Chapter 133 Rules!The escape begins!
Buzz! !

In the endless blue sky, accompanied by spatial fluctuations, a huge vortex portal appeared.

Immediately afterwards, everyone's figures also fell from the whirlpool.

Below the vortex was nothing but air, and the people who should have fallen straight to the ground were strangely floating in the air.

Natsuki Subaru closed his eyes tightly. After feeling that his body did not continue to fall, he opened his eyes in fear and swallowed.

"Emilia, are we floating in the air?"

"Yes, it's so magical! What kind of magic is this?"

Like a child who has found a new toy, Emilia was completely immersed in the feeling of freedom floating in the sky.

"There seems to be some kind of field arranged here to prevent our bodies from falling while still allowing us to float in mid-air."

On the other side, Shi Hao looked calmly at the scenery above the sky.

His younger brother Qin Hao, who was behind him, was looking around like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden, sighing from time to time.

"Brother, is this a new world again? What a powerful method. If possible, I really want to see the group leader with my own eyes."

Shi Hao shook his head: "Don't think too much. Even I can't see the whole group leader now. It's better to concentrate now and prepare for the next activities."

On the side, Whitebeard and Marco were also looking around at this new universe.

"Gu la la la! Is this a new world? Dad, I have really opened my eyes today!"

Whitebeard laughed excitedly: "I wonder what kind of activities the mysterious group leader will hold!"

At this moment, Marco, who was looking around, exclaimed and pointed directly below everything.

"Fuck! Look down there!!"

Hearing Marco's voice, everyone took a look.

For a moment, everyone's eyes widened like Marco's, and their mouths opened wide in surprise at the incredible sight in front of them.

Directly below them was an extremely vast continent, comparable to the size of the planet.

But that doesn't make them surprised, it's shocking and incredible to everyone.

On the continent below, the distinct landscapes, each with its own characteristics but indistinguishable with eight poles, appear on the same piece of land!

Volcanic areas with flowing lava, huge snowfields with thousands of icy winds, tropical rainforests with lush plants, vast and long rivers, cities filled with machinery and buildings, swamps filled with poisonous snakes and pests...

There are also various hills and mountains, as well as very strange areas shrouded in black mist.

These completely different scenes coexist harmoniously on the same continent, which is extremely incredible.

This weird and harmonious scene cannot occur naturally. It must have been artificially created!

"Welcome, everyone, to the new universe created by Father God - the Battle Royale universe."

At this time, Kalafar's voice sounded in the void and reached everyone's ears.

In an instant, a faint black and white color appeared in the entire sky.

His figure also appeared above everyone, condescending.

"Everyone who participated in this event, I believe you have seen the continent below."

"That is exactly the venue for our event [World Battle Royale] this time, [Battle Royale Continent]"

Escape to the mainland?

The universe created by the group leader! ?
hiss! !

Did you create a new universe specifically to hold an event?
The group leader is awesome! ! !

Just when everyone was surprised...

hum! !
Kalafar waved his hand, and a huge light curtain appeared in mid-air.

On this light curtain, rows of words appeared simultaneously.

"What is on this light screen are the rules of the event [World Battle Royale] organized by the group leader."

"Participants in all worlds, please confirm all within 3 minutes. After the 3 minutes are over, I will put you in groups of two and randomly drop you at the edges of the continent below."

"Please note that this time the special guests, King Quan and Father God, will be in the audience to watch your performance."

After speaking, under everyone's nervous and expectant gazes, Kalafar slowly raised his hand.

"Then, the 3-minute countdown begins!"

As the voice fell, everyone immediately turned their attention to the rules on the light screen.

[Rule 1: Everyone will come to the escape continent for a survival showdown. Those who survive to the last world will become the champion and receive the supreme lottery reward]

[Rule 2: After the activity starts, every once in a while, the 'world-destroying aperture' surrounding the edge of the continent will begin to shrink inward. If you carry out activities within the world-destroying aperture, you will continue to be harmed. When it reaches a certain level, it will Will die. Players who die will go to the death auditorium]

[Rule 3: Even if you are eliminated in this event, you will not die, and it will not have any adverse effects on yourself. You can use various methods with confidence and boldness]

In an instant, waves of gasping sounds could be heard one after another.

Supreme draw! ?That’s a prize pool worth 50 points!

From this prize pool, there will definitely be a golden prize, and it will be the top one!
At this moment, almost everyone's competitive spirit was instantly ignited.

This event must not be lost to others!

However, Marco and others were a little dumbfounded: "Huh??? The group leader is comparing us with people from all over the world to compete for the supreme lottery!?"

Even if you don't die, there is a huge gap between the big world and the middle and small worlds!
In such a competition for survival, it is impossible to win against people like Shi Hao!

Could it be said that the supreme lottery of 50 points was about to be taken away from him like this! ?
"Hmph, look carefully! There are many rules behind it!"

On the side, Uchiha Madara said coldly: "The fourth rule about what you are worried about has been written very clearly."

After hearing this, Marco quickly looked at the fourth rule.

[Rule 4: After arriving on the Escape Continent, everyone will be deprived of all power and become physically the same as ordinary people. 】

"Deprived of abilities, even physical abilities!? All turned into ordinary people!"

Seeing this, Marco almost shouted with excitement.

In this way, everyone, including the powerful people in the world, are all on the same level!

It is not impossible to survive to the end and win the supreme prize pool of 50 points!

Of course there is more to the rules than just this, but compared to just now, the mentality of Marco and other Thousand Worlds personnel in Small Thousand Worlds is completely different.

We are all on the same starting line, and we are still afraid of the big world and the middle world.

