Now, even Yao Shaoyin noticed something was wrong.

Ordinary people would panic if they were clearly regarded as suspects. This Master Xuanyin was too calm, but he seemed to be secretly provoking them!

This is the first time he has seen such a murderer!

Xu Jing looked at Master Xuanyin and said with a smile: "Of course, Master Xuanyin can trouble you to call these two junior sisters over."

Soon, the two little nuns came to Xu Jing and the others. One of the little nuns was the young master who talked to Xu Jing in the first place!

When she saw Xu Jing, her eyes opened slightly, as if she was very surprised. Xu Jing glanced at her and said quietly: "Yao Shaoyin and I came here to track down the murderer who killed Sister-in-law Wu and Jiang Sanniang. I just hid it." After checking the identity, it is clear that the murderer is in your Jingyuan Nunnery. We called you here to ask a few questions, who among you is Jinglian?"

Hearing that Sister-in-law Wu and Jiang Sanniang were both dead, the two little nuns looked in disbelief. After hearing Xu Jing's last words, the little nun with a round face looked at the honest little nun and timidly said: "I... …I am Jinglian…”

She looked younger than Miao Lian, probably twelve or thirteen years old.

Xu Jing tried her best to speak softly: "I'm just going to ask you a few questions. Don't be afraid. On December 20th, Master Xuanyin said that she had been studying scriptures in her room all night, and she was guarding the door at that time. It’s you, but is this the case?”

Jinglian immediately nodded and said, "Yes, I was guarding Master at that time."

"About the time when you were ugly, did you see your master in person?"

Jinglian was slightly startled, and immediately realized something, and said uneasily: "You, you suspect that my master is a murderer? It's impossible, the master would not do such a thing! What's more, even though the master had been in the room that day, he had not come out. , but she lit a lamp in the room, and her shadow was cast on the sliding door, and she sat like this until dawn, I saw it with my own eyes!"

The sliding door she was talking about is usually a door made of wooden strips and paper. This kind of door is also very popular in Dachu. This kind of door is thin and transparent. If a lamp is lit in the room at night, the silhouette of the person will be very clear. Print clearly on the door paper.

Yao Shaoyin quickly asked: "Are you sure you were conscious that day? Or was that indeed your master's figure?"

Jinglian's face turned slightly red and she said: "Of course, I was responsible for guarding the door for Master that day! How could I be lazy! And, how could I, how could I misidentify Master's figure!"

Xu Jing said quietly: "I believe you are not lazy, but you guarded the door all night and never left at all?"

Jinglian was slightly stunned and said: "I left twice just because I went to the latrine, but the time I went to the latrine each time did not exceed a quarter of an hour!"

Xu Jing immediately asked: "When did you go to the latrine?"

"D-About the time of Shen Shizheng (four o'clock in the afternoon) and Haishi (ten o'clock in the evening)..."

Xu Jing was slightly stunned, "Isn't Shen Shizheng in the afternoon? Master Xuanyin started studying the scriptures so early?"

Jinglian nodded and said: "That day, Master's work was completed early that day. It was rare that she had no other arrangements in the afternoon, so she said she would spend more time studying the scriptures in her hands. It took so long for the scriptures to be in her hands. , because she was too busy with work, she never had the opportunity to study it carefully, which greatly slowed down the translation process."

"But Shen Shizheng, I guess you haven't had dinner yet?"

"Master specifically told me not to eat dinner that day. Master is not very fond of food. This is a common thing..."

"That is to say, you went to the latrine not long after your master entered the room to study the scriptures?"

"Yes, I, I am used to going to the latrine at the beginning of guarding the door..."

"Then how long are you going to keep guard?"

"Stay until the candle in Master's room goes out, which means Master is going to rest. Master said before that we can just go back to rest at that time without asking her specifically."

Xu Jing frowned.

This means that until the end, they never saw Master Xuanyin with their own eyes, nor heard her say a word.

Xu Jing asked again: "On the night you guarded the door, when did the candles in your master's room go out?"

