The wife of the power minister's family

Chapter 317 1. Listen to my wife in everything

Although Xu Jing doesn't have much experience in love, she is a modern soul with extensive knowledge. When she was young and ignorant, at the instigation of her harmful friends, she also saw some famous neon products. Her face instantly burst into a blush, almost I understood the meaning of the man's words in seconds.

He also realized his weird actions just now.

Is he feeling it right now?

When did it happen? Was it, she was the one who started it?

Xu Jing considers herself to have dissected countless corpses. In her eyes, tall, short, fat and thin men and women are nothing more than the most ordinary corpses. What's more, the cases she has participated in are all kinds of weird, and she can't even do that kind of thing. It's not like she hasn't examined corpses that suddenly died in the middle. She should be very familiar with the things between men and women, and she is even numb.

But she didn't expect that in the end, she was just an armchair strategist. No matter how much theoretical knowledge she knew, when things actually happened to her, she would be as helpless as a novice.

She retracted her hand as if she was electrocuted, but she couldn't help but glance at the man opposite her again and again. Seeing that the redness on his face didn't recede for a long time, she finally couldn't help but ask: "Are you... feeling uncomfortable?"

Xiao Yi: "..."

How should he answer this question?

He had known that this woman was bold, but he didn't expect that she could say such a question so casually.

But after so many years of reading sages' books, Xiao Yi still wanted to maintain the image of a gentleman in front of his wife. He couldn't help but straighten his waist, pretend to be sitting upright and said, "It's okay."

After a pause, he coughed lightly and said, "If you look at my wound normally, I won't feel uncomfortable."

Just stop touching and touching like you just did...

The feeling is really hard to describe...

Xu Jing couldn't help but glance at him again.

Is it really okay? His face was obviously still red.

I have to say that this handsome man, who always gives people a sense of abstinence, is sitting on a couch in disheveled clothes, with a handsome face flushed and eyes slightly wet looking at you. It is really... indescribably tempting. People made some evil thoughts in Xu Jing's heart ready to move.

She suddenly stretched out her hand in a desperate manner and poked his chest, "What about this?"

Xiao Yi: "..."

What is his wife doing all of a sudden?

Seeing that the man seemed to be frozen in place, Xu Jing suddenly became curious and changed from poking to caressing, "What about this?"

Xiao Yi: "..."

The burning heat in the body that had been suppressed with great difficulty suddenly ignited again like a huge fire.

Seeing that the man's expression remained unchanged, Xu Jing suddenly enlarged the range of caresses with interest, "How about this..."


Xiao Yi finally couldn't bear it any longer and grabbed someone's malicious hand, clenching his back teeth slightly and saying, "If you keep doing this, I will misunderstand you."

Misunderstood her, maybe she also had that kind of thoughts towards him.

Do you actually not object to taking a further step with him?

But how is it possible.

He remembered clearly that when A Jing came to Lingzhou to give him an answer, she said we should give it a try first.

He had already made his feelings clear, but she hadn't yet. He had already used despicable means to get her to remarry him. He didn't want to unilaterally force her to stay with him from now on.

He hoped that this time, she would make the decision on her own initiative, and he hoped that she would be willing to stay with him without any regrets.

He could wait his whole life.

Seeing the man's increasingly flushed face and his forbearing black eyes with a hint of expectation, Xu Jing raised her eyebrows slightly and couldn't help but bend her eyes slightly. For the first time, she felt an emotion similar to pity towards the man in front of her.

She couldn't help but leaned forward and kissed the man's forehead gently. Under the man's slightly stunned gaze, she smiled and said: "Don't misunderstand me. You are injured now, no matter how much you misunderstand me, It’s no use, just heal your injury first!”

Xiao Yi, whose heart was filled with surprise and expectation because of that kiss, couldn't help but his eyes darkened.

After all, it’s still a misunderstanding. However, it's been less than a month since Ah Jing agreed to give him a try, so it's normal that she hasn't decided yet.

He was too impatient.

Xiao Yi immediately took out the composure of lying dormant in the court waiting for the enemy to fall into the net. He took a breath and said in a hoarse voice with a bit of helplessness: "A Jing, please stop teasing me..."

Since it was a misunderstanding, in Xiao Yi's opinion, Ah Jing's little actions just now were just deliberate pranks.

However, to Ah Jing, this was just a small prank. To him, it was tantamount to the cruelest torture in the world.

Even if he was hit by a sword in his life, it would not be that painful...

Xu Jing looked at him funny.

She could somewhat tell what this guy was thinking.

He kept remembering that she said she wanted to try this with him first.

However, it was naturally wrong for him to think of her as a modern soul using the ancient mentality of self-restraint and propriety.

When she said give it a try, she actually wanted to have a good relationship with him first like a modern man and woman. She didn't want to think about heavy things like staying together for life and death and growing old together. She wanted to let two souls who were unfamiliar with each other get to know each other first. , and finally decide whether to stay together.

However, they were married after all, and there was no need to have too clear boundaries on many things. She was still very satisfied with how they were getting along now. Maybe if they were getting along like this, they would move forward naturally. Together, the vows of eternal love and lifelong promises are just the icing on the cake.

Therefore, she actually does not object to having something happen with him.

The only thing that made her hesitate was the matter of the child.

It doesn't matter how the two of them mess around, but it would be too irresponsible for the child if they messed with it before they had figured it out.

Contraception was still difficult in ancient times...

That's all, let him continue to restrain himself and observe etiquette.

Xu Jing made up her mind and stopped teasing someone on purpose. She took off the bandage on his shoulder and checked his wound seriously.

Seeing this, she couldn't help but frown slightly.

Although the wound was not fatal, it was deep and there must have been a lot of blood.

No wonder the man's face looked so bad when he saw him just now.

Even though this was the case, he still had the energy to be distracted.

Fortunately, it was dealt with in time, and Xiao Yi did not make any violent movements after that, so the wound did not deepen further.

Xu Jing carefully cleaned his wound, then took out her own special trauma ointment with anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, changed his medicine, and wrapped his wound with a clean bandage.

During this period, Xiao Yi kept looking down at her, his eyes soft and satisfied, as if just looking at her like this, he got the whole world.

After doing all this, Xu Jing stood in front of him and said with a serious face: "Your wound is not shallow. You must pay attention to it during this period. The wound should not be exposed to water. The dressing must be changed at least twice a day. You must also avoid eating. Try to stay safe." Mainly light...

That's all, I'm here anyway, and then I'll arrange your daily life. "

Xiao Yi couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth slightly, and said extremely seriously: "I will obey Madam in everything."

Xu Jing couldn't help but look at him funny again. She really didn't want to say how frightened her subordinates who were used to his stern look would be if they saw his well-behaved and clever look.

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