The wife of the power minister's family

Chapter 426 People who often kill people will know

"No, this case is too weird."

Chen Hu couldn't help frowning and said: "In just a few days, seven people have died, and...all of them died were people around Prince Ling and Princess Ling!

It couldn't have been done by those traitors from the Jiang family, right? "

"However, the Jiang family is the natal family of Princess Ling, and also the family of Prince Ling's maternal ancestors."

Xu Jing looked at Chen Hu and said, "Why did they kill the people around Prince Ling's mother and son?"

Chen Hu choked, thought for a while, and said: "They have rebelled now. King Ling has the blood of the royal family. If King Ling rebels with them, they will also have royal orthodoxy in their hands, and it will be easier to win the hearts of the people. They kill Are the people around Prince Ling trying to force Prince Ling to rebel with them?"

It seems that Chen Hu knows a lot of things.

Save her the trouble of explaining it slowly.

Xu Jing raised the corner of her mouth slightly and said: "This is also possible, but it is based on the premise that King Ling is not willing to follow them to rebel. Moreover, if I were a member of the Jiang family, what I should be thinking about now is how to Prince Ling grabs it instead of going through such unnecessary trouble."

They have the time and energy to do these things, so they might as well just kidnap people.

However, it cannot be ruled out that this was a cover-up to confuse the people escorting Prince Ling and his son.

We still have to go there to find out what the specific situation is.

Xu Jing immediately turned to Deng Youwei and said: "County Magistrate Deng, the Holy Father also said in the letter that he has sent someone to send a secret letter to the Xinzhou Governor. This matter is of great importance, so he directly asked the Xinzhou Governor to take over." .

Because this matter should not be known to too many people, the Holy Spirit used a secret message.

I will go back now to prepare for my trip to Xinzhou. Please ask Magistrate Deng to lend me a few people. "

Deng Youwei nodded solemnly and said, "You can borrow as many people as you want. The Jinwu guards who sent the letter will also personally escort Madam Xu to Xinzhou. Thank you for your hard work, Madam Xu."

It would take more than half a day to go from Anping County to Xinzhou. Xu Jing thought that she would probably have to stay in Xinzhou for a few days this time, so she went back to say something to Niang Shen and the others, and to smile.

Immediately, Xu Jing asked Chunyang and Song Qingyun to hand over the work at hand to others, and took them straight to Xinzhou overnight.

This was the first time that Song Qingyun followed Xu Jing to investigate a case. She couldn't help but feel excited and nervous. Thinking of the nature of the case, she felt a little uneasy. She looked at Xu Jing who was sitting quietly in the carriage looking at the details of the case. , said: "A Jing, this case sounds very complicated. Where do you think the heads of the victims have gone?"

Xu Jing removed her eyes from the scroll in her hand, looked at Song Qingyun, and muttered: "People who often kill people will know that it is easy to kill people, but it is difficult to dispose of corpses. Did you know that criminals usually deal with corpses Which methods should be used?”

Song Qingyun: "..."

Someone who kills people all the time? Who often kills people?

She was silent for a moment and then said: "Throw the body away or bury it?"

Chunyang couldn't help but glance at Song Qingyun faintly.

As expected of Song Erniang, who wrote "The Collection of Lady Xu's Cleansing of Wrongs", her voice didn't even tremble when she talked about these things.

There is also an inexplicable and secret excitement.

Xu Jing smiled softly and said: "You named two. In fact, the most common ways for criminals to dispose of corpses are dumping, burying, dismembering and burning. However, these cases all occurred in In the inn, the inn is not a private space that can be controlled by the criminal, so it is unlikely that he will use the two methods of disposing of the body: mincing the body and burning the body.

Even if he threw the deceased's head into the stove in the back kitchen of the inn, human bones would not melt, so it was impossible for others to miss it. "

Song Qingyun said in confusion: "So, do you think that the head of the deceased was thrown somewhere by the murderer, or buried?" Xu Jing shook her head again, "Both of these are unlikely. Most of the deceased were killed at night and were discovered during the day the next day. It was impossible for the murderers to take their heads too far in such a short period of time. If they were near the inn, the government officials would It's impossible not to find it.

Moreover, people in King Ling and his party were dying along the way, which meant that the murderer was among them. If someone among them had left the inn for too long, it would definitely attract the attention of others. "

Song Qingyun was a little confused by Xu Jing, "So, how did the murderer deal with the heads of the deceased?"

"The only possibility is that he used unconventional processing methods other than these four methods."

Xu Jing raised the corner of her mouth slightly and said: "I am telling you this just to tell you that there are countless criminals in the world, and everyone has different ways of killing people. We must learn to jump out of the usual framework and make bold assumptions. Be careful when asking for confirmation.”

"Bold assumptions, careful verification..."

Song Qingyun murmured, couldn't help but take out the small notebook he carried with him, and wrote this sentence with bright eyes.

Xu Jing looked at her with a funny face.

Chunyang couldn't help but ask: "What would be the unconventional treatment method?"

Xu Jing shook her head and said in a deep voice: "I don't know about this either. I have to go to the scene to check. What I want to know more than this is why the criminals used such methods as cutting off their heads to kill people. Technique? And, to hide their heads so densely? Just hide them, why only hide the heads of a few of them? "

Chunyang and Song Qingyun were both stunned when they heard this.

Yes, there are many ways to kill people. Why did the murderer use the method of cutting off the head? Among the many killing methods, this can be said to be a very troublesome method. After all, it is not that easy to cut off a person's head.

Moreover, they also hid the heads of several of the deceased. Why?

"Generally speaking..."

Xu Jing murmured: "The murderer hid the head of the deceased in order to conceal the identity of the deceased. However, now everyone knows who the dead person is. Logically speaking, the murderer has no need to hide it. Or should I say, those few Is there any secret hidden on the deceased’s head that the murderer doesn’t want us to know? Or is this his personal hobby?”

Qingyang and Song Qingyun were a little horrified to hear that there were actually criminals in the world who had a habit of hiding the heads of the dead?

It's really... hard to understand.

It wasn't until the sky got slightly brighter that their carriage arrived in Xinzhou.

At this time, the city gate of Xinzhou had not yet been opened. Chen Hu and Wu Xiangui, who were driving the carriage, called the soldiers guarding the gate and quietly showed them the holy letter. The soldiers were so frightened that they immediately knelt down and saluted. Then they sent someone After entering the city and asking for instructions, he immediately opened the city gate respectfully and welcomed Xu Jing and his party in.

What was unexpected was that after they entered, they saw the governor of Xinzhou and several officials standing behind the city gate waiting to greet them.

Seeing Xu Jing getting off the carriage, the governor of Xinzhou hurriedly walked up and bowed: "The specific situation has been stated in the letter to me, Madam Xu, please come here to help. We investigate the case.

This case is really giving me a headache. Madam Xu is willing to come over, which is really a big help. "

Xu Jing didn't talk nonsense to him, and responded with a salute: "You are Governor Zhang, right? Where is the inn where Prince Ling and Princess Ling are staying? Without further ado, let's go there immediately."

"The inn is not far from here. It only takes about a quarter of an hour to walk there."

Governor Zhang immediately said: "If Madam Xu doesn't mind, we will walk over. I can just take this opportunity to tell Madam Xu the details of the case."

This is the last big case. This case is a little complicated, so I will write slowly~

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