"Master rested early that day, probably at about two o'clock in the morning, and the candle went out." Xu Jing couldn't help but secretly exchanged a look with Yao Shaoyin, then turned to Miao Lian aside and said, "I heard On the night of December 27th, Master Xuanyin also stayed up all night to study the scriptures, and you were the one guarding the door at that time. What was the situation like guarding the door that day?"

Miaolian was calmer than Jinglian and said: "My situation is similar to Jinglian. Master's figure was cast on the sliding door all night, and around midnight (11 p.m.), Master even came out to call me. Make a pot of tea and come over..."

Xu Jing raised her eyebrows slightly and said, "After that, will your master still come out or ask you to do anything?"

Miaolian shook her head, "No more."

After a pause, she added uneasily, "Master is an enlightened monk. He is different from us. During daily practice, he would sit still for the entire day. Once Master concentrates on doing something, When things happen, she forgets everything around her. It’s not normal for her to come out from time to time or ask us to do things.”

As if trying hard to make Xu Jing and the others think that it was normal for her master to sit still or not speak like this all night.

If it were normal times, it might indeed be normal for Master Xuanyin to be like this.

But not these two nights.

Xu Jing's eyes darkened slightly and she simply said: "I understand. Did you ever leave your master's door like Jinglian did that day?"

Miaolian bit her lip and said after a while: "I left..."


"I only left once. Around Yinshi (three o'clock in the morning), I went to the latrine..."

Xu Jing looked at her thoughtfully, "When you guard the door for your master, do you often go to the latrine?"

Miaolian's face turned slightly red and she said, "It's normal for people to have three anxieties. We are not like Master. After so many years of practice, we can easily stay in trance for a whole day."

"Then when did the lights in your master's room go out on the day you guarded the door?"

"About six o'clock in the morning."

Xu Jing nodded, smiled lightly and said, "I've finished asking my questions, you can leave first."

They were sitting at a stone table in the backyard of Jingyuan Nunnery. After the two nuns left, Yao Shaoyin immediately said: "Ms. Xu, in this case, it shouldn't be difficult for Master Xuanyin to forge her own alibi. , as long as she took advantage of the two junior masters to leave, put a doll that was about the same size as herself that she had prepared long ago in front of the desk, and she could leave secretly.

As for the candles in the room, some of the thicker ones can burn for a long time. There is no problem in burning for five or six hours. As long as Master Xuanyin leaves, the burning time of the candles can cover the time of her murder. "

When weddings are held in some places, there is a custom of burning dragon and phoenix candles all night long.

Xu Jing glanced at him and said: "Yes, Master Xuanyin often asks her disciples to guard the door for her. She must know that the disciples often go to the latrine when guarding the door, and she also knows some of their habits of going to the latrine.

Sister-in-law Wu fell from the roof when she was ugly, but now the city gate will be closed at about six o'clock in the afternoon, so Mrs. Xuanyin went into the room very early that day to study the scriptures and called Jinglian She came to guard the door because she knew that Jinglian usually went to the hut at the beginning of guarding the door.

In this case, Shen Shizheng could leave Jingyuan Temple. Although Jingyuan Temple was some distance away from Xijing City, one hour was enough for her to enter the city before the city gate closed. "

Xu Jing paused and said in a deep voice: "Jiang Sanniang left the Jiang family that day and probably left the city. The murderer took her back to Xiaodongjiang in the city and killed her after the city gate was opened. Dead, so Master Xuanyin only needs to leave Jingyuan Nunnery before the city gate opens, find Jiang Sanniang, and then she can carry out her crime!"

Therefore, she does not need the disciples guarding the gate to go to the hut at a specific time, as long as she knows that they will go there at a certain time while guarding the gate!

No wonder Master Xuanyin didn't even want to pretend after meeting Yao Shaoyin.

Because she knew very well that since they had investigated here, sooner or later they would find out that she was the most suspected of murder!

Yao Shaoyin immediately slapped the table and said, "In this case, as long as we can find the puppet Xuanyin used as a stand-in, we can basically prove that she is the murderer!"

Even if this doesn't directly prove that she is the murderer, it can still prove that she has a serious suspicion of committing the crime!

Xu Jing was silent for a moment, then slowly exhaled and said, "I'm afraid things won't be that simple."

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