The wife of the power minister's family

Chapter 364 She is so powerful

Xu Jing's heart tightened slightly, and she held Xiao Yi's hand in turn.

Xiao Yi smiled faintly, looked at her, and said: "Don't worry, it has been so many years, and it can no longer affect me as it did before.

When my mother heard the news about my father and brother, she fainted on the spot.

Misfortunes never come singly, and not long after that, news came that my grandfather and two of my uncles had died in the battlefield.

My mother had a serious illness, and she almost couldn't survive it. I was helpless and frightened at the time, and I didn't even have time to grieve. I could only stay with my mother all day long, for fear that even my mother would leave me. . "

Xiao Yi took a breath, raised the corner of his mouth bitterly, and said: "One night, my mother suddenly touched my face and whispered, fortunately I still have you by my side, fortunately you are well...

I thought my mother had finally gotten through the most difficult period and wanted to cheer up. I was very happy. I even held my mother's hand and said that I would always be with her and never leave.

After that, my mother asked me to go back and have a rest, saying that I must be very tired after watching her for so many days, and she didn’t want to see anything happen to anyone around her.

In order to reassure my mother, I agreed to her request and went back to my room to rest. That is the most regretful thing I have ever done..."

Xu Jing pursed her lips slightly, already guessing what happened next.

"Although I went back to my room, I was still worried about my mother and couldn't sleep. In the middle of the night, I couldn't help but get up and wanted to take a sneak peek at my mother.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I walked into my mother's yard, I saw all the maids around my mother standing in the yard, crying and shouting something to the roof with anxious faces. When I looked up, I saw the cold and desolate people standing in the yard. Under the moonlight, my mother was standing on the roof wearing plain clothes...

That was the most fearful and helpless time in my life. I cried and begged my mother to come down and not leave me alone. But when my mother heard what I said, she only looked at me sadly and said, "Yier" , I'm sorry, I can't stand it anymore', so... jumped from the roof. "

Although Xiao Yi said that this incident could no longer affect him as before, Xu Jing could still hear the deep bitterness and sadness in his voice.

At that time, he was only a ten-year-old child. He just watched his mother-in-law jump from the roof and die in front of him. One can imagine how big the shadow this would bring to him.

Xu Jing didn't know what to say, so she silently held his hand tighter. After a while, she whispered: "But, in this case, why do you have a bad relationship with your father?"

From this point of view, his mother's death was not caused by his father.

She originally thought that his relationship with his father was so tense because of his mother.

Xiao Yi suddenly smiled sarcastically and said: "This matter is not over yet. Less than a month after my mother passed away, news came from the battlefield that my father had been found. He was beaten by the enemy at that time. He was injured and fell off a cliff, but was rescued by nearby villagers.

At the same time, the exact news of my brother's death came.

I don’t quite remember my mood at that time. I only remember that I had never wanted my father to come back so urgently. All the people closest to me were gone, and only my father was left.

About half a year later, the war finally subsided, and my father finally returned to Beijing with his army in triumph. At the same time, he brought back a young woman, and that woman was more than five months pregnant at the time. "

Xu Jing looked at Xiao Yi in disbelief.

Xiao Yi closed his eyes and said in a deep voice: "After I found out about this, I ran to question my father angrily, but my father said that it was this woman who saved him when he was dying, and she was equivalent to his reincarnated benefactor. , this woman's parents died early, and her life experience was very miserable. He had to take care of her both emotionally and rationally.

But I was too lazy to listen to this. I just asked him if he knew that my mother was dead when he was with this woman.

But my father was just silent, silent until the end, and only said lightly, children should not interfere in adults' affairs.

I was young at the time and didn't understand many things very well, but a nun next to my mother told me that based on the time this woman was pregnant, I was afraid that after my father had just learned the news that my mother was dead, Then he got together with this woman. "No wonder, no wonder the relationship between Xiao Yi and his father has always been bad.

No wonder Xiao Yi didn't even want to go back to the Xiao family because of this incident.

Xu Jing was silent for a while and sighed to herself: "It must have been very difficult for you at that time."

Xiao Yi didn't speak for a while. Just when Xu Jing thought he wouldn't speak anymore, he suddenly said in a hoarse voice: "Jing, I told you before that I never had any intention of getting married. I once I believe that women are fragile and can only rely on others to survive, whether it is my mother or the woman my father brought back, it is the same.

My mother chose to commit suicide at that time. I don’t blame her, because I know that she really endured a lot during that time. But sometimes, I still can’t help but wonder, why can’t my mother persevere a little longer? Why can't you try to stand up again for me?

I don’t want to marry a wife in the future and have to worry all the time about whether she can live alone or whether one day I will be gone and our children will be left here alone like me before. world.

Until, I met you in Anping County..."

Xu Jing was stunned for a moment when she saw the man beside her turning his head to look at her slightly. His dark eyes seemed to have traveled through time and space. From the endless sadness and pain back then, they suddenly transformed into the full and vivid smile now. He said softly: " At that time, no matter what happened to you, you never thought of giving up. Even if you were wronged and thrown into prison at will, you still tried every means to save yourself.

You don’t know, at that time, when I saw you holding a tall and strong government servant hostage in the prison, the first thought that flashed through my mind was - this woman is really stronger than a lion. Even when she reaches the guillotine, she will not give in and will fight with the executioner.

Thinking about it now, at that time, I started to care about you in my heart. "

Xu Jing's mouth twitched slightly.

What is this nonsense? So the first impression she gave him was that she was a crazy woman who could be compared to a lion?

She curled her lips, raised her head slightly and said, "What you think is still wrong. At least, I won't let myself go to the guillotine."

Xiao Yi looked at her with a slight smile, his eyes warm, "Yes, with your intelligence, you will definitely not let yourself get to this point."

Seeing that he hadn't understood what she meant, Xu Jing smiled helplessly and said seriously: "So, you don't have to worry about me. No matter what, I will let myself live well. If you need me, I will always be with you." around."

I will never abandon you like your mother did.

Since she was very young, she has known that no one in this world can be trusted except herself, and even her parents will leave her one day.

She has come so far only by relying on her own strength.

Therefore, she has the ability to love herself and is even more capable of loving others.

Seeing that she was serious, Xiao Yi was slightly startled, and felt the warmth in his heart flowing out like hot spring water. After a while, he finally found his voice and said in a low voice: "Okay, thank you, ah quiet."

She didn't know how lucky he was to meet her.

The person who really made him come out of the haze caused by his parents was actually her.

The two looked at each other silently for a while, and Xiao Yi suddenly chuckled and said: "My mother is now buried in the Xiao family's cemetery in Jinzhou. When spring comes in February, when the flowers bloom, I will take you and Changxiao How about going back to Jinzhou and paying homage to my mother?"

Xu Jing was startled, and her mind suddenly exploded.

February? Generally, people go out of their way to visit graves, except during Qingming Festival, and only on the death anniversary of the deceased.

She looked at Xiao Yi and said with some difficulty: "Yanci, your mother...could it be that she died in February?"

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