The wife of the power minister's family

Chapter 435 She likes Lady Xu very much

Xu Jing looked at Dongyang.

In this way, like Shuang Rui and the others, she was recruited to them after King Ling and the others went to Qizhou.

It is also understandable that when King Ling and the others were in Xijing, they were often unable to help themselves. The people around them did not know how many interests were involved. After finally getting to the fiefdom and having complete autonomy, they must have cultivated a group of people as soon as possible. Criticize your own confidants.

Xu Jing asked again: "Since Dongyang can't speak, how does she communicate with people on weekdays?"

Princess Ling said: "After I took this child to my side, I sent someone to teach her how to read and write. When she communicates with others, simple things can be done through body language, and complex things can be written out.

Dongyang has been in the palace for many years. Even if she doesn't speak, other people in the palace can understand her meaning. "

Xu Jing's eyes flashed slightly, and she looked at Dongyang and said: "On the night when Princess Ling was killed, Dongyang stayed in Princess Ling's room for a cup of tea. During the time of a cup of tea, they shouldn't just talk about simple topics. stop?"

Dongyang met Xu Jing's gaze, his eyes slightly cold.

Xu Jing discovered that her attitude was extremely docile only when facing Princess Ling. When facing other people, she had a bit of the aloofness of Princess Ling.

She suddenly took out a pamphlet from her breast pocket and a charcoal pencil as thick as her little finger wrapped in oilcloth paper. She opened the pamphlet and wrote a line on it, showing it to Xu Jing: That day , when the slave came in, Princess Ling had just finished bathing and had nothing to do, so she chatted with the slave about household matters.

Her handwriting is not particularly beautiful, but it is neat and clear, making it easy to read.

With that said, he turned the book forward two more pages, handed it to Xu Jing, and motioned for Xu Jing to read it.

Xu Jing took it and saw what was written on it. It was clearly the conversation she had with Princess Ling that day.

Immediately, she saw Dongyang showing two fingers, and Princess Ling on the side smiled and said: "Dongyang means that these two pages were written when she and Princess Ling were chatting."

Xu Jing raised her eyebrows slightly and read the words on the booklet carefully, but she saw that the previous paragraph was mainly about Dongyang's own situation, what he was able to adapt to, and the concubine and the others were here, so they wouldn't be very afraid of this. See It seemed that Princess Ling was asking her about some situations during this period.

Next, there was a long conversation about Princess Ling's natal family. Langjun Zhou and Mrs. Zhou must also miss the princess very much. After the princess returns to Beijing, she can stay home for a few days. It seems that Princess Ling is chatting with her. My own family affairs.

Moreover, there was a lot of chatting.

Aunt Lu said at this time: "When Dongyang came back, she said that the princess told her a lot about her own family, and she seemed to be very eager to return to the capital. That's why the old slave told Governor Zhang how the princess was feeling that day. Yes, it should be because I can go back to Beijing to see my family."

At the end of the booklet, Dongyang proactively asked about some customs and customs of Xijing. According to Grandma Lu’s explanation, Dongyang had never been to Xijing, and Princess Ling grew up in Xijing. Dongyang was curious about Xijing. , and asked a few more questions.

It seems that there is nothing wrong with these conversations.'s too normal.

And this conversation was not short. It seemed that Dongyang had been talking to Princess Ling during this tea time.

Xu Jing looked at it carefully again, returned the booklet to Dongyang and said, "I understand, just put the booklet away."

After saying that, he glanced at Aunt Lu and Princess Ling again, and said, "I have another question that I would like to ask Aunt Lu. Just now when I went to see His Highness Prince Ling, Shuangrui once said, first of all, you gave Prince Ling When His Highness selected the servants around him, he originally selected eight servants, but in the end, only four were left. How come the other four were eliminated?"

Aunt Lu seemed a little confused as to why Xu Jing suddenly asked about this. She glanced at Princess Ling and then said: "'s not that those four servants were eliminated, it's just that I think they are not suitable to serve His Highness. He just transferred them elsewhere. That boy Shuangrui may not have made it clear to Madam Xu. In fact, His Highness did not need as many as eight servants, because in addition to the servants, His Highness also had maids to serve him. At that time, the old slave I will pick a few more, just want to choose the best one, the one that His Highness can use most conveniently."

Nothing sounds wrong.

Xu Jing nodded and said, "I have no problem for the time being."

Governor Zhang immediately understood what Xu Jing meant, saluted Princess Ling, and said, "In that case, Xiaguan and Lady Xu will not disturb the concubine's rest. Xiaguan and Lady Xu will leave first."

Just when Xu Jing and Governor Zhang were about to leave the inner room, Princess Ling suddenly said: "I heard that Madam Xu found the murderer who killed Yan Xia?"

Xu Jing paused, turned to Princess Ling on the couch, and nodded, "Yes."

Princess Ling was silent for a moment and said: "Yanxia is the most similar to me among all my nieces, and I have always loved her the most. If possible, I still hope to get along well with Madam Xu.

Thinking that there are people like Madam Xu in Xijing, I feel that it is not that difficult to go back to Xijing. If Madam Xu is free, she can come and talk to me more often. "

Xu Jing looked at her for a while, nodded and said, "If the concubine wishes."

After leaving the room, Governor Zhang suddenly let out a long breath and looked at Xu Jing with some admiration, "Mrs. Xu, the Queen Mother seems to like you very much, which is quite rare. The Queen Mother has never been very willing to be with others. Too many contacts. After I took over this case, the Queen Mother and I didn’t speak more than ten sentences. General Han also said that the Queen Mother was very aloof and didn’t like to talk to others.”

Chen Hu, who was following Xu Jing, said: "After such a thing happened, the concubine is not in the mood to talk to anyone. It seems that the concubine has some old grudges with the Jiang family. She really doesn't like the Jiang family.

Madam Xu, those people who died were not really killed by the Jiang family who was ambushing here in order to force the Dowager Empress and His Highness Prince Ling, right?

The villain always feels that the Jiang family members around His Highness Prince Ling are not just the two mentioned by the Dowager Empress. "

The old grudge between Princess Ling and the Jiang family is a secret in the palace, and it is normal for them not to know about it.

Xu Jing nodded and said: "I also think there are more than just those two in the Jiang family. Governor Zhang, could you please tell General Han what the Dowager Queen said, and try to see if you can get a few more questions out of their mouths. "

The current situation of the Jiang family is not optimistic. No matter how you look at it, they need King Ling very much.

With King Ling in hand, Pinglu Jiedushi Zhou Guangsheng might be more willing to surrender to the Jiang family. For their soldiers, having royal family members follow them in the rebellion would also be inspiring to them. role.

Governor Zhang nodded solemnly, first asked an official beside him to find General Han, and then took Xu Jing and the others to Concubine Fang's room.

This is the last suspect suspected of killing Princess Ling and the others.

Governor Zhang stepped forward and knocked on the door, announcing his door and the purpose of coming. This time, the person inside did not come to open the door for them, but a delicate female voice sounded, "Come in."

The female voice was soft and graceful. Just hearing that voice made people's bones tingle.

Governor Zhang responded, gently opened the door and walked in.

Xu Jing followed closely behind him, and was slightly stunned as soon as she entered the room.

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