The wife of the power minister's family

Chapter 267 Unexpected Arrangement

Chapter 267 Unexpected arrangement (first update)

Xu Jing followed Yao Shaoyin back to the front hall of the Wang family again, and saw that in addition to the people from the government, there were only Duke Qiao, the two princes of the Wang family, Xu Guangyi and Wen. It was not as crowded as before.

Jiang Shaobai probably thought they were affecting the investigation and asked them to go back to their respective homes.

Jiang Shaobai motioned Xu Jing and Yao Shaoyin to sit down, looked at a government official standing in the middle and said, "Now you can tell me everything you have found out."

The yamen servant immediately saluted and said, "Yes." The subordinates once again asked the Xu family's servants in detail and learned that Yang Quanfu had always been a loner and had almost no close friendship with other people in the Xu family, but he was good at doing things and a good person. He was also kind and generous, and the servants of the Xu family spoke highly of him.

He lives in the same courtyard as the other stewards of the Xu family and has his own separate room. The other stewards said that he often leaves the house for business recently, and it is not as difficult as other servants to leave the house. He just needs to tell Mr. Cao.

As for what Yang Quanfu is doing outside, other managers said they don't know much because they rarely interact with him.

The subordinates then thoroughly inspected Yang Quanfu's room and found that Yang Quanfu's room was strangely clean, with almost no unnecessary clutter, and it didn't look like he had lived here for several years.

The most important thing is that there is nothing valuable in Yang Quanfu's room. "

Duke Qiao couldn't help but slap his thigh and said angrily: "This thief must have already planned to flee the capital after completing this kidnapping case!"

The yamen servant below said: "Probably not. We later discovered that those valuable things were not taken away by Yang Quanfu himself. In his room, we found a fragment from a certain piece of paper, which was pressed on Yang Quanfu's desk. At the foot of one of the tables, it was obvious that Yang Quanfu had torn up a piece of paper and accidentally dropped a small piece of it.

The fragment was very small, with a small part of a certain seal printed on it. Looking at the words on the seal, it obviously belonged to a certain escort agency. We asked the escort agencies one by one, and finally found that the seal belonged to the Tianyu Escort Agency in Xijing. We showed it After our identities were revealed, the people from the escort agency immediately admitted that Yang Quanfu had entrusted them to deliver escorts three days ago. "

Everyone was startled, and Yao Shaoyin couldn't help but wonder: "Could it be that what he entrusted to deliver was his own property? Could it be that he wanted to deliver the property to his future destination in advance? This move is quite smart..."


The yamen servant paused, and suddenly looked at Xu Jing with a strange expression, and said: "What Yang Quanfu entrusted to deliver was indeed all his property, but the place he requested to deliver it was Madam Xu's residence in Xijing City, and he requested the escort agency Don’t tell Madam Xu who gave it to her.”

They only discovered this after following the address.

They were no less shocked than anyone present now.

Wen, who had been suppressing fear, suddenly seemed to have grasped something against Xu Jing, and said sharply: "How dare you say that you have nothing to do with that thief Yang! Could it be that this is a trick you made against our Xu family... "

"Mrs. Wen."

Xu Jing interrupted her unceremoniously and said coldly: "If Yang Quanfu and I have anything to do with each other, he doesn't need to ask the escort agency to anonymously give his property to me."

"Who knows if you and that thief Yang did this deliberately, just to deceive us..."

"Mrs. Wen!"

Duke Qiao suddenly stood up, with a fierce and stern face like an angry lion, and said fiercely: "The identity of the kidnapper was found out by Madam Xu. I still count on Madam Xu to rescue my Wang family's children. Wen It’s one thing that Madam doesn’t care about your Xu family’s children, but if Madam Wen continues to mess around and disrupt our pace of rescuing people, don’t blame me for being rude!"

Qiao Guogong has been up and down in the officialdom for so many years, but it is hard to see that Xu Jing played a vital role in this case.

He originally hated the Xu family for dragging his Jun'er into such a dangerous situation, but saving people was more important now. He originally wanted to wait until Jun'er was safe and sound before settling the accounts with the Xu family's descendants, but he didn't expect that this Xu family was more What he thought was even more stupid and vicious!

Mrs. Wen's expression changed, she shrank back suddenly, and said, "I...I don't..." "Come here! Drag this troublesome woman out of here immediately!"

Duke Qiao, however, had no patience to talk nonsense with her. He waved his hand and servants of the Wang family came up immediately and dragged Mr. Wen out without any explanation.

Mrs. Wen was completely panicked. She looked at Xu Guangyi desperately and begged for mercy loudly, "Mr. Qiao, please calm down. I...I'm just worried about our children! Please let me stay, Mr. Qiao." Come on, I just want to hear more news about my child!"

Xu Guangyi simply ignored Wen's look for help and kept his head lowered.

At this time, how could he dare to anger Duke Qiao?

Wen really couldn’t figure it out! Is now the time to get angry with others? ! His two wives, one is stupid, the other is narrow-minded, and neither one can stand on the stage!

The other people here had long been extremely fed up with this woman. Seeing her being dragged away, no one said a word. After the front hall became quiet again, Jiang Shaobai looked at Xu Jing and said, "Why do you think Yang Quanfu wanted to take all the belongings?" Leave it all to you?”

Xu Jing pursed her lips slightly.

Yao Shaoyin on the side couldn't help but said: "Do you need to say more? He betrayed the Xu family and Madam Xu for Madam Wen before. He must be extremely guilty in his heart, so he wanted to leave all his belongings to Madam Xu. Anyway, he is like this If this kidnapping case is successful, there will be tens of thousands of taels of silver, and a few gold bars he took away will be more than double his original belongings."

Xu Jing said quietly: "Then he is quite confident. He will definitely escape from this kidnapping case with money."

Yao Shaoyin was stunned.

Yes, no one can be 100% sure that they can succeed in such a risky thing.

Yang Quanfu left all his belongings to Madam Xu early in the morning. He really didn't leave any way out for himself!

He suddenly thought of a possibility and couldn't help but take a breath, "No way, this Yang Quanfu must be thinking of committing suicide!"

No matter how you look at it, it looks like a person knows that his end is approaching, so he has arranged everything for himself in advance!

He couldn't help but think of Madam Xu's previous words, "People who have nothing are the craziest."

This really seems like something Yang Quanfu would do!

In this case, the situation of those two children will be even more dangerous!

Duke Qiao couldn't help but turn pale. He gritted his teeth and said, "This time, Jun'er must be rescued no matter what! Since we know that when he comes to collect the ransom, the two children are not with him. The worst is possible." Catch him and ask him about the whereabouts of his two children!"

A gentleman from the Wang family on the side immediately said: "Uncle, no! If Yang Quanfu has a death wish, no matter how hard we torture him, he may not be willing to speak. If his accomplices see that he has not gone back, Jun The situation is even worse for me!"

Another Wang family man also said: "Yes, I agree with Wu Lang's statement. I still think it is more feasible to send someone to follow him and find their hiding place first!"

Duke Qiao didn't know this, so he said with an annoyed look: "The one we sent to follow him last time was already the best expert we could find at present, and he can't even be followed, so who else can we send there? If we miss this time, I'm afraid we will never have the chance to find their hiding place!"

The tracking limitations are still too great.

They are hiding and kidnapping, and as long as the kidnapper is cautious and flexible, he can easily get rid of them!

(End of this chapter)

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