He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 1 Thank you for the invitation. I am in Ultra and have just become the Creator God Noah!

Chapter 1 Thank you for the invitation. I am in Ultra and have just become the Creator God Noah!
In the vast universe, the stars are bright, billions of stars are prosperous, and where countless stars gather, there is a nebula completely condensed by starlight, and a figure is sleeping in it.

The moment I saw him, it seemed as if he was the center of the universe, and all the stars dimmed in front of him.

Like the supreme god.

Suddenly, the dense nebula trembled slightly, and the humanoid life in the center of the nebula slowly opened its eyes.

In an instant, everything flows and time and space stand still.

His extremely deep eyes passed through black holes and countless stars.

It was as if the universe had just begun, the explosion of life, and countless stars rising and falling in his eyes.

Then, the largest nebula since the birth of the universe burst like a bubble.

The reason is simply because this being opened its eyes.

The owner of these eyes that had witnessed everything slowly regained consciousness from his deep sleep.

As he awakens, the entire universe rejoices.

The expanding space began to shrink, causing the orbits of countless planets to change.

Annan, wake up.


Annan, who was originally just an ordinary Blue Star person, accidentally traveled through time and became one of the mysterious Four - Noah!
However, what is somewhat different from the Ultra Chronicles is that his current identity is not one of the four mysterious Ultras.

When I traveled through time, the world was a void, with no time, no space, and even no thought.

The universe hasn't even opened up yet.

Fortunately, like all time travellers, he also has his own system.

——Creation God System.

With the help of the system, he created the current Ultra Universe and created everything, including all living and non-living things in the universe.

If we say that Ultraman Noah, one of the four mysterious Ultraman in Ultra Chronicles, is the first ray of light in the universe.

That Annan gave birth to all the light and darkness in the entire universe.

Well-deserved creation god!

The founder of the Ultra Universe!
With just a flip of your hand, you can create the universe and reverse time and space.

In one thought, the universe shattered and everything began again.

He is 0 and also 1.

It is the beginning of everything and the end of everything.

It is the light of the entire universe and the light of all mankind.

"Hundreds of millions of years have passed again? This sleep is really short!"

After becoming the God of Creation, Annan spent too long a time.

The long and boring time almost made him forget his identity in his previous life.

"I wonder how the universe is developing now?"

"I don't know if human civilization has been born on Blue Star."

"Before the last sleep, the civilization on Blue Star was still a dinosaur civilization, in the late Cretaceous period."

He opened and closed his eyes, and his eyes seemed to have traveled through billions of light years, and his sight fell on a blue planet.

The third closest planet to the sun and the birthplace of mankind.

——Blue Star.

Standing at the center of the universe, Annan had a picture in his eyes, bustling crowds, and technology that had developed into the near future.

"Sure enough, human civilization has been born."

His eyes were neither happy nor sad, staring at his hands: "Blue Star was born, I should be happy, it means that everything I loved before I traveled through time is back, and I can drink Happy Fat House Water again. , I can play games happily again.”

"However, now my mood does not fluctuate at all."

"I see. I have been a god for too long and have lived for too long. Nothing can cause my mood to fluctuate anymore. I don't like this. All the fun things on Blue Star have been born, but I can't mention them. If you have even the slightest interest, what’s the point of this endlessly long life?”

After living for countless years, his state of mind has long been as stable as ever, and nothing can arouse waves in his heart.He has always looked down on the world he created as a high-dimensional god.

Omniscient and omnipotent.

He doesn't like this mentality of having no desires or seeking, everything is mine, and everything is nothing.

He missed the self that he had just traveled through time, the 22-year-old self who didn't know how many years ago, the middle-class and passionate self.

"Then let's downplay all the irrelevant memories that have existed for countless trillions of years since the creation of the world, leaving only some useful memories, and then suppress the divinity."

So Annan closed his eyes.

Then, the breath all over his body began to change.

When he opened his eyes again, his divinity that was so rich that people dared not look directly at him had disappeared, and what was replaced was his eyes with agility.

At the same time, his huge body, shrouded in countless lights and darkness, was slowly shrinking and changing.

In a few breaths, his body turned into a human body.

——Human body.

It is also what he looked like in his previous life.

"Wuhu! Fat house, happy water! Corrupt life! Your emperor is back!"

He took one step and disappeared from where he was in an instant.

When he reappeared, Annan had already arrived in the sky of Blue Star.

"Let me see how far Blue Star has developed now, and see if there is any discrepancy between the history of this world and the original Ultra Blue Star."

Annan closed his eyes and looked up all the historical information on Blue Star.

One minute later, he fully understood all the history that had happened on Blue Star and how far Blue Star had developed now.

"I see, there are no monsters appearing yet, and the plot of Ultraman Tiga has not officially begun yet."

The Victory Team has already appeared, but there has not yet been an incident of monsters attacking the earth.

So the big bones haven’t been boiled into soup yet?
Tiga's plot has not yet begun.

In the evening, in an extremely luxurious hotel.

Annan lay comfortably on the soft bed, drinking happy water and eating fried chicken.

The greasy feeling made him miss it so much. This is the life that people should live.

Although he can also conjure fried chicken out of thin air, compared with the ones sold in stores, it feels a little inferior.

Sure enough, the modern earth is the most comfortable place!

Thinking back to when he was lying in the black hole, it was really uncomfortable to sleep anywhere.

The present day is the day that gods should live.

As for the past days, tui, don’t mention it!
But at this moment, Annan put down the fried chicken in his hand, frowned and looked at the sky.

"Someone is invading the Ultra Universe?"

In his perception, something broke into the Ultra universe he created.

However, it has been blocked by the cosmic barrier, and its strength is not high.

"Is there such a weak intruder?"

Annan was a little surprised. If they were invaders from other universes, they wouldn't have such little strength.

He felt that he could easily crush this invading thing with just a little movement of his hands.

"Let's take a look first to see what this is."

Annan was soon confused.

"Chat group????"


(End of this chapter)

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