quickly.

Jiang Shaobai also stood up and said in a deep voice: "Yao Shaoyin, arrange the manpower immediately, and we will go there together!"

After speaking, he looked at Xu Jing and said, "Ms. Xu, now that you have cleared yourself of all suspicion, I hope you can serve as an external consultant to the Xijing government office to help us solve the case."

Xu Jing was slightly stunned.

This was the first time that Jiang Shaobai seriously asked her to participate in a case. She was silent for a moment, nodded and said: "Thanks to Jiang Zhaoyin's love, the daughter of the people will do her best to assist the Xijing government office."

While waiting for the carriage to arrive outside, Xu Jing said: "Just now, the daughter of the people saw the two letters sent by the Wang family and the Xu family. The content and handwriting on them were consistent, and they were written by the same person. And...if... This is really sent by a kidnapper, and this kidnapper is obviously much more professional than Xu Sanniang."

Xu Sihai on the side asked puzzledly: "How did A Jing figure it out?"    "It's very simple. It can be seen from their demand for ransom. The blackmail letter fabricated by Xu Sanniang asked the Wang family and the Xu family to prepare Twenty thousand taels of silver notes. However, although banknotes are easy to carry, they are extremely easy to be traced. Each banknote will be printed with the bank that issued it and its serial number. As long as the kidnappers circulate these banknotes outside, the government officials will Through these banknotes, their whereabouts can be traced all the way.

Therefore, generally experienced kidnappers will not ask family members to use banknotes as ransom.

What's more, even for the Wang family, it is difficult to come up with twenty thousand taels at once. Xu Sanniang obviously wrote the number casually, but if it is only ten thousand taels, she can still get it by gritting her teeth. "

This is the same in modern times. Generally, novice kidnappers will ask for cash without any additional requirements. However, even if experienced kidnappers ask for cash, they will definitely put forward a lot of requirements in advance. For example, the cash cannot be in consecutive numbers and cannot be used in new coins. Banknotes and cash cannot have logos on them, etc.

Experienced investigators can tell many things just from their ransom letters.

Xu Sihai was startled, then opened his eyes slightly and said, "That's true! Rather than risk being discovered, it's better to directly ask the other party's family members to prepare physical objects that are difficult to track, such as gold and silver!"

Although gold and silver are heavy and difficult to carry, if they can be successfully transferred, these things will become his completely!

"That's right," Xu Jing nodded and said, "This time the kidnapper's request is that the ransom must be unnumbered gold bars."

Everyone couldn't help but look at each other, realizing the seriousness of the matter.

Jiang Shaobai took a deep look at Xu Jing, chuckled and said, "As expected of Madam Xu, it's no wonder that Yao Shaoyin can even ignore my orders for Madam Xu."

Xu Jing was slightly startled and quickly wanted to say something. Jiang Shaobai already said softly: "Madam Xu, don't worry, Yao Shaoyin has been working under me for many years. I know very well who he is. If he thinks that he will take over the case." Telling Madam Xu what happened will affect the investigation, no matter who Madam Xu is, he will not reveal a word."

While several people were talking, the carriage arrived.

Jiang Shaobai did not get on the carriage, but directly got on the horse.

Xu Jing glanced at Xiao Yi, who had been by her side, hesitated for a moment, and said: "Thanks to your help today, the suspicions on my cousins ​​and I have been cleared. Xiao... If something happens to Yanci, you don't have to use it." Keep staying with me."

Xu Sihai's eyes moved slightly, he took a step forward, bowed deeply to Xiao Yi, and sighed: "I really thank Xiao Qilang today. I'm in a hurry to confirm whether my two children are safe. I'll wait until I have some time." I will take them to my door in person to thank Xiao Qilang."

Xiao Yi glanced at Xu Sihai and said warmly: "We are all a family, Master Xu doesn't need to be so polite. I'm not too worried about Langjun Xu and Madam Xu. I'll go with you."

With that said, Cheng Xiao had already led Xiao Yi's horse over.

Xu Jing's heart moved slightly, and she unconsciously watched Xiao Yi get on the horse neatly. It wasn't until Xu Sihai called her that she turned around and got on the carriage.

Along the way, Xu Sihai lamented that Xiao Yi was reliable and responsible and a good man worthy of being entrusted to him for life.

Xu Huai'an on the side remained silent and didn't say a word.

When they were halfway there, Xu Jing slightly lifted the curtain. The man was tall and straight, with his back straight. He was riding a horse not far or near in front of their carriage, like a standing and silent mountain. An indescribable sense of stability.

She couldn't help but think to herself that her uncle was so satisfied with him now. If she reconciled with Xiao Yi in the future, she might be so angry that she would chop the man with a knife.

Thinking of Xu Sihai chasing Xiao Yi with a knife, she couldn't help but laugh, and the corners of her mouth curled up slightly unconsciously.

The carriage soon arrived in front of the cabin that Xu Ya mentioned. As soon as they got out of the car, they saw Qiao Guogong walking over quickly with a dark face. His voice actually had a hint of trembling as he said, "It's gone..." …Those two children are really missing!”

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