[Rule 5: There will be a variety of weapons and equipment hidden everywhere in the escape continent, such as swords, armor, and even spiritual weapons]

[Rule 6: On the Battle Royale Continent, each participant can equip three active skills and one passive skill. They are also obtained on the Battle Royale Continent. New skills can be replaced at any time when new skills are found, but redundant skills cannot always be retained]

[Rule 7: There will be no harm between companions. Temporary team formation in different worlds can be allowed, but harm will not be avoided. The final winner can only have contestants from one world]

[Rule 8: Everyone will visualize their own health, but not other people’s health. The base is 1000.Exhausting it means failure, and a certain amount of health can be restored through medical treatment. 】

[Rule 9: ...]

[Rules...] After reading all the rules, the three minutes have almost come to an end.


In a place where the group members cannot see, there is a very high altitude overlooking the entire Escape Continent.

Annan and King Quan were overlooking the entire continent below from an absolute perspective, as well as the different performances of the contestants.

Quan Wang next to him was already jumping up and down and cheering excitedly.

"What a fun, fun game! It seems to be even more interesting than the previous martial arts tournament!"

Annan asked with a smile: "King Quan, among the contestants this time, which ones do you think more highly of?"


Faced with this problem, Quan Wang suddenly pouted his mouth and started thinking with a troubled expression.

"I can't imagine... everyone has become ordinary people, and there is no gap in strength at all."

Annan nodded: "Yes, this event actually depends to a large extent on everyone's luck."

"What kind of equipment and skills will be encountered, and personal ability factors have been reduced to a minimum."

"Of course, wisdom and means will also become important factors in winning, but it depends on how they use all available resources."

During the conversation, the three-minute countdown had completely reached zero.

On the big screen, Kalafar raised his arm and swung it down violently.

"World Battle Royale, start now!"

The moment the words fell, everyone felt the ultimate sense of weightlessness and falling, and their bodies disappeared from the place.

Now, they have been scattered to the edges of the Escape Continent, and their only goal is to survive!


Escape to the edge of the continent, to the beach by the sea.

Marco and Whitebeard were teleported here and were looking at the surrounding environment.

"Is this... the beach? It's really an auspicious start."

"However, the domineering and fruit abilities really can't be used."

Marco jumped on the spot with all his strength, and his physical strength, which could have destroyed dozens of ships with one punch, completely disappeared.

"However, we still have combat experience and skills, which is enough to survive here!"

Whitebeard touched his beard and looked at Marco with a smile, full of energy.

They are bound to win 50 points!

On the other side, there is an extremely cold ice sheet on the edge of the continent.

Natsuki Subaru and Emilia were standing on the snow shivering, and their health points were also decreasing at a slow rate.

"It's over! It was such an unfavorable environment from the beginning."

Cai Yueang, who had played many games on Earth, immediately understood his situation.

If there was no corresponding cold-proof equipment, the two of them would die immediately on this snowfield without anyone else taking action!

"Subaru, what should we do now?"

Emilia rubbed her palms together and breathed in the heat. Without Parker by her side, she lost her half-elf physique again.

Under such low temperatures, ordinary girls simply can't hold on for long.

"Let's go! Let's go find props and equipment immediately, and get out of here first!"

Natsuki Ang said decisively that originally, he and Emilia had no intention of winning in this event.

The original plan was to spend time together with Emilia.

joke!Don’t you look at the big guys around you?
There are not only monsters, but also dinosaurs, and fierce men who can shatter the void with one punch!

But now it seems that let alone talking about the world of two, let's survive first.


In another place, Xiao Poqiu and Liu Peiqiang, who were watched by Quan Wang, arrived at the edge of the escape continent, in the dense forest.

From the front and back of Little Poqiu and Liu Peiqiang, at a glance, there was nothing else at all except trees, trees, trees, trees!

"Mr. Little Breaking Ball, what are we going to do now?"

Liu Peiqiang's expression was a little flustered. Obviously, all the martial arts power he had mastered had disappeared, making him very uncomfortable.

"Don't worry, in this event, only wisdom and luck coexist to survive to the end."

Little Broken Ball chuckled: "Don't forget, I am the will of the world! All the knowledge created by you humans is in my mind, and no one can beat me for survival in the wild."

"Liu Peiqiang, we must kill everyone else, win the final championship, and win the supreme lottery! That is the fastest shortcut to promotion in our world!"

World promotion...

Liu Peiqiang immediately tensed up his body, stood at attention and saluted extremely seriously: "Yes! Mr. Little Breaking Ball!"


Just when everyone was in full swing preparing to kill the other contestants and become the final winner.

There is such an unusual pair, but they are hiding quietly in a cave in a high mountain.

Han Li, and Li Feiyu.

The teammate he chose was Li Feiyu. After all, he and Li Feiyu had the best relationship in Qixuanmen.

"Han Li, hurry up, let's find equipment first, and then kill the contestants from other worlds!!"

As soon as he landed, Li Feiyu couldn't wait to urge him.

Facing Li Feiyu's doubts, Han Li raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"Did you know? In fact, everyone has fallen into a misunderstanding."


"Yes, a very common misunderstanding."

Han Li stretched out his finger and made a circle on the ground: "Every once in a while, the world-destroying aperture will begin to shrink inward, and only the person who survives to the end can win. This is the most basic rule."

"However, the rules never say that you must defeat other people in order to survive to the end."

For a moment, Li Feiyu's eyes widened, like a thunderbolt passing through his brain: "!? What do you mean..."

Han Li nodded: "That's right! We must hide to avoid fighting and survive until the end without fighting!"


(End of this chapter)

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