The wife of the power minister's family

Chapter 320 I’m afraid I’ll go crazy with joy

Xu Jing couldn't help but look at Xiao Yi.

Although she had always known that there were some problems between Xiao Yi and her family, she didn't ask what the problem was, and he didn't tell him either.

Xiao Yi's slender fingers gently rubbed the azure cup, and after a moment of silence, he said: "Although I have little contact with the Xiao family now, I still have the ability to find out whether anyone within the Xiao family has a rebellious heart. of."

Zhao Jingxuan glanced at him and said: "Then the Xiao family will be left to you. No matter what, I don't want the person who colludes with Li Yuan to come from our family. However, if that person comes from the Wang family and the Jiang family, It’s even more difficult at home, after all, it’s easy to investigate the affairs of one’s own family, but there are always several layers behind the investigation of other people’s affairs.”

But since they have taken over this matter, the Holy One will probably let them continue to pursue it.

It will be obvious to the naked eye that we will be busy for a while.

The Wang family and the Jiang family... Xu Jing couldn't help but think of her dealings with these two families during this period.

Since she went to Xijing, she has unknowingly had some contact with all four families.

She suddenly thought of something and said: "After talking for a long time, you haven't mentioned it yet, why is this matter related to me?"

"Yes, I forgot about this!"

Zhao Jingxuan clapped his hands lightly and said: "Now that we know that this matter is related to the four major families of Chu, the matter has become a lot more difficult. Before we find out everything, in order to avoid alerting others, this matter should not be made public. Investigations can only be done in private.

But that doesn't mean that we haven't done anything on the surface. Before clearing the suspicions of each family, we have to keep an eye on what they are doing now. Some inappropriate things should be stopped and should be stopped. "

Inappropriate things? Xu Jing said: "For example?"

"For example, the Wang family secretly sells cold food powder..."

Xiao Yi answered calmly: "Also, the Jiang family wants to support Guangmingtang and provide medicine for the army."

Xu Jing was slightly stunned.

She knew about the Jiang family's support for Guangmingtang, but this was the first time she heard about the Wang family secretly selling cold food powder!

Xiao Yi looked at her and said warmly: "It was also when you were investigating the case in the Imperial College that I found out that the Wang family was related to the dark network that had been selling cold food powder in Dachu. It should be said that the dark network was established by the Wang family. . I have been tracking this matter during this period, and found that in addition to students and ordinary people in the Imperial College, there are also many officials and generals from the court and central government who purchase Hanshi Powder through this dark network.

Hanshi Powder is a forbidden drug in Dachu, and selling Hanshi Powder brings huge profits. If the Wang family takes risks and sells Hanshi Powder for these profits, things will be simpler, and they are afraid that they have evil intentions. "

After all, when the previous dynasty was in turmoil, it was precisely because most of the dignitaries and generals were addicted to taking cold food powder that the previous dynasty collapsed so quickly.

It is easier to understand how to prevent the Jiang family from supporting Guangmingtang.

The army is the iron wall of a country. What the Jiang family has to do now is to provide medicine to the army. If they have any intention of destroying an army through medicine, it is a simple matter!

When she heard Zhou Qi say that the Jiang family was supporting Guangmingtang, she never imagined that such a big thing might be involved!

She suddenly felt blessed and understood why Xiao Yi said she wanted to know about this, and said: "You can't openly say that the Jiang family may have rebellious intentions, so you can only use other methods to prevent them from supporting Guangmingtang." , is the method you are thinking of - supporting another medical clinic to compete with Guangmingtang for the qualification to supply medicine to the army?"

Zhao Jingxuan couldn't help laughing, patted his thigh and said: "As expected of Madam Xu, Bingxue is indeed smart! Yes, we have a legitimate reason to crack down on the Wang family's dark network selling cold food powder, but if we want to stop the Jiang family and Guangmingtang, we have to It’s a lot of trouble. After all, on the surface, what they did is not wrong, and they can only use the method of ‘fair competition’.”

They say it's a fair competition, but they also know that the Holy One will silently support them behind the scenes. With His Majesty's support, as long as they have the ability to convince the Jiang family, isn't that spot within their grasp?

Xu Jing's heart jumped involuntarily. She has never hidden that she is a career-ambitious woman.

When Zhou Qi secretly resented that Guangmingtang was about to be far ahead of them, she was not unwilling at all. It was just that she knew rationally that she and Zhou Qi were not capable of fighting each other now, and she did not want to let her down because of her own affairs. Xiao Yi and the Jiang family are at odds.

However, now, a huge opportunity has come to her. If she seizes it, her career in this world can reach a new peak.

Is she going to give up?

How can it be!

She raised the corner of her mouth, raised the tea cup in front of her and paid a serious tribute to Zhao Jingxuan and Xiao Yi, saying: "I understand what you two mean. If you need help from me and the Zhou family, we are bound to do it."

She couldn't eat such a big piece of cake by herself, so she would definitely have to take it with Zhou's family.

She believed that Zhou Qiding would be very willing to do this, and she was afraid that he would go crazy with joy.

Zhao Jingxuan was stunned, couldn't help but glance at Xiao Yi, and laughed again, "Sure enough, Yan Ci was right. Originally, I said that I would support Madam Xu to compete with Guangmingtang, but Yan Ci was not very willing, saying that it was too dangerous. , but later he said helplessly that Madam Xu is a woman who has her own ideas, and I’m afraid that after Madam Xu knows about this matter, it will be useless no matter how much he objects.”

Xu Jing blinked and looked at Xiao Yi aside.

Xiao Yi just shook his head helplessly, lowered his head and took a sip of hot tea, and said: "I really don't want Ah Jing to be involved in this matter. If the force behind the scenes is really the Jiang family, the Jiang family I will definitely do everything possible to keep Guangmingtang’s quota of supplying medicine to the army, and in order to achieve my goal, I’m afraid I will resort to any dirty villain’s methods.”

"I know this."

Xu Jing said seriously: "But as the saying goes, wealth is gained through danger, what can be done without danger? Besides, I want to do this not all for myself. The Zhou family has a grudge against the Lin family who is in charge of Guangmingtang. They didn't know it before. You can just fight with the Lin family and forget it. If you knew about it, how could you be willing to let this opportunity go?


After a pause, Xu Jing's voice suddenly softened slightly, and she said: "I am your wife now. I have already joined the game. I will take in more and less. The difference is not big. You helped me a lot before. I also want to I’ll share some of it with you.”

Xiao Yi was slightly startled, never expecting that his reasons were included in her considerations.

He unconsciously stared at the woman in front of him, feeling moved in his heart.

Zhao Jingxuan, who was sitting opposite, couldn't stand it anymore. He suddenly stood up, pulled Xiao Yi up and walked out angrily, "Okay, the matter is settled like this. Supporting Madam Xu's medical center will not happen overnight. , it’s the same if we discuss it slowly in the future!

Xiao Yanci, don’t try to be lazy for me. Get to work quickly. I want to go back to be with my wife and children before the end of the year! "

Hey, it seems like no one has a wife and children!

Xu Jing looked at Xiao Yi who was being pulled away by Zhao Jingxuan with a look of helplessness, and couldn't help but laugh lowly.

After the two men walked away, she held her chin in one hand and began to think deeply.

Now that she has decided to seize the food from the tiger's mouth, her plan must be changed accordingly.

Many things need to be done in advance.

Xu Jing: If I say a few nice words, my husband will fully support my career. It’s not a bad deal~

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