The wife of the power minister's family

Chapter 308 Traces of the 6th Person

Bitten to death by a wild animal?

Seeing Xu Jing looking at him in surprise, Huang Jinyuan quickly added more details, "Lingzhou has many mountains. Although we hold activities to drive away wild beasts every year, occasionally there are still one or two that have not been driven away completely. The beasts Biting people to death also happened from time to time.

Wang Man and his mother were also in trouble. When she went out to look for Wang Man, a wild beast had just been driven away near our village. She might have thought it was safe, so she dared to take the path in the forest at night to look for Wang Man.

When Wang Man's wife was buried, I took a look at his mother's body. Hiss, no part of the exposed skin on her body was good, especially from the right side of her face to her neck. A large piece of flesh had been torn off. , you can see the white bones.

However, she was lucky. It was common for the bodies of people who were bitten to death by wild beasts to be missing arms and legs. Wang Man’s corpse was at least complete, and judging from the wounds on her body, the beast’s mouth Not big, we all guessed that she was bitten to death by a young wild beast..."

Cheng Xiao frowned upon hearing this.

It's no wonder that the child's death has no sense of existence.

Mainly because the impact of his grandma's death was too great.

Xu Jing asked again: "Where is Wang Man's father? How did he die?"

Huang Jinyuan said: "Wang Man's father's death was much more ordinary. He died of illness five years ago."

Xu Jing nodded and said: "In other words, after his father is gone, the only five people in Wang Man's family who were killed today are left?"

"That's not the case either."

Huang Jinyuan shook his head and said: "Wang Man still has two daughters, but they were both married two years ago. The eldest daughter was married three years ago and was married to Gaojiacun not far away, and the second daughter was married two years ago. The one who was married before was married far away, but she was also in Lingzhou, and her husband’s family was in Lingzhou, close to Lingshui Village on the other side of Shuozhou.”

Xu Jing nodded, thought for a while, and walked into the room on the left side of the front hall first.

The room on the left is the bedroom of Mr. and Mrs. Wang Man. The layout inside is very simple. It is just a clay kang bed. At the end of the kang bed, there are boxes and cages for clothes and sundries attached to the wall next to it. At this time, those boxes and cages have been beaten. When he opened it, the contents were scattered all over the room.

Judging from this handiwork, it must have been done by the soldiers last night.

Xu Jing took a rough look at the clothes and various quilts that were thrown on the ground. Among them were a pair of half-finished socks and a cotton-padded coat with a sleeve missing.

She picked up the cotton-padded coat and looked at it. Wang Man was short and fat. This size should have been made for Wang Man.

She picked up the pair of socks again and frowned slightly.

Although the socks were only half done, this half alone was bigger than the palm of her hand. Are Wang Man's feet... so big?

Or is this made by Sister-in-law Ye for Wang Dafu?

She put down the socks and walked into the room to the right of the front hall.

The room on the right is where Wang Dafu and his wife live. The layout is similar to the room of Wang Man and his wife, except that there is a tattered desk, and there are several children's enlightenment books among the debris thrown on the ground. And some pens, inks, paper and inkstones.

It seems that Wang Dafu and his wife are determined to train their son to be a scholar.

Two pairs of half-finished socks were also found in Wang Dafu’s room, a pair of large ones and a pair of small ones. The smaller ones were naturally made for Wang Dafu’s son. The larger pair looked similar to those in the room of Wang Man and his wife next door. The half-finished pair I found were about the same size.

So, Sister-in-law Ye’s pair of socks were really made for Wang Dafu?

However, Wang Dafu’s wife had to help with his share, so did Sister-in-law Ye need to cook it for him too?

At this moment, Cheng Xiao on the side said: "Madam, I discovered this."

As he spoke, he handed Xu Jing a crumpled piece of paper on which several people were drawn with messy abstract lines. It seemed to be drawn by Wang Dafu's son. However, in the middle of the painting, there is a short and fat man and a woman with long hair and a smiling face. From the figure, it can be barely seen that the painting is Wang Man and his wife.

To the left of Wang Man and his wife, stood a tall man and a woman who was shorter than the man. Between them was a child. This painting shows himself and his parents.

On the right, there are two women, one tall and one short, who should be Wang Man's two daughters.

However, the most eye-catching thing about the whole painting is a black and hairy thing lying in front of everyone. That thing is bigger than any person in the painting. It has a ring around its neck. The end of the circle is being held by the child in the painting.

Xu Jing frowned slightly.

This is...a dog?

However, she has not seen a dog in Wang Man's house until now.

She walked outside with the painting and asked Huang Jinyuan, "Has Wang Man's family ever raised a dog before?"

Huang Jinyuan was slightly stunned and said: "Their family raises chickens and ducks, so they kept a dog to visit the house, but I didn't see the dog when I came here today. It must have escaped yesterday during the chaos."

Xu Jing immediately handed the painting in her hand to Huang Jinyuan's nose and said, "Is the dog they raise as big as the one in the picture?"

Huang Jinyuan looked at the painting with some surprise and said: "How could that dog be so big? I remember it was a small dog, not much bigger than Wang Man's grandson, but Fortunately, he was ferocious enough. Wang Man once proudly told me that he was a peerless good dog that didn’t eat much but was very useful.

Speaking of which, such a big dog is rare in the world. This should be a painting drawn by Wang Man's grandson, and children's paintings cannot be accurate..."

Xu Jing's eyes were stern and she said: "The child's painting skills are indeed not good, and occasionally he will be imaginative. But judging from the other people in the painting, this child pays great attention to the differences in body shape of each person. The height, short, fat and thin are almost completely based on reality. The situation was drawn.”

Huang Jinyuan was stunned for a moment, then took a closer look, feeling a little chilled in his heart for no reason, "It seems really... but, but, what does this mean? Does it mean that there really is such a big dog in Wang Man's house?" "

"It doesn't have to be a dog."

After Xu Jing left these intriguing words, she walked outside to the yard.

On the left side of the yard are two rooms connected together. According to Huang Jinyuan, this was originally the room of Wang Man's two daughters. After the girls got married, one of the rooms was converted into a utility room and the other room was prepared. Let Wang Man's grandson live there when he grows up.

On the right is the kitchen. A piece of land is fenced next to the kitchen to raise chickens and ducks. However, after the turmoil last night, almost all the chickens and ducks inside were gone.

Xu Jing thought for a while and walked straight into the kitchen. Because there were usually no valuable items in the kitchen, it escaped without being messed up.

There are baskets of washed dishes and chopsticks next to the stove in the kitchen. These dishes and chopsticks should be commonly used, so they are not put in the cabinet.

Xu Jing took out all the bowls and chopsticks and counted them one by one. In addition to five ordinary-sized bowls, there was also a large bowl as big as two ordinary bowls with bumps on the edge. At first glance, it looked like just a bowl. Weathered bowl.

Is this big bowl used for eating or serving dishes?

Xu Jing took out all the chopsticks inside again and counted them one by one.

After counting, she took a long breath and finally confirmed what she was thinking.

There are currently five people living in Wang Man's family, but they commonly use six pairs of chopsticks.

She put down the chopsticks in her hand, turned around, looked at Cheng Xiao and Huang Jinyuan, who were looking at her curiously, and said in a deep voice: "There is a sixth person living in this family. The sixth person recognized by others, when those soldiers broke in last night, they probably accidentally released this ferocious beast." (End of Chapter)

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