The wife of the power minister's family

Chapter 374: Being placed on the top of my heart

But she saw that the house was clearly the house she lived in when she was in Anping County!

After Xu Jing decided to stay in Xijing, she sent someone to rent out the house. After all, one tael of silver a month was not a low fee, so there was no need to spend this money.

When she came back this time, she also thought about her previous house. She was somewhat regretful when she left in a hurry. However, she had already quit the rent for such a long time. This house should have been rented out long ago, so she didn't let her. The person went out of his way to find his previous house.

She got off the carriage in surprise and murmured: "What's going on? This house hasn't been rented out after so long?"

At this time, Cheng Xiao, who was on the side, touched his nose and said with some embarrassment: "Lang Jun has not let me tell my wife about this in advance, saying that I want to give her a surprise. At first, Lang Jun knew that my wife wanted to return the house. He immediately sent someone over to rent the house. Lang Jun said that his wife had different feelings for Anping County and would definitely come back in the future. He hoped that Anping County could also be his home. What about Mrs. When I come back, I will have a place to belong to.”

Xu Jing looked at Cheng Xiao in confusion and was speechless for a long time.

She decided to stay in Xijing when she agreed to fake a remarriage with Xiao Yi.

Unexpectedly, at that time, he had already done so many things for her.

She opened the door and walked in, and found that everything and furnishings in the room were the same as before she left. Even after she had been away for so long, the place was still spotless.

At that time, after she decided to quit the lease, she called someone over and simply packed away her things. Some less valuable or less commonly used things were not taken away.

But I didn’t expect that these things are still there today.

Everything can bring back memories of when she lived here, as if it was yesterday.

Cheng Xiao followed Xu Jing and said, "Lang Jun specially sent someone to invite a woman nearby and asked her to come here to clean up every once in a while."

Chunyang couldn't help being moved to tears, "Madam, your husband is really interested in you. Madam, you see, before I left, I sowed some cucumber and cabbage seeds in the vegetable garden, and now they are growing very well." Well! There are still a few handfuls of tangerines in the yard that I bought specifically for making medicinal materials!

For God's sake, the young man's little wooden horse is also here. Madam, do you remember it? You bought this for the young man. He liked it at first and regarded it as his own treasure. No one else would touch it and wouldn't give it to him. "

When the young man was about to return to Xijing, his wife originally wanted him to take the little wooden horse away. Unexpectedly, the young man broke down and burst into tears, and the poor little wooden horse was forgotten by everyone. .

Xu Jing's heart couldn't help but feel warm. She raised a soft smile at the corner of her mouth and said, "He does have intentions."

This feeling of being watched and held in one's heart is always pleasant.

It was almost noon when they arrived in Anping County, so Xu Jing asked everyone to stay in the house to clean up and rest briefly, planning to go out again in the afternoon.

After lunch, Xu Jing sat on the couch in the room and looked through some information that her people had previously investigated.

Although Manager Yang and Shopkeeper Zhu are both Lin Chengzhao's confidants, as the saying goes, there is no room for two tigers in one mountain, the relationship between the two people has always been very delicate. According to the clerk who previously worked in Guangmingtang, Manager Yang and Shopkeeper Zhu often have conflicts.

The most serious incident was when deciding who would be in charge of Guangmingtang's head office in Anping County. The two had a lot of little tricks in private and kept throwing dirty water on each other. One time, shopkeeper Zhu got drunk and complained loudly about Mr. Lin. Due to partiality, Yang Shao was asked to marry his biological sister, but he was asked to marry his cousin who was one level away from him. Of course, whatever benefit Lin had from this, he would think of Yang Shao first! That fellow Yang Shao is not as capable as him, his medical skills are not as good as his, and his loyalty to Master Lin is not as good as his, so his ability to flatter is worse than him!

Yang Shao is Guanshi Yang’s name, and Guanshi Zhu’s name is Zhu Shunxi.

At that time, Mr. Lin really preferred Yang Shao as the shopkeeper of the Guangmingtang head office and handed over many of the affairs of the head office to him. However, after Zhu Shunxi became drunk in public, Mr. Lin began to let both of them take over. Regarding the affairs of the main store, in the end, to everyone's surprise, Zhu Shunxi was chosen as the manager of the main store. Just when everyone thought that Yang Shao would definitely have objections, Master Lin transferred Yang Shao to his side and became his chief manager.

In this way, no one knows who actually won this matter. Zhu Shunxi became the shopkeeper of his heart, and he was the shopkeeper of the main store, with real power. Although Yang Shao did not become the shopkeeper, he became the chief manager of the Lin family. In some respects, he even had more power than Zhu Shunxi. big.

It's just this result that at least made Zhu Shunxi and Yang Shao speechless. When handling this matter, the leader took their emotions and wishes into consideration. Who couldn't read it and say "Master Lin is kind and wise?"

After that, although there were still some conflicts between Yang Shao and Zhu Shunxi from time to time, there was no major friction. It seemed that in order to take care of Zhu Shunxi's mood, the head of the Lin family never let Yang Shao interfere with the affairs of the Guangmingtang head office, and gave Joo Soon-seok has a lot of freedom.

But it is said that Yang Shao and Zhu Shunxi still had a grudge because of this incident. Yang Shao felt that Zhu Shunxi had robbed him of the position of shopkeeper of the main store, while Zhu Shunxi felt that Mr. Lin still favored Yang Shao in his heart.

Xu Jing sighed while looking at it, so it is very important to choose subordinates. When you encounter such fussy subordinates, the boss's hair will fall out sooner or later.

However, these two people have made such a fuss, and Lin Chengzhao actually has no temper at all, and even every decision he makes is obviously with the intention of pleasing them. In this situation, if it weren't for the outstanding abilities of those two people, Lin Chengzhao would be the only one who has no temper at all. As fate would have it, he was reluctant to treat them harshly, or else these two people had something to do with Lin Chengzhao.

If you take advantage of the fact that these two people dislike each other, maybe you can actually pull something out of it.

However, this matter must be done very discreetly and secretly.

Xu Jing was deep in thought when Chunyang suddenly walked in beamingly and said with a smile: "Madam, Chen Hu and Wu Xiangui are here. They obviously heard that Madam returned to Anping County and came here to visit Madam!"

Xu Jing raised her eyebrows slightly.

Are these two guys so well-informed? Did you know she was back so soon?

She tidied up briefly and walked to the front hall, where Chen Hu and Wu Xiangui were already waiting. When they saw Xu Jing, they immediately greeted her with a look of surprise, "Mrs. Xu! I didn't expect you to really come back. !”

However, although there were expressions of surprise on their faces, they were more solemn.

It seemed like he wasn't just here to visit her.

Xu Jing glanced at them and said, "But what happened?"

Tomorrow is New Year's Eve! Everyone should be on holiday~

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