The wife of the power minister's family

Chapter 441 Someone will die

Chapter 441 Someone will die (first update)
Xu Jing was silent for a moment and said: "I have a guess, but I hope I am wrong."

If her guess is correct, people may continue to die next.

Seeing that Xu Jing was deep in thought, Song Qingyun had no intention of continuing to talk to her. She swallowed the basket of questions that came to her lips in a very considerate manner and ate her food obediently.

After the two of them finished their dinner, Chunyang asked the innkeeper to serve a pot of hot tea, and Xu Jing and Song Qingyun drank tea while chatting.

In this case, they had basically investigated everything that should be investigated. Next, they could only wait patiently for the investigation results from Governor Zhang.

Suddenly, a deep and powerful voice sounded behind Xu Jing, "Qilang's wife, what are you doing here?"

But it was Han Yi who strode over.

Throughout the whole day today, Xu Jing had not seen General Han again except when she first arrived in Xinzhou.

Xu Jing turned to look at him, stood up and saluted: "General Han, General Han can just call me Madam Xu. I am more used to others calling me that."

When he said "Qilang's wife" just now, she almost didn't realize that he was calling her.

"Haha, okay, I'm sorry. I'm used to being rough in the military. I've done something inappropriate. Madam Xu, please forgive me."

Han Yi slapped his forehead violently and said helplessly: "On the way, because of my temper, I have really offended these noble people."

Xu Jing raised her eyebrows slightly and said: "I heard Governor Zhang say something about this. He said that at first, General Han had no idea of ​​finding the best inn. It was Princess Ling and Princess Ling who had an opinion, and General Han decided With this awareness.

But according to General Han, it seems that this is not the only thing that made them dissatisfied with you before? "

The topic of Xu Jing suddenly opened up General Han's conversation. General Han immediately put the big knife in his hand on a table next to him, sat down and said with a bitter face: "I...cough, I thought at first This is just a very easy job. I just need to prevent the Jiang family's group of traitors from coming to cause trouble and rob people. Unexpectedly, the Jiang family's group of traitors did not consume much of my energy. Serving those nobles made me exhausted.

I told them from the beginning that it was very dangerous along the way and asked them to try not to move alone. Unexpectedly, when no one died at the beginning, they often went out in private, especially Concubine Fang and Princess Ling. It was a man who left the room and made it easy for us to find him.

Our soldiers wanted to follow them, but they got angry at the soldiers, saying that they were not prisoners, so why did they have to follow?

Concubine Fang's temper was better. She said that she was pregnant and sitting all the time was not good for the fetus. She had to walk around from time to time. When she walked, there were soldiers following her, which would make her feel stressed.

Princess Ling directly asked the soldiers following her to step aside and not disturb her peace.

Tsk, if they weren't just walking in the inn and didn't leave the inn, I...even if I had a big quarrel with them, I definitely wouldn't let them go like this! "

Thinking of the scene of Princess Ling telling the guards to step aside with her cold expression, Xu Jing suddenly understood why Han Yi was so irritable.

Those guards did not dare to offend Princess Ling. They were forced to do so by Princess Ling, and at least they had to ask Han Yi to take action in person. Xu Jing couldn't help but laugh and said: "Did anyone come and rob someone along the way to the Jiang family?"

"Of course."

Han Yi curled his lips and said: "When we first left Qizhou, they came more often, and one time was particularly thrilling. Later, I took a detour and asked several groups to pretend to be His Highness Prince Ling and others. After taking several other roads, they did not appear again.

Gee, I thought I successfully deceived them! Today someone from the governor Zhang came to tell me that there were actually people from the Jiang family among my people. Only then did I realize that it was me who was really being fooled! "

Xu Jing's eyes flashed slightly, "Did General Han interrogate those two people?"

When mentioning this, Han Yi's expression turned ugly and he said in a deep voice: "That's it. I didn't do anything else today, so I just went to interrogate them. Damn it, those two people are more strict than the other, no matter what. He wouldn't tell me anything I asked.

But judging from their attitudes, it is obvious that there are also people from the Jiang family among our people.

I have replaced all the guards around Prince Ling and others with my confidants. I don’t believe it anymore. There is only so little way left to Xijing, and I still can’t fight them. "

As he spoke, he slapped the table fiercely, making a loud "pop" sound, and the poor table seemed to fall apart.

Chunyang and Song Qingyun had never seen such a rude man before. The soldiers they usually saw were like Xiao He or Zhao Jingming, and they couldn't help but tremble silently.

Xu Jing glanced at him and said: "General Han must be careful next time. I suspect that someone will die soon."

At this time, not only Han Yi, but also Chunyang and Song Qingyun looked at Xu Jing in surprise.

Han Yi suddenly tightened his grip on the big knife on the table and said in a tight voice: "What's going on? Madam Xu, please tell me in detail."

Xu Jing was silent, then named a person and said, "I suggest you keep an eye on him and the people around him."

Han Yi was stunned for a while, then stood up suddenly and said with a calm face: "Okay, thank you Madam Xu for reminding me. Next, I will personally guard outside his room!"

Seeing Han Yi turning around to leave, Xu Jing stopped him and said, "By the way, I have another question. General Han just said that Concubine Fang often went for walks in private. Before the first two murders, Concubine Fang Do you all go for a walk by yourself?”

Han Yi paused. Although he didn't understand why Xu Jing asked this, he still said: "On the morning when the first murder occurred, she went for a walk. That time when she came back from the walk, she seemed to have vomited in the room for a long time. She The guard next to her was frightened, fearing that something would happen to her when she went for a walk and affecting the child in her belly. He hurriedly called me over, but she said, what is this called...pregnancy reaction? There was something in the breakfast that morning. Fish porridge, she couldn't smell the fishy smell, that's why she vomited so much.

Because of this incident, I remember very clearly what happened to her that morning. I even remember what she was wearing. She was wearing a gorgeous purple skirt that day. I told them clearly that they had to wear something because they were on their way. Comfortable clothing is fine, and preferably unobtrusive. "

Han Yi was obviously unhappy about this incident, and his tone was a bit bad, "When the second murder happened, she stopped going for a walk by herself. It should be said that she couldn't go for a walk by herself."

Xu Jing was slightly stunned, this was a little different from what she thought, "Why?"

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