The wife of the power minister's family

Chapter 327: Madam Xu also knows that person

Xu Jing, who was still a little hazy, suddenly woke up and sat up. Her voice was still a little hoarse in the morning, "How long have they been here?"

Chunyang said: "When they arrived, the servant saw that they seemed to be in a hurry, so he took it upon himself to wake up the lady."

"What time is it now?"

"It's past six o'clock in the morning (9 o'clock in the morning). The gentleman said that the lady has a hard time traveling during this period, so he asked the slave to let the lady sleep."

It's already time.

Xu Jing subconsciously turned her head and looked at the bed next to her, and saw that it was empty. Not only the big one was gone, but also the small one.

He couldn't help but blinked, "Where is the young man?"

She was used to Xiao Yi getting up earlier than her. When she opened her eyes, she was surprised to see Xiao Yi still sleeping next to her.

"The young man got up almost at the same time as the young man. The young man was worried that the young man would disturb his wife if he stayed here, so he asked the slaves to change the young man's clothes and then took him out."

Chunyang said, suddenly pursed her lips and smiled, and said: "Madam, I haven't seen the way the little man is following behind the man, just like a little follower. He is so cute, Mr. Lang." After walking a few steps, I saw that Xiao Langjun was having a hard time following him, so I turned around and picked him up.

Later, the young man and the young man had breakfast together and then went to work. The young man returned to his yard to do the homework left by his master. "

Xu Jing imagined this scene, her eyes couldn't help but soften, but when she thought that she was going to help the Xijing government office investigate the case, she didn't know how long it would take, and she was afraid that she would have no time to make a birthday cake for the little guy, so she couldn't help but think Sighing secretly, he got out of bed and said, "Help me prepare some toiletries. Call Qiu Shui in and tell Chu Ju to tell the people at the Xijing government office to wait for me for about two-quarters of an hour."

Chunyang responded, turned around and left the room.

Soon, Qiu Shui walked in, but saw that Madam was not in the room, but in the study on the right side of the hall wearing a coat. She was spreading out a piece of white paper and writing something on it, so she walked in and saluted. :"lady."

Xu Jing nodded without saying anything, racking her brains to think about the steps she had taken when her friend asked her to make a cake.

Although she is not good at cooking, she has a good memory. Although it was her friend who mainly made cakes at the beginning, it was she who reminded her of the steps, so until now, it is not difficult for her to recall those steps.

The only difficulty was that there were no ovens in ancient times, so it was too late to make one temporarily. Xu Jing simply changed the baked cake to a steamed cake. Although it didn't taste as fragrant, it was healthier. Besides, she believed in Qiu Shui's craftsmanship and made it through Qiu Shui. There is nothing that is not delicious!

After finishing writing, Xu Jing handed the piece of paper to Qiu Shui and said helplessly: "I originally wanted to study with you today and make a cake for Chang Xiao to celebrate his birthday, but I have to go out temporarily for something. I can only leave this matter to you alone. I have written the cake cooking steps on paper in as much detail as possible. You can see if you can make it. I will come back as soon as possible. If there is anything unclear to you, You can send the guards from the palace to ask me at any time."

Qiu Shui was startled, took the piece of paper and took a look at it. When she saw this fresh food that she had never seen before, the spirit of challenge in her heart suddenly ignited. She nodded vigorously and said: "Madam, don't worry, slave. I will definitely work hard to make this thing called cake!”

Madam always comes up with all kinds of novel ideas. To be honest, she is used to it. She often even expects Madam to come up with other ideas that she has never heard of before.

After all, the novel food that Madam comes up with every time is indeed delicious!

After Xu Jing explained some things to Niang Shen and others, she hurried to the front hall.

As she expected, it was Yao Shaoyin who came to see her. When she went to the front hall, Yao Shaoyin was walking around there, with dark clouds on his face, looking very restless.

You can tell from Yao Shaoyin's appearance that this is indeed an unusual case. Xu Jing's eyes darkened slightly and she said, "Sorry for the long wait, Yao Shaoyin."

When Yao Shaoyin saw her, he hurriedly greeted her and said with a look of surprise: "Mrs. Xu... Well, now it's time to call you Mrs. Xu. I'm really sorry. You just returned to Xijing yesterday. We're here to invite you early this morning." You helped me, but Mrs. Xu hasn’t had enough rest yet.”

Both "Niangzi" and "Madam" can be used to address married women, but common people usually use the title Niangzi, and unmarried young women who are married are all called Niangzi.

As for madam, generally a woman can be called madam only if the woman herself has a distinguished status or the husband she marries has a certain status and power.

To be honest, Xu Jing is more accustomed to others calling her Madam Xu than the title Madam, which seems to be a layer away from others.

She smiled softly and said: "Yao Shaoyin should call me Madam Xu. I'm used to it, and we don't need to be so restrained. Since the Holy Emperor has asked me to be the external consultant of Xijing Mansion Office, the matter of Xijing Mansion Office will be the same." It’s my responsibility for me to help.”

Yao Shaoyin immediately said very cheerfully: "Working with Madam Xu makes people feel comfortable. This case is of great importance, so there is no need to delay. I also ask Madam Xu to come with me. Jiang Zhaoyin is already waiting at the crime scene."

Xu Jing couldn't help but ask: "Aren't all major cases that happen in Xijing City taken over by Dali Temple?"

Yao Shaoyin's face suddenly became a little weird, and he sighed secretly, and said: "Major and egregious cases are only within the jurisdiction of Dali Temple, and our case looks like an ordinary suicide case. I said it is of great importance, mainly because the identity of the people involved is relatively sensitive."

After a pause, Yao Shaoyin said: "Mrs. Xu should also know that person. The woman who committed suicide was Jiang Yanxia, ​​the third daughter of the Jiang family, that is... Xin, the second murderer in the previous Smiling Killer case. Lei’s ex-wife.”

Xu Jing was stunned, and a beautiful and gentle face immediately appeared in front of her eyes.

The third lady of the Jiang family... actually committed suicide!

After Xin Lei was arrested, she returned to Jiang's house with him and it has been almost half a year.

Could it be that it's been so long and she still hasn't gotten over that incident?

Because it involved someone she knew, Xu Jing couldn't help but feel a little heavy on the way to the crime scene.

Yao Shaoyin took her all the way to a river in the north of Xijing. The river was called Xiaodongjiang, which was a tributary extending from the Nujiang River. Because the Xiaodongjiang River was very busy with water transportation every day, there were also many buildings on both sides of the Xiaodongjiang River. It is full of shops of all kinds, but it is winter now, the off-season for water transportation, and because it is almost the end of the year, both sides of the Xiaodong River are not as lively as they are during the peak season, and even seem a bit deserted.

Because she was in a hurry, Yao Shaoyin didn't tell her many details of the case, but the moment she saw Xiao Dongjiang, Xu Jing had an idea in her mind -

Jiang Sanniang probably committed suicide by drowning herself in the river.

But if it was really just a simple suicide, there was no need for Yao Shaoyin and the others to rush to find her.

There must be some hidden secrets in this case.

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