The wife of the power minister's family

Chapter 359 Silly and Sweet Little White Rabbit

No matter how anxious and restless Xiao Yi was, he didn't dare to show anything in front of Ah Jing.

He was afraid of scaring her, and even more afraid that she would think of him as that anxious man.

However, God knows that only in front of her will his self-control drop again and again, and finally he reluctantly admits that a man has no self-control in front of the woman he likes.

Just because he liked her and wanted to respect her, he suppressed himself forcibly, hoping to follow her pace step by step and slowly.

Although there was still a hint of ambiguity and charm in the carriage, Xiao Yi had already sat upright again and was about to return to the seat opposite.

The sleeve on the left suddenly tightened, Xiao Yi turned his head subconsciously, and a fragrant breath suddenly hit his face. The next breath was softer than cotton wool, lighter than feathers, and sweeter than the ripest and fullest fruit. Something touched his thin lips, and something suddenly seemed to explode in his mind, and his eyes widened slightly in a hopeless manner.

However, that thing just touched his lips and disappeared so fast that Xiao Yi almost thought it was just his illusion.

It took him a while to regain some sense. He looked closely at the woman in front of him with a pair of black eyes, and said in a deep and hoarse voice, "Ajing, why are you..."

Xu Jing looked at him with a smile, one hand still tugging on his left sleeve. However, this was the first time she had a serious relationship with her family. No matter how calm she acted, the tips of her ears were still slightly red.

Seeing his silly look, she couldn't help but glare at him and said with a smile: "You look so dejected, how do you want me to pretend not to see it?"

Xiao Yi couldn't help but laugh angrily, "Am I dejected?"


Xu Jing raised her eyebrows and looked at him with some provocation.

She has been able to read this man's mind more and more recently.

It can be seen from what happened in Lingzhou that this man still cares about face. Sometimes he would rather endure it than let others see through his inner thoughts.

If someone saw through it, he would be somewhat upset.

However, Xu Jing is not afraid of his annoyance. If he sees through her, can he still beat her?

Xiao Yi couldn't see Xu Jing's little thoughts, so he couldn't help but chuckle, and whispered in her ear: "Madam, I'm not dejected."

"It's the dissatisfaction of desire."

Xu Jing: "..."

She still underestimated this man's face!

Realizing that she had seen through him, he simply stopped pretending and started acting like a rogue.

Xu Jing couldn't help but blush slightly, staring at him with a pair of almond eyes. Just as she was about to say something, a certain man quietly grabbed her waist, pulled her into his arms, lowered his head and blocked her lips directly.

It was different from the fleeting kiss she just had.

It was a real, deep, passionate kiss.

However, the man in front of her had no experience. He only knew how to follow his desires and attack the city without any skills at all. Several times, his teeth hit hers and even bit the corner of her lip.

Xu Jing finally couldn't help it, pushed him away, raised her right hand to cover her lips, breathed slightly and gritted her teeth and said, "Xiao Yanci, do you know how to do it?" Being despised by his wife, Xiao But Yi was not ashamed, but rather proud. He took her into his arms again and said with a low smile: "Doesn't this mean that I am a clean and self-sufficient person and only have Madam in my heart? Being so disliked by Madam, I feel I feel very sorry, and in order to prevent my wife from abandoning me because of this, I can only be more diligent and practice a few more times."

As he spoke, a pair of eyes looked at her unusually brightly.

Xu Jing: "..."

If she continues to listen to his nonsense, then she will really become a silly and sweet little white rabbit!

Xu Jing immediately kicked the man away with both hands and feet. Until she returned home, she didn't let the person who still had unfulfilled feelings touch her finger.

Today is December 29th.

After solving the case of Master Xuanyin, Xu Jing devoted herself wholeheartedly to preparations for the New Year and was extremely busy.

This is her first New Year in this world. Although others don't know it, for her, this New Year has extraordinary significance.

On New Year's Eve, Xu Jing and Xiao Yi took Xiao Huaian to watch the New Year. In order to prevent the little one from getting sleepy so quickly, the couple took turns. First, Xu Jing took the little one and taught him to play the playing cards she specially made before the New Year. He was very excited at first, but after playing with it, he became a little sleepy. At this time, Xiao Yi quickly pulled him into the yard, picked up a wooden sword, and showed him a set of sword skills with smooth movements.

Xiao Huaian, who was still drowsy at first, immediately became energetic. His eyes were shining brightly and he pestered Xiao Yi, saying that he also wanted to learn his father's sword dance. Xiao Yi took the opportunity to give him a small wooden sword that he had prepared a long time ago. Slow down and let him follow suit.

Xu Jing was sitting in the pavilion, holding a hand warmer in her hand, looking at the father and son bathing in the warm light, with a deep smile in her eyes.

When she first came to this world, she thought that her first New Year would be spent in Xinglin Hall with the Cheng brothers and sisters.

Who could have imagined that in less than a year, she would have such an opportunity.

Chunyang poured Xu Jing a cup of hot tea, looked at Lang Jun and Xiao Langjun outside the pavilion, and couldn't help but chuckled: "I heard that the Xiao family was also a family of military generals in the beginning, and Lang Jun is always busy with the punishment department on weekdays. Things, now this slave has the feeling that your husband really comes from a family of military commanders."

Chunxiang suddenly looked curious and said: "Speaking of which, didn't Lang Jun join the army before? I heard from Mrs. Zhao earlier that Lang Jun followed Liang Guogong and made many military achievements. If Lang Jun continues to stay in the army, , Bao Buqi is also a general, why did Lang Jun leave the army and take the imperial examination instead?"

Xu Jing picked up the hot tea, lifted the lid and took a sip, and said, "I don't know the specific details. Everyone has their own ambitions."

Although she and Xiao Yi are husband and wife, they haven't been together for long, and there are still many things they don't understand about each other.

Chunyang also thought of this and was worried that Xu Jing would be in a bad mood because of this, so he quickly changed the subject and said: "Speaking of which, tomorrow is the first day of the Lunar New Year when I will visit relatives and friends. Is it true that Mr. Lang is not going to visit the Xiao family who are also in Beijing?"

Although the Xiao family's original family is in Jinzhou, there are actually many Xiao family members who have settled here in Beijing. When Xiao Yi and Xu Jing remarried, they also came to have a wedding banquet.

She had heard Mother Shen say before that on weekdays, the Xiao family in Beijing would come to visit Lang Jun from time to time. After all, Lang Jun was a direct descendant of the Xiao family, and the Xiao family had placed great expectations on Lang Jun.

But Lang Jun never takes the initiative to visit them.

There is no Xiao family in the house that Lang Jun and his wife are going to visit tomorrow.

Xu Jing was silent for a moment, shook her head, and said with a faint smile: "If Mr. Lang says he can't go, then he won't go."

The only family I'm going to visit tomorrow that is related to Xiao Yi is Xiao He's family.

That was Xiao Yi's aunt's house. Xiao Yi's aunt Xiao Muyu was one of the few Xiao family members that Xiao Yi was willing to interact with.

To be honest, although Xu Jing was curious about what was going on with Xiao Yi and the Xiao family, she felt happy and relaxed in her heart because she didn't have to visit so many elders.

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