The wife of the power minister's family

Chapter 446 Concubine Fang’s difficulties

Because the fire in the Man Yue Building not far away had not been completely extinguished, the scene was filled with a strong smell of fireworks, and the two government officials had been standing far away from the crowd, so no one could smell the putrid smell of the two heads. smell.

Now the two heads appeared in front of them, and the pungent, almost nauseating smell also spread.

Everyone covered their mouths and noses almost simultaneously and took a step back.

Xu Jing looked at Sanye, whose face was already a little broken, and said softly: "You can't possibly not know where we found these two heads? In the beginning, the concubine hid the heads in her belly Because the concubine is in a separate carriage, and the fresh human head does not have much other smell besides the smell of blood. As long as it is wrapped tightly in cloth and covered with a lot of aromatherapy, it will be difficult for others to detect it.

Even because she was worried that the blood on the head would get on her body and others would notice her, she wore very bright clothes in those days.

After all, who would have thought that a pregnant woman would hide a huge head on her body?

Then, after the large army was on the road, Concubine Fang found the right opportunity, found a place with no access to the village, and proposed that she wanted to go to the hut. "

In such a wilderness, even the emperor could only solve his own needs on the spot.

And even if General Han sent someone to follow Concubine Fang to solve her needs, because Concubine Fang was a woman, the guards could only wait at a distance.

Concubine Fang took advantage of that moment to throw the human head hidden in her stomach nearby, and then returned to the army as if nothing had happened.

Xu Jing chuckled and said: "We asked the guards responsible for guarding Concubine Fang and found out where Concubine Fang had proposed to solve her needs. Later, Governor Zhang sent people to one location after another. I searched all over and found the two heads with almost no effort.

And the guards around the Concubine said that no one else but the Concubine had been to the place where the Concubine solved her needs!

Apart from you, the concubine, who else could have the chance to throw someone's head there? "

Seeing that Concubine Fang couldn't hold herself any longer and fell limply on Sanye, Xu Jing continued: "Although those heads are no longer on you now, a shadow has fallen on your heart, so you are still used to using The incense is very strong, and you did not continue to wear the bright-colored skirt because it was Princess Ling who died this time, not an ordinary servant. It is really inappropriate for you to wear a bright-colored skirt!

Yesterday, you told us that you really didn’t want anyone to get into trouble again. You must have meant it sincerely, because you were terrified from the bottom of your heart when you would be asked to hide the head of the deceased again! "

Everyone looked at Fang Concubine and his servant in disbelief.

Now that both human and material evidence are available, no matter how incredible this incident is, no one will doubt its authenticity.

Aunt Lu suddenly said with an ugly face: "What on earth is going on! Concubine, are you the one who planned the deaths of these people!"

"No! I didn't! I...I didn't do anything!"

Concubine Fang seemed to be driven to a dead end, and finally said loudly with a cry: "I did take those two heads, but apart from this, I did nothing!

I...I was forced too! "

Seeing that she finally relented, Xu Jing looked at her and said, "Concubine, it's better for you to tell everything now."

Concubine Fang was naturally aware of this.

She bit her lip hard, tears streaming down her face, and said, "Someone threatened me to do these things, but...but I don't know who that person is.

Every now and then I would find a piece of paper in my room, in my carriage, or in my lunch box, saying what I needed to do and how I should do it. "

Seeing that Sanye could no longer hide the matter, Sanye quickly took out a few folded notes from his sleeve pocket and handed them to Xu Jing: "That's right, we...we really don't know anything. , these things are all forced by others, this...this is the note the empress received..."

Xu Jing took the note from Sanye and saw that there were three notes in total. The first one asked Concubine Fang to go to the room of the two murdered maids in the morning and put the heads on the table. Hide it in your belly and deal with it later. The second one has similar content to the first one.

The last one should be the one she received before Princess Ling's accident.

The content written above was a bit strange, and Concubine Fang was only asked to go to Princess Ling's room after dinner that night and stay there for at least a cup of tea.

Concubine Fang cried: "That day, when I went to Princess Ling's room, they... they were all dead! I was so frightened, but I didn't dare to go out immediately, so I could only stay in the room for as long as the note Leave at the required time.

Fortunately, that time, the criminal didn't let me continue to hide the head, otherwise...otherwise I would definitely collapse..."

Xu Jing handed the note to Governor Zhang who came over, looked at her and said: "If these notes are true, why do you listen to the murderer like this? Concubine, do you know that according to the laws of Dachu, This behavior of yours is called co-commissioning.”

Grandma Lu seemed to be very angry. She gritted her teeth and said, "It's all your nonsense about being threatened by others! Who knows if you are the real murderer, and you deliberately said this to divert our attention!"

Concubine Fang shook her body again and shook her head desperately: "No, I really didn't kill anyone! The reason why I followed the murderer's instructions is because... because..."

Concubine Fang paused, suddenly closed her eyes, and said with a painful look on her face: "The murderer knew something about me. I was indeed pregnant before, but the child... was not His Highness Prince Ling's..."

Sanye on the side couldn't help but exclaimed: "Empress!"

However, Concubine Fang usually looked soft and weak, but she was unambiguous on important matters. She waved her hand to stop Sanye's words, and continued to choke with sobs: "I didn't find out that I was pregnant until I married into the prince's palace. , what can I do? I can only bite the bullet and marry, and... pretend that this child belongs to His Highness Prince Ling.

But the child was suddenly born prematurely in the eighth month. I was afraid that others would see the clues, so I hid the child and pretended that I was still pregnant. Unexpectedly, not long after that, someone from the court came and said To take us all to Xijing...

The night before I left Qizhou, I found a letter in my room. In the letter... I wrote out all my secrets, and said that if I didn't want him to reveal my secrets to the world, I would let him know. I did what he said..."

For her, the exposure of this incident was undoubtedly equivalent to ruining her life, but compared with being regarded as a murderer and the murderer who killed Princess Ling and His Highness Prince Ling, this was actually a small matter.

That’s it, that’s it!
Although everyone was shocked, the people present were confidants of General Han and Governor Zhang. Xu Jing had just gathered everyone and asked Governor Zhang to clear the place, so they could still calm down.

However, if Concubine Fang did not lie, who was the murderer who killed people and instructed her? !

Xu Jing suddenly raised her eyes, looked at Fang Concubine, and said: "In that case, why did you say later that Princess Ling was in a good mood that day because she would soon be able to return to Xijing to see her relatives? I don't think the note told you to do this explain."

Concubine Fang was stunned and said: "Because...I heard that when Governor Zhang went to interrogate Dongyang and Grandma Lu, that's what they said. I'm just repeating what they said..."

Governor Zhang was interrogated one by one. Because Concubine Fang had the most honorable status, she was kept until the end.

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but look at Dongyang with strange eyes.

Dongyang entered before Fang Concubine.

If Princess Ling and the others were already gone when Concubine Fang entered, then the only person who committed these things could be someone who entered before her.

Seeing this, Dongyang seemed to be a little panicked, but Grandma Lu said with an ugly face: "Why are you looking at Dongyang like this?! Do you think Dongyang is the murderer? Dongyang is the old slave who grew up watching him, so the old slave thinks , Dongyang cannot kill anyone.

One thing, the old slave... actually lied. When the old slave entered Princess Ling's room that day, Princess Ling and the others were already gone... The old slave thought that the murderer was the concubine! "

Concubine Fang's eyes suddenly widened and she said in a panic: "I don't have it, don't spit blood!" (End of Chapter)

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