The wife of the power minister's family

Chapter 461 [Xiao Huaian Extra] This corpse is not fresh enough

Chapter 461 [Xiao Huaian Extra] This corpse is not fresh enough ()
Some people who were watching heard the woman's cry and couldn't help but wonder: "Isn't that a robber? If you put it that way, isn't this robber the boss's son..."

The woman who looked out of control was startled when she heard this. She glared at the people who had just spoken and said loudly: "My son is not a robber! How could my son be a robber! From now on, the whole gold shop will belong to him. Yes, does he deserve to rob his own shop?"

The common man shrank his shoulders when she yelled, and said unconvinced: "It was the people from the government who said the dead man was a robber! Moreover, just now I took a look at the robber from a distance, and the man lying on the ground clearly it's him!"

The woman was sad and angry, and was about to yell back at him when a man in his fifties, wearing an indigo robe, suddenly rushed over, interrupted her, and said hesitantly: "Madam, Da Langjun...he does look like the robber just now..."

The woman turned her head sharply and cried: "You are talking nonsense! Shopkeeper Hu, I know you are devoted to that bitch You and the child she gave birth to, but you deliberately poured dirty water on my son so that You Can that scoundrel born in the family legitimately inherit Dongfutang?"

Dongfutang is the name of the gold shop that was robbed just now.

The man was startled, and quickly waved his hands and said: " could such-and-such have such an idea? Madam, you have misunderstood..."

At this time, Yao Zhaoyin glanced at him and said, "Are you the shopkeeper of Dongfutang? According to what you just said, you were at the scene when the robbers robbed the store?"

Shopkeeper Hu quickly saluted Yao Zhaoyin and said, "Yes, the villain was at the scene at that time."

"Didn't anyone recognize that the robber was your eldest husband at that time?"

Shopkeeper Hu said nervously: "No... The robber covered most of his face at that time, and... he also made his voice very deep, let alone a villain. The villain looked at him, even The boss didn't realize that the robber was Da Langjun.

Moreover, Da Langjun rarely comes to Dongfutang on weekdays. The villain and the staff of Dongfutang have not seen Dalangjun more than ten times in so many years... On the contrary... Erlangjun comes more frequently..."

Hearing this, the woman just now lost her composure. She gritted her teeth and said angrily: "You are slandering my son again! I just said that you have disliked my son since early in the morning. You..."

Yao Zhaoyin glared at her impatiently and said in a deep voice: "Madam, if you yell and obstruct the government's handling of the case again, don't blame me for inviting you back first!"

The woman trembled and then reluctantly closed her mouth.

Yao Zhaoyin then continued to ask Shopkeeper Hu, "Is this Mr. Erlang the son of Mr. You that the lady just mentioned?"

Shopkeeper Hu nodded and said: "Yes, Mrs. You... is the host's concubine. Although Erlangjun is not as born as the eldest male, but... he is very humble and gentle, and will follow the host to the store whenever he is free. It’s a pity that I can’t help here..."

He didn't say it was a pity, but anyone with a brain could tell that he admired this second husband very much and had some opinions about his first husband.

The woman just now couldn't help but stare at him fiercely, as if she was trying to kill him with her eyes.

Yao Zhaoyin thought for a while and asked the yamen to take the woman aside first, and then continued to ask: "Then do you think your husband is someone who would do such a thing? Don't worry, your wife won't know about you Whatever you say, we will keep it secret for you.”

Shopkeeper Hu hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "The relationship between Da Langjun and his boss is not very good. The boss has always complained that Da Langjun only spends money and alcohol, and is never willing to do anything serious. The few times Da Langjun comes to the store occasionally , they were all forced to come here by their boss, and... and every time they broke up with their boss on bad terms.

The last time Da Langjun came to the store was about two months ago. The boss asked him to help look after the shop. Unexpectedly...unexpectedly, he actually molested a young female customer who came to buy jewelry. The female customer almost wanted to kill Da Langjun. The man complained to the Yamen, but fortunately his boss settled the matter in time with money. After that, the boss became very angry and threatened to ban the man at home for half a year, during which time he would not be given a single copper.

But I don’t know whether my boss actually did this..."

Yao Zhaoyin lowered his eyes and thought. Looking at it this way, it makes sense that this man would temporarily get angry with his father and impulsively go to his father's store to rob him.

As long as the police prove that the man drowned, the case will basically be closed...

At this moment, the young man's voice was as clear as the wind and as clear as water, "Yao Zhaoyin, I suggest you immediately seal off this area and temporarily restrict the movement of the people nearby."

Yao Zhaoyin was startled and looked around, only to realize that the young man who was standing next to him had squatted down next to the body at some point. At this time, he was slightly raising his head and looking at him with a serious look on his face. Su said: "The deceased's lips and fingernails were cyanotic, and his eyes were bleeding slightly. However, there was no foam growing between his mouth and nose. His palms were clean, and there was no sediment in his fingernails. My preliminary inference is that the deceased... did not drown."

Yao Zhaoyin's eyes suddenly widened.


Xiao Huaian paused and said: "The facial muscles and eyeball muscles of the deceased have already exhibited rigor mortis, which means that the deceased has been dead for at least half an hour. This corpse... is not fresh enough."

Yao Zhaoyin was shocked and could not help but twitch the corner of his mouth slightly.

The corpse is not fresh enough... Which serious author would describe it like this! For those who didn’t know, I thought he was buying fish at the wet market!

However, they arrived almost as soon as the deceased jumped into the water and fished him out.

It has only been less than two-quarters of an hour since the deceased was fished out! How could he have been dead for at least half an hour!
The only possibility is that not the robber they have been chasing just now.

Yao Zhaoyin couldn't help but said in a tight voice: "Xiao Xiaolangjun, are you sure? If this is the case, this is not an ordinary robbery, but a murder! This... this is not something to joke about!"

Xiao Huaian knew that he didn't completely trust him, so he wasn't annoyed. He just curled his lips and said, "Yao Zhaoyin, do you think I'm joking? Most robbers just want money, and they already have the property." At that time, there was no need for them to hurt anyone, but he went out of his way to kill his boss, who was being used as a hostage at that time. Moreover, given the posture in which he was holding his boss hostage, if he wanted to kill him, it would be most convenient to just wipe his neck, but he didn't , but he changed the direction of the knife more needlessly and inserted the knife into his chest. "

Yao Zhaoyin looked at him blankly. For a moment, he saw in this young man the shadow of his mother who was stunned when she was investigating the case.

He suddenly came to his senses and glanced at the government officials around him unconsciously.

He came later and didn't know what happened at the beginning of the case.

The yamen officer who followed this case from the beginning immediately nodded and said: "The situation is indeed as Xiao Xiaolangjun said. To be honest, I just thought this robber was a bit inexplicable..."

The corners of Yao Zhaoyin's mouth twitched slightly, and he couldn't help but gritted his teeth and said, "You didn't tell me earlier!"

The yamen servant who just spoke: "..."

He...he hasn't found a chance to say it yet!

Yao Zhaoyin is so fierce! QAQ

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