The wife of the power minister's family

Chapter 465 [Xiao Huaian Extra] The tired bird returns to its nest

Chapter 465 [Xiao Huaian Extra] The tired bird returns to its nest ()

The young man's body was upright and his posture was very relaxed, even a little lazy. He was leaning sideways and looking at the sparkling river below him.

At a certain moment, Yao Zhaoyin actually felt that the young man in front of him was like an eagle spreading its wings and about to fly. He didn't know when he would soar into the sky and fly to a height that no one else could reach.

He was stunned for a moment, and after he came to his senses, he shook his head slightly in amusement.

That is the child of Mrs. Tang Guo and Xiao Xiang. No matter what achievements he makes in the future, he should not be surprised.

He walked slowly over, and the young man who was staring at the river turned to look at him, stood up straight, and smiled, "Fortunately, we really found the culprit, otherwise Yao Zhaoyin will be more worried about me causing trouble next time." ”

Yao Zhaoyin: "..."

This young man knew that he didn't trust him from the very beginning.

He bowed deeply to the young man and said, "How can this cause trouble? Xiao Xiaolangjun is extremely smart. Thanks to Xiao Xiaolangjun, this case was solved so quickly."

Xiao Huaian quickly stepped aside and said funnyly: "Uncle Yao, you are my elder. If I let my mother-in-law know that you are bowing to me, she will definitely scold me for being too old and too young."

When Xu Jing took Xiao Huaian out to investigate the case, she asked him to call Yao Zhaoyin this way.

The young man's title and gossipy words suddenly narrowed the distance between the two. Yao Zhaoyin stood up straight and couldn't help but smile, "It's not too late for your mother to be happy to have a child as smart as you. There's something. I want to ask Xiao Xiaolangjun, since there is unwashed honey on the criminals’ feet, why don’t you let us go directly to check their feet, but instead go to all the trouble to find a detective bee?”

Xiao Huaian raised his eyebrows slightly and said with a smile: "Honey is not easily soluble in cold water, but it is not completely insoluble. I just guessed that the murderer could not find warm water to wash the honey off his feet in such a short period of time, and it is very likely that he did not wash the honey off his feet thoroughly. Washed the honey off his feet, but not sure to what extent his honey was dissolved.

If it dissolves to the point where we can't identify it with just our eyes and nose, we won't be able to find the real culprit.

At that time, the criminal must know what we are looking for. In order to remove the suspicion, he will probably find ways to cover up the remaining honey smell on his body. It is better to use scout bees to search for him from the beginning and successfully find him. The possibility is higher. "

Yao Zhaoyin sighed secretly.

This is true.

This young man is really thoughtful.

It was not until this case that he learned that there was a kind of scout bee in the bee colony that specialized in searching for honey sources.

I don’t know how this young man who has always been pampered knew this. However, judging from his clothes today, he must have been living the life of ordinary people during his travels this year. He also learned this knowledge when he went deep into the folk. stop.

As Xiao Huaian spoke, he suddenly narrowed his eyes and smiled like a little fox: "Even if the bees we found didn't find the murderer in the end, this process was torture enough for him.

At this time, it was actually not important whether the real culprit was found or not. Yao Zhaoyin should also have noticed. When Yao Zhaoyin said that he had found a way to find the real culprit, Mr. Wenlang could still control the expression on his face, but when Yao Zhaoyin After telling him that he had honey on his feet and released the bee, his expression completely changed.

Isn't it interesting to watch the process of the criminal's psychology being completely defeated and then revealing his flaws? "

Yao Zhaoyin: "..."

Young man, you obviously have a fairy-like appearance, but why is your heart so dark?

The corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and he secretly thought that he couldn't make a fuss, and finally managed to control the expression on his face, and said: "Xiao Xiaolangjun is indeed Mrs. Tang Guo's biological son. Speaking of which, Xiao Xiaolangjun is already fifteen years old, right?"

The masters who had taught Xiao Xiaolangjun before all said that Xiao Xiaolangjun was extremely knowledgeable and that if he took part in the imperial examination, he would definitely win the title. I wonder if Xiao Xiaolangjun has this plan when he returns to Beijing this time? Our Xijing government office happens to be short of people. With Xiao Xiaolangjun’s talent, after passing the imperial examination, he will definitely be a talent that all government offices are competing for! "

As he spoke, a pair of eyes couldn't help but shine with extremely longing.

This is focusing on this top labor force. Xiao Huaian was stunned for a moment, raised his lips and said with a smile: "I really want to do something serious when I come back this time."

Yao Zhaoyin suddenly looked excited, "Then..."

"It's getting late."

Xiao Huaian suddenly looked up at the sun and said, "I sent a letter to my family a few days ago, saying that I would go back for dinner today."

After traveling for a whole year, people must be in a hurry to go home.

Even if Yao Zhaoyin wanted to deceive the young man in front of him... ahem, recruit him into his Xijing government office, he could only postpone the matter first and said: "Then Xiao Xiaolangjun should go home quickly, don't Make your parents wait impatiently.

By the way, I would also like to trouble Mr. Xiao Xiaolang to help me greet your father and mother. "

Xiao Huaian smiled faintly, bowed respectfully to Yao Zhaoyin, then said goodbye and left.

Xianyun was also very excited to finally be able to go home. He was clearly in his twenties and almost jumped when he walked.

Xiao Huaian looked at him funny and said: "I asked you not to travel with me back then, but you insisted. If you go back this time, I don't know if Xiaodoudou will recognize you."

Five years ago, Xianyun fell in love with the gentle and virtuous Chu Ju. Xu Jing was naturally happy to see the outcome and quickly arranged for them to get married.

Two years after their marriage, Chuju gave birth to a daughter named Doudou.

When Xiao Huaian was about to travel, Xiao Doudou had just turned two years old and was still wobbly when walking. Xiao Huaian asked Xianyun to stay at home with his wife and children, and he would find another follower.

However, Xianyun could not let go of the young man he had brought up. In the end, he reluctantly said goodbye to his wife and daughter and went out with him.

Hearing this, Xianyun was so excited that he almost jumped up, "My little Doudou will never forget her father, not to mention... not to mention that the villain has brought her a lot of delicious and fun things! She will definitely be very happy. , happily jumped into the little man’s arms, and sweetly called him daddy.”

The more Xianyun talked, the more intoxicated he became, as if he had already seen his soft little baby.

Xiao Huaian looked at him with a slight smile.

Not to mention Xianyun, he also seemed to miss his father and mother.

And his clingy younger siblings.

When the two finally returned to the gate of Xiao Mansion, the guard guarding the door was stunned. After rubbing his eyes several times, he finally confirmed that what he saw in front of him was not an illusion. The guard who had just walked out glanced at Xiao Huaian and suddenly He took a deep breath, turned around and ran back quickly, shouting loudly as he ran, "Da Langjun is back!"

"Da Langjun is back!"

The sound of joy instantly echoed through the entire mansion.

Xiao Huaian couldn't help but be a little confused, and turned to look at Xianyun, "Didn't I already send a letter saying that I would be back today? Could it be that the letter was not delivered?"

Xianyun looked at the young man in front of him with a slight smile.

Although Lang Jun is smart, he is still too young.

The children who were wandering outside finally returned home. Even though they knew about it in advance, the family members were also looking forward to it all the time. Not only did the longing and expectation in their hearts not diminish, but they became more intense.

When the tired bird returns to its nest, the happiest person is actually not the tired bird, but the family members who have been waiting at home.

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