The wife of the power minister's family

Chapter 448 The reason behind everything

Chapter 448 The reason behind everything (second update)
Aunt Lu's face turned pale and she couldn't help but said loudly: "What's wrong with a substitute? I don't know what you are talking about! I was responsible for choosing a servant for His Highness, so I couldn't choose some crooked man? What's more? , when they first entered the palace, they were only seven or eight years old, how could the old slave know what their figures would be like when they grew up..."

"So, that's why four boys were eliminated by you."

Xu Jing interrupted Mother Lu rudely. She had had enough of watching her act, "At that time, it was difficult for you to predict what they would be like when they grew up, so you chose eight in one go. A young boy with a similar figure to His Highness Prince Ling at that age, and as they grow up, slowly leave behind those few who meet your requirements.

If I guessed correctly, the four young men who stayed were all about the same figure as His Highness Prince Ling. "

Sanye was startled and murmured: "Indeed..."

Previously, she only knew that the servants around His Highness Prince Ling were all tall, thin and handsome, so it was no wonder that they were chosen to serve His Highness Prince Ling.

I didn't notice that their statures were not so much the same as the four of them, but rather that they were all similar to His Highness Prince Ling!
Xu Jing looked at Aunt Lu and continued: "Shuangrui told me before that he was selected from hundreds of people, but I'm afraid that you selected not just a few hundred people, but thousands of people." That’s it. Because the standard you used to select people was not only the figure, but also the bottom of their right foot, which had the same two moles as His Highness Prince Ling!

Grandma Lu's face turned pale and her lips trembled slightly, but she still said firmly: "Don't talk nonsense..."

"It's easy to know if I'm talking nonsense."

Xu Jing raised the corner of her mouth and said: "Shuangxi's body was left in Yulin County, Shengzhou where he was involved in the accident. As long as we send someone to check if there are two moles on the bottom of his right foot, everything will be clear." .

He could even ask someone to go to Qizhou to check on the other two boys who were left there. "

Upon hearing this, Governor Zhang immediately summoned a yamen servant with a dark face and asked him to rush to Shengzhou to investigate the matter.

Grandma Lu's lips suddenly trembled even more, and she couldn't say anything else.

At this time, Chen Hu couldn't help but said: "If the substitute was chosen by Mother Lu, then Mother Lu must have participated in this case, but the concubine said that when she entered Princess Ling's room, Princess Ling and the others were already gone. So, who is the murderer?"

Xu Jing glanced at him and said: "From the very beginning, I felt that the murderer could not be Fang Concubine. Fang Concubine was just helping to carry two heads, and she was so stimulated. She was incense and incense. Wearing colorful clothes, with such a psychological quality, it is impossible to kill so many people without blinking an eye.

What's more, I asked the guards around Fang Concubine. When Dongxue died, Fang Concubine and Sanye were both in the room. They didn't have time to kill Dongxue.

When the first case occurred, the guards were not keeping a close eye on His Highness Prince Ling, but when the second case occurred, they did not dare to let His Highness Prince Ling and the others leave their eyes for almost a moment, except for the servants around them.

But if the servants around them disappeared, the guards would definitely have some impression.

Therefore, just by asking the guards who were with His Royal Highness Prince Ling, you can easily know who was not with them when Dongxue and Tianxi were killed in the second case..."

Xu Jing said, looking at Dongyang who had been standing quietly beside Princess Ling with a half-smile, and said: "The guards told me with certainty that Shuangrui had hardly left His Majesty Prince Ling at that time, and Aunt Lu had also been The only person who stayed by Princess Ling's side and was sent out to do things when Dongxue and Shuangxi were killed was - you, Dongyang! "

Dongyang lowered his head slightly, his face pale.

In fact, it is not difficult to find the suspect through the elimination method, but in this case, everyone's attention has been attracted by the two missing heads. In addition, the murder of Princess Ling actually appeared all of a sudden. Five suspects, everyone couldn't think straight for a while.

Everyone looked at Dongyang, and Governor Zhang suddenly said sharply: "Dongyang, is this true?!"

