The wife of the power minister's family

Chapter 287 The real cause of death

Wangzi River is a river near Baiyang Village. It is at the end of the village near the mountains and forests. It takes almost a cup of tea to walk from the village.

There is a river called Wangzi River near Baiyang Village. Villagers collect water, do laundry and other things by the river. Therefore, the Wangzi River is always very lively during the day, but after all, it is some distance away from the village and the surrounding area is deserted. At night, Basically no one will come here.

Several people hurried to the Wangzi River. They were about to reach the river. Not far away, there was a sudden "plop" sound of heavy objects falling into the water. Everyone's hearts jumped slightly with this sound, and they suddenly felt anxious. Having a very bad premonition, he quickly quickened his pace and ran towards the direction of the sound.

The place where the sound came from was near a wooden bridge.

That is also the closest bridge to Baiyang Village nearby.

On the river on both sides of the bridge, there were clumps of messy water plants as high as a person's height. Through the pale moonlight, they could only see the dark water on the river near the water plants on the other side. There are still ripples left.

One of the men couldn't help but said in horror: "It couldn't have been Xiaodongzi who fell in, right? In such a cold weather, falling into the water will kill someone!"

Another man suddenly pointed at a tall figure across the river, "Wait a minute, the guy on the other side of the river...isn't that Jiang Da?! Could it be that Jiang Da threw Xiao Dongzi in?!"

The man who had just proposed to come to the river to find Xiao Dongzi frowned, suddenly took a deep breath, and jumped into the river with a pop.

Yan Si looked anxious, gritted his teeth, and jumped in.

The other men looked hesitant, and they would forget it when the weather is warm. Just like the man just said, someone could die at any time if they go into the water in this weather. After all, it is not their own child. Who would risk their own life to save it?

One of the men seemed to want to break the slightly awkward atmosphere and suddenly said loudly: "Stop waiting for Chen Laosan and the others! That Jiang Da happened to be here at this time, and it must be related to this matter! Let's hurry up Some people come and capture him! The wrongdoer has his debtor, and by the time he runs away, it will be too late!"

Immediately, several men responded in unison, got on the wooden bridge on the side, and walked to the other side menacingly.

Xu Jing and Wei Muqing looked at the river nervously. They saw two men in the water. After diving and resurfacing several times, the man named Chen Laosan finally found him!

He quickly swam to the shore with the soft child in his arms, carefully placed him on the ground, and said tremblingly: "Doctor Wei, fortunately you are here, please...please help look after Xiaodongzi..."

Wei Muqing rushed over and quickly checked Xiao Dongzi.

Seeing Chen Laosan's pale face, Xu Jing frowned and said, "Go and change your clothes quickly. If this continues, you will become hypothermic... and something will happen to you too."

"No hurry, just... just now, someone has gone back to inform other villagers, and someone will send clothes soon."

The moment they heard that something had fallen into the water, those who were traveling with them quickly turned around and returned to the village to inform others about the incident.

At this moment, Wei Muqing's slightly trembling voice sounded, "Xiao Dongzi... is out of breath..."

Chen Laosan and Yan Si, who had just landed ashore, suddenly changed their expressions.

Xu Jing walked over quickly and quickly checked Xiaodongzi. Her heartbeat had stopped, there was no pulse, and her pupils were dilated...

She pursed her lips, suddenly and neatly untied the child's clothes, and under the shocked gazes of everyone, began to perform chest compressions and artificial respiration on the child.

Wei Muqing was also a little stunned, and his eyes widened suddenly when Xu Jing directly performed artificial respiration on the child.

But everyone still has a certain ability to distinguish. They had heard before that Madam Xu was also a doctor, so they could see that she was trying to rescue Xiao Dongzi.

Although this rescue method is unheard of, it is quite frightening.

Xu Jing desperately performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation for a while, but when she saw that the child was motionless, her heart became completely cold.

Finally, she retracted her hand, gently pulled up the child's clothes, and sighed secretly: "This child can no longer be saved..."

"Dong... Dongzi! My Dongzi!" Yan Si, who was already covered with a blanket, suddenly rushed over and cried bitterly: "You... why did you just go like this! But someone harmed you I killed you! Jiang Da! But you harmed my son!"

As he spoke, he suddenly raised his head and glared at Jiang Da, who was surrounded by a group of grown men not far away.

Jiang Da's dark eyes were extremely calm, and his voice was low and hoarse, "It's not me."

He seemed to rarely speak, but he spoke these three words very stutteringly.

However, Yan Si obviously did not buy his account and said excitedly: "Then... how come you happened to be standing by the river! And the place where Dongzi fell into the water was closer to the other side of the river! At that time, you were the only one on the other side of the river! My Dongzi I am definitely not the kind of child who commits suicide at will! It must be you!"

Others also said: "When we heard the sound of falling water and ran over, we saw you standing by the river. No wonder Yan Si suspected you!"

"Who knows what you did before we came here!"

"I see that Dongzi, a child, did not commit suicide for a trivial matter! The child is gone now. If he was really killed by someone, we have to seek justice for him!"

Seeing that everyone was getting more and more excited as they talked, Jiang Da's eyes became more and more serious as he said word by word: "I didn't. I also heard the sound of falling water. Come and take a look."

Not to mention Xu Jing, even the people in Baiyang Village heard him speak such a long speech for the first time.

But the villagers didn't buy it. The more abnormal he became, the more they thought he was the murderer.

Some villagers even shouted loudly, "Hurry! Take him to the government office!"

When Jiang Da heard this, a fierce light suddenly appeared in his black eyes, and his cheek muscles tensed up instantly. Xu Jing, who had been observing him secretly, said something bad in secret, and quickly said: "Now the city gate is closed, if you want to Going to the government office to play drums and complain about grievances has to wait until morning.

Moreover, I also think that this Jiang Langjun is not a murderer. "

The villagers were startled, their brows deeply furrowed, and they said dissatisfiedly: "Ms. Xu, how do you know that Jiang Langjun is not a murderer? How dare you not investigate the case!"

"That's right. Besides, you are not from our village after all. You, an outsider, have no right to interfere in the affairs of our village!"

The more united such a village is, the more exclusive it becomes.

This is why they insist on thinking that Jiang Da is the murderer of Xiao Dongzi, because in their hearts, Jiang Da is also an outsider, and an outsider full of threats.

Xu Jing opened her mouth and was about to say something. Not far away, a calm and deep woman's voice suddenly sounded, "Ms. Xu is not qualified to interfere in the affairs of the village. I am qualified."

Everyone turned their heads suddenly and looked at Yan Ci who was slowly walking over with surprise. They all called out respectfully, "Doctor Yan!"

Yan Ci glanced at Jiang Da who was not far away, then walked to Xiao Dongzi's body, half-crouched down and whispered: "If you want to seek justice for this poor child, all you need is one It's not enough to express anger. If he was killed by someone, he must find the person who really killed him before he can truly rest in peace.

Madam Xu, you said just now that you think Jiang Da is not the murderer. I want to hear the reason why you said that. "

Although she never mentioned Jiang Da directly, Xu Jing couldn't tell that she was speaking for Jiang Da.

She obviously also thinks that Jiang Da is not the real murderer.

What is the relationship between Yan Ci and this Jiang Da?

Xu Jing was silent for a moment and said, "Because the real cause of Xiao Dongzi's death was not drowning."

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