The wife of the power minister's family

Chapter 419 I’m glad it’s you

Xu Jing's cheeks were slightly hot, she pushed away the man who shamelessly approached her, and whispered: "The smile is still there, be serious."

Xiao Yi took the opportunity to hold her hand, supported his forehead with the other hand, and lay down beside her. He glanced over her at the sleeping little one and smiled softly, "He slept well." It smells good, don’t worry. Ah Jing, actually you’re angry with me, I’m very happy.”

Xu Jing glanced at him coolly.

So, what he means is that she shouldn't relent and forgive him so quickly?
When Xiao Yi saw the woman's eyes, the corners of his mouth raised more and more, he lowered his head and kissed her hand gently, and whispered: "I know that you are angry with me for telling you this so late because you are worried about me.

But in the early stage, although I had decided to go on an expedition with Liang Guogong, I was not completely sure when to set off and where to go. Until this morning, our spies sent a letter confirming that the Jiang family was indeed heading to Pinglu. The territory of Jiedushi and Beiting Jiedushi was finally decided to go out tomorrow.

I really didn't mean to hide this from you. "

Xu Jing was silent for a moment, then turned around, facing Xiao Yi, and said softly: "I can guess the general situation, you don't have to explain it to me all the time. I just want to know, have you estimated that this will happen?" How long will the war last, and is the danger... big?"

Xiao Yi looked at the woman in front of him without blinking, with a hint of helplessness in the corner of his mouth, "I don't want to lie to you, there is no such thing as a dangerous battle in this world, but I promise you, no matter what, I will fight Back to you and Changxiao.

As for how long this battle will last, I have indeed estimated that based on the current situation, the Jiang family has taken away about 200,000 troops, plus the troops of Pinglu Jiedushi and Beiting Jiedushi, the total is 40 Tens of thousands of troops.

In terms of military strength, our side will not lose to them, but sometimes it is not the military strength that determines everything in a war. It was precisely because the Jiang family thought about the disparity in military strength that they initially wanted to support Guangmingtang in winning the right to supply medicine to the army. They probably wanted to manipulate the medicine provided to the army to first weaken our combat effectiveness, and then When an incident occurred, we were caught off guard. "

Xu Jing's face darkened, "But this Jiang family's plan has been destroyed by us."

"Yes, the Jiang family must hate you and me in their hearts. Moreover, they were forced to revolt in such a hasty this time. If the former Hedong Jiedushi hadn't exposed them, they wouldn't have taken off their duties so quickly. All disguised, although their movements this time were very fast, it was just a failure, and their preparation was actually very inadequate."

Xiao Yi said with a smile: "This is very important to us. If we make good use of this, we may be able to find a breakthrough to completely defeat them. But I never dare to underestimate the Jiang family. They have been dormant for so many years. Even if they have been dormant for so many years, we may be able to find a breakthrough. Even if they are forced to a dead end, they will not give up easily. What I am most worried about now is that they will unite with foreigners to deal with us, or use foreigners to contain us."

Xu Jing couldn't help but think of Jiang Yu's appearance when he came to find her. He still looked confident and confident.

She didn't know whether it was because Jiang Yu didn't want to show his vulnerable side in front of her, or because of what they had done, so even though he was forced to flee Xijing in advance, he was not in a hurry at all. A trace of uneasiness suddenly rose in her heart, and she frowned. Wei Wei frowned and said: "That is indeed what they may do, so do you want to lead the troops over there as soon as possible?"

Xiao Yi and the others have been secretly investigating the Jiang family during this period. If they had previous contact with foreigners, they should be able to find some clues.

Xiao Yi didn't say anything, which meant that the Jiang family probably had not thought of using the power of foreigners before.

After all, according to their previous plan, they did not need to cooperate with those cunning and cruel aliens. They could easily succeed in their rebellion by relying on their own strength.

But if they had not contacted those foreign races before, they would not have reached cooperation so quickly. What Xiao Yi and the others had to do was to win this war as soon as possible before they did anything.

Xiao Yi nodded and said: "Yes, this war must end as soon as possible. This is not only to prevent the Jiang family from cooperating with those foreign races, but also to prevent the Jiedushi and the vassal princes from having other ideas."

After all, although several other Jiedu envoys guaranteed that they were loyal to the court, they only made the guarantees on the premise of half threats and half persuasion.

If they show weakness in the battle with the Jiang family, who knows if they will also become rebellious. "so……"

Xiao Yi suddenly let go of Xu Jing's hand, raised his hand and gently pressed her forehead, and said with a bit of heartache and apology in his voice: "I guess this war won't last long, at most it won't last long." It will take more than half a year, which is also the goal of Liang Guogong and I.

But... I can't make a promise to you. After all, the battlefield is changing rapidly. I can only promise that I will definitely come back to you and Changxiao. "

Half a year...

Xu Jing's eyes drooped slightly.

She is not a character who can't stay away from others. If Xiao Yi goes out on business for a few months, she might not feel anything at all.

But half a year is still too long.

What's more, Xiao Yi is not going on ordinary business, but to fight. It can be imagined that these six months will be somewhat difficult.

Seeing that Xu Jing didn't speak for a long time, Xiao Yi raised the corner of her mouth helplessly, leaned over and kissed the corner of her mouth, and said softly: "I'm sorry, Jing."

After all, it still cannot allow you to live a peaceful and peaceful life.

The two were suddenly very close, their foreheads touched, and their warm breaths blended together.

Xu Jing pursed her lips slightly, and after a while, she raised her eyes to look into the eyes of the man in front of her, and said, "Do you know why I forgave you so quickly?"

Xiao Yi was also curious about this, "Why?"

She obviously ignored him when he was at Zhao's house.

"Because, just now Changxiao said that the big bad guy is coming and he is very scared. Not only is he scared, Aunt Cen, eldest sister-in-law, second sister-in-law, and many more people must also be scared. Our peaceful life, It's not that we can have it if we wish for it. This country needs someone to step forward and protect it after all. It's not you, but someone else.

There was even a moment just now when I felt so lucky that that person was you. If it were you, I could trust him more safely and believe that our peaceful life would not be easily broken.

I feel more sorry and grateful for you like this, so how can I be willing to be angry? "

In such an intimate state, Xu Jing felt that she was a lot more candid. She stared at the man in front of her, whose face was obviously slightly moved, and said seriously: "Besides, you are leaving tomorrow, and I don't want to be angry with you on the last day.

Yanci, you must be well and come back safely, otherwise, I won't care about you and just live your life with a long smile. "

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