Dongyang's body trembled slightly and he slowly raised his head. Although his face was bloodless, there was a hint of perseverance in his eyebrows. However, she did not nod or shake her head, she just looked at Governor Zhang and Xu Jing coldly.

Chen Hu felt a little uncomfortable when she saw him, and said: "So, Aunt Lu and Dongyang are accomplices? They teamed up to kill these people, and then threatened Concubine Fang to carry their heads?
hiss! If you put it this way, they are doing all this just so that His Highness Prince Ling can finally escape from his shell with the help of Shuangrui Golden Cicada? Now think about it, they killed all the people around His Highness Prince Ling. Even if His Highness Prince Ling and Shuang Rui looked alike, if those people were still there, they might be able to see some clues.

Even the two moles on the soles of the feet cannot be in exactly the same position..."

As he spoke, Chen Hu seemed to have thought of something. He raised his head in disbelief and looked at Princess Ling who had been silent and seemed to be hidden in the crowd.

Yes, even if Grandma Lu specifically chose someone with two moles on the soles of his feet just like King Ling, they are still two people after all. How could the location, size and color of the moles be exactly the same!
This was also the reason why they had killed everyone around King Ling before.

As long as no one identifies him, no one will know that the man who died in the sea of ​​fire was actually not King Ling, but Shuang Rui!

But... even if no one else can see it, how could Princess Ling not see it!

As Prince Ling’s biological mother, Princess Ling should be the one who understands Prince Ling best!
Unless... Princess Ling also knows about this!

The person who planned this incident was probably Princess Ling!
Aunt Lu suddenly gritted her teeth and said coldly: "Absurd! All of this is just your random speculation about a substitute or a golden cicada escaping from its shell. I don't know anything!
The old slave only knows that our Highness was killed. This is your dereliction of duty! You don’t want to take responsibility, so you just made up a so-called truth and put the responsibility on us!
What's more, you say Dongyang is a murderer, where is the evidence? During the time when Dongxue and Tianxi were killed, Dongyang was indeed... sent out to do things, but this cannot be evidence that she is the murderer!

Could it be that someone saw Dongyang murder with his own eyes? ! "

Xu Jing looked at Aunt Lu coldly, and suddenly chuckled, saying: "I really have no evidence, which is why I didn't ask General Han to arrest Dongyang directly before, but just asked him to guard His Highness Prince Ling. s reason.

To be honest, I also made a mistake in my judgment. I guessed that Shuangrui would be killed by you, but I didn't expect that you would choose to use fire escape.

Because, I always thought that you did all this under the instigation of the Jiang family, so that you could stay in Xinzhou and give the nearby Jiang family time to come over, and then take advantage of the chaos to attack Man Yue Tower and bring away Prince Ling and Princess Ling. Walk.

The purpose of Shuangrui's existence is to distract us. At that time, as long as Shuangrui and His Highness Prince Ling exchange clothes, kill Shuangrui in advance and chop off his head, it will confuse our judgment and allow the Jiang family to Take the opportunity to snatch away the most important His Highness, Prince Ling.

Before the Man Yue Building caught fire, my conclusion had always been this way. "

For this reason, she specially left Cheng Xiao to guard the Man Yue Tower, just to prevent such a civet cat from changing the prince.

Xu Jing paused, looked at Princess Ling who had been silent, and said: "When I saw that Princess Ling was left alone, I knew that the situation was different from what I thought.

Filial piety comes first. How can a prince who only cares about his own escape but leaves his mother behind win the hearts of the people? Recruit talented people? If it were the Jiang family, they would not be able to take away just His Highness Prince Ling, but they would take away the Dowager Queen no matter what. "

To put it bluntly, even if Princess Ling "accidentally" disappeared during the escape, it would be more beneficial to them than leaving her alone in Dachu as a hostage.

"Besides, the Jiang family is not incapable of doing this, but the person who carried out the escape in the end was His Highness Prince Ling himself. From the beginning to the end, I didn't see the Jiang family getting involved.

Princess Toffee, if I guessed correctly, you planned all of this, right? You do this, but you hope that His Highness Prince Ling can get rid of the oppression of the court and the Jiang family, so that he can... live freely for the rest of his life? "

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