The wife of the power minister's family

Chapter 410 I’m so touched

Before Yao Shaoyin finished speaking, his voice was covered up by the deafening sound of horse hooves.

Even though Xu Jing was in the carriage, unable to observe the situation ahead with her own eyes, she felt the sound of horse hooves approaching them, and within a few breaths, they were surrounded!
She looked through the window at the sergeants who came to them. When she saw the armor on their bodies, her eyes suddenly darkened.

The moonlight is very clear tonight, and their men all hold torches and lanterns for lighting. Therefore, it is not difficult to see clearly the armor on the soldiers.

Those armors were clearly the same as the armors worn by the soldiers Xiao He had brought to Anping County to escort her back to Beijing. The only difference was that the main color of the armors on them was different. The main color of the armors of Xiao He's soldiers was blue. Gray, the main color of the armor worn by these soldiers is earthy yellow.

Xiao He had told her before that the armor styles of Dachu were all uniform, but in order to distinguish the soldiers of different armies, the colors of the armor would be changed.

The soldiers he led belonged to the Tianwu Army. The main color of the soldiers' armor was blue-gray.

Which army do these soldiers belong to?

The answer is almost immediate.

The next breath, Xu Jing heard Yao Shaoyin outside, unable to hide his surprise: "You... you are not Jiang Erlang! You... you suddenly surrounded us with people, what do you want to do!"

Jiang Erlang...Jiang Yu!
Xu Jing's heart suddenly sank, but she had an indescribable feeling that this was the case.

"Yao Shaoyin, please be patient. I don't want to do anything to you when I come here."

A familiar clear voice sounded outside, with a certain nonchalance as always.

"I heard that Madam Xu went out of the city with Yao Shaoyin today to handle a case. I wonder if Madam Xu would be willing to come down and meet me?"

Xu Jing couldn't see it in the carriage, but others could clearly see it. When the handsome man riding on the black horse said this, his charming fox eyes stared intently at the people surrounded in the middle. The carriage in front of him had a gentle smile at the corner of his mouth.

Yao Shaoyin's heart was slightly shaken, and he felt something was wrong inexplicably.

None of the people present spoke for a moment. There was an eerie silence on the official road in the dark night, despite the large number of people.

I don't know how long it took before Xu Jing said softly: "Since Jiang Erlang invites you sincerely, I will reluctantly meet you."

With that said, she pushed open the carriage door very decisively and jumped out.

Cheng Xiaohe's face changed slightly, and he couldn't help but said anxiously: "Madam!"

Xu Jing didn't even look at them. Facing Jiang Yu's eyes with a faint smile, she walked forward and said quietly: "I don't know why Jiang Erlang came to me specially when time was so tight. thing?"

The Jiang family has been under strict surveillance these days. The fact that he appears here with his soldiers could only be because he deliberately came here while escaping from Xijing.

It was a matter of racing against time, but Xu Jing couldn't say whether he was impressed or speechless that he was still so leisurely.

Jiang Yu's eyes flashed slightly and he chuckled: "I'm really touched beyond words that Madam Xu cares about me so much. Although time is tight, I still have time to see Madam Xu."

Xu Jing: "..."

How could she show that she cared about him? Sensing that Xu Jing rolled her eyes secretly, Jiang Yu acted like a masochist and laughed softly. He suddenly got off his horse and walked up to Xu Jing, saying in a low voice: "Ms. Xu is really not worried. I came back to take you away."

Xu Jing calmly took a step back and looked at him with a half-smile, "That's fine, you can take me away. Jiang Erlang, you may not understand my temper. I hate being coerced the most in my life. If someone forces me to do something, I don’t mind dying with him.”

As he spoke, he moved a bag hanging on his waist very instructively.

Jiang Yu's eyes swept over the bag, and he raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and said softly: "Mrs. Xu said this, I am so sad. I care about Madam Xu so much, how could I not know Madam Xu's temperament?" .”

He said these words softly and seriously, and at a certain moment, there was even a hint of lingering meaning.

Xu Jing frowned and felt goosebumps rising uncontrollably on her body.

It was obvious that the words were also sarcastic, so why was she so willing to listen to what Xiao Yi said, but why was she so disgusted when this guy said it?

Xu Jing's eyes turned cold and said, "Okay, Jiang Erlang, stop talking nonsense. What do you want to do when you come back this time?"

As he spoke, he tightened his grip on the bag at his waist.

Jiang Yu looked at her for a moment, then sighed and said: "Mrs. Xu always doesn't want to believe that what I tell you is true. I really don't want to do anything this time, although I really want to take you with me like this." Let’s go, but… the current situation is not stable yet, and I am not willing to let Madam Xu suffer with me.”

After a pause, he raised the corner of his mouth again, with a bit of arrogance and pride in his fox eyes, and said: "For a woman like Madam Xu, only men who have reached the top are qualified to ask for Madam Xu's love." Favored. I also believe that Madam Xu is a smart person, and she will know who you should choose when the time comes."

Xu Jing couldn't help but twitch her lips in amusement.

This man always has an indescribable sense of arrogance and arrogance, as if everything is under his control.

Jiang Yu didn't seem to care about the sarcasm and contempt in her eyes. He glanced down at her and said, "If you insist on saying that I have a purpose for coming here this time, then I do have a purpose. I want to see you again before I leave, and Let me remind you, do not return to Xijing before dawn.

Just think of it as repaying your kindness for finding the murderer of my third sister. "

After saying that, he took another deep look at Xu Jing, flicked his cloak, walked back to the horse, and jumped up neatly.

At this time, Xu Jing looked up at him and said in a deep voice: "Why? Now that the country is peaceful and the people are safe, and the current emperor is young and promising, and is working hard to govern, why are you doing this?"

Jiang Yu lowered his eyes and looked at Xu Jing for a while, then raised the corner of his mouth with the same familiar arrogance, "Because, if I were sitting in that position, I could do better."

Xu Jing frowned.

"Besides, you don't understand many things."

Jiang Yu suddenly smiled sarcastically and said, "In your eyes, the Wei family is very good, but you don't even know the dirty things they have done and the oppression they have had on our Jiang family.

I just want to take back what is rightfully ours. "

Xu Jing was slightly stunned and wanted to ask more questions. A deputy general next to him suddenly came forward and urged in a low voice, "Lang Jun, if you don't leave, it will be too late."

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