Chapter 139 Hehua Zizui VS Kang's Council!

Tony Stark returns to Stark Tower and confirms the location of Thor and Peter Parker.

At this time, in a bustling bar...

Peter Parker, who was slightly shy, was sitting on the bar with Thor, who was surrounded by a group of women wearing heavy makeup, drinking his favorite whiskey.

The three Tony Starks came to the door of the bar and walked towards Thor under the curious eyes of ordinary people.

"Peter, it seems you guys get along well."

"Mr. Stark!"

Seeing Stark coming back, Thor, who was holding a bottle of whiskey, immediately separated from the woman and ran over.

"You are finally back! Things about Asgard..."

Tony Stark coughed: "It's not convenient here. Let's go outside first."

"Han Li, stop looking at it. Next time I have a chance, I'll invite you over for a drink!"

Peter asked timidly: "What"

Tony Stark patted him on the shoulder: "You go back first, we will solve the problem soon."

Although Peter Parker is a young man with a sense of justice, it is better not to involve him in a battle of this level.


After leaving the bar, the four of them flew to a place above the sky that was invisible to the naked eye.

"Thor, give me the coordinates of Asgard."

Tony Stark said: "Now, it is time to return to Asgard and fight back against Loki."

Hearing these words, Thor slowly opened his eyes and opened his mouth: "Are we going to go over like this? Are we just the few? Aren't you looking for help? They... are very weak..."

I'm not done yet...

Shi Hao said calmly: "No need to worry, it will be over in an instant."

hum! ! !
After getting the coordinates of Asgard, the space portal opened wide and four people walked into it at the same time.


Asgard, in front of the palace hall.

An extremely huge interstellar ship is moored on the ground.

Loki floated in the air with an evil smile on his face, and the two Infinity Stones were spinning in his hands.

On his left and right sides were Hela, who looked disdainful, and Kang, the intruder who kept smiling, but couldn't tell what he was thinking.

Based on the information provided by the invader Kang, they have figured out where the remaining four Infinity Stones are.

Now get ready to get the remaining Infinity Stones.


boom! ! !
A roar that everyone felt extremely familiar was approaching from the sky.

In an instant, the sky was shrouded in dark clouds, and the terrifying power of thunder roamed in the sky.

"The power of thunder and lightning...hehe."

However, facing this terrifying power of thunder, Loki not only did not panic, but instead showed an extremely mocking smile.

"My stupid brother, how dare you come back? Even if you get Thor's Hammer back, it will have no effect on me now."

The same was true for Hela. She didn't even want to raise her head and spoke coldly.

"Just kill him. Without Thor's hammer, he will be no different from trash. I will get irritated when I see him."

Boom! ! !

Blue-purple thunder rushed through the air and blasted directly towards the spacecraft.

Loki waved his scepter, and a large black hole appeared, transferring all the power of thunder into outer space.

"Hey, isn't this my stupid, miserable brother who lost Thor's hammer again?"

Loki mocked mercilessly: "We haven't seen each other for a few days, why are you acting like this?"

In the smoke and dust caused by the thunder, a burly figure walked out.

Thor, who was filled with the power of the God of Thunder, could not hold back his furious mood.

"Loki! Hand over your father and the Infinity Stones!"

"Just you?"

Hela floated out of the air, and the power of death was like an abyss, covering the entire sky of Asgard.

"Originally, we were too lazy to take care of you, a loser, but now that you came to the door yourself, don't blame me for being cruel!"

Boom boom boom! ! !
The endless power of death dyed the sky black, and along with the terrifying screams, the entire planet seemed to be controlled by death, overwhelmingly surrounding Thor.

The next second, in the incredible eyes of Hela and Loki.

A figure walked out from behind Thor, and with just one punch, all the death power released by Hela was instantly wiped out.

"It's true that Thor can't defeat you, but what if we are added to the mix?"

Tony Stark's slutty voice sounded, and Han Li on the side put away his fists.

The intruder Kang opened his eyes wide and stared at Shi Hao and Han Li behind Tony Stark.

Iron Man Tony Stark! ?
But who are the two people behind him!
In his memory, there is no such style of superhero in this universe or in countless parallel universes.

"Reinforcements on Earth? Huh, what can mortal power do?"

Loki, completely unaware of the seriousness of the matter, waved his staff again.

In an instant, the power of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube was mobilized, and the layers of space storms and space pressure were about to crush the four Thors directly.

"The boring way to use it is a waste of the power of the Infinity Stones."

Han Li shook his head and slowly raised his palm.

In an instant, all spaces around the Asgard Palace were covered with dense threads.

The power of space that was enough to crush everything just now disappeared inexplicably, as if it had never existed.

Instead, there are extremely fine golden streamlines, constantly shuttling back and forth in the air.

Feeling the power on this thread, the intruder Kang's eyes widened and he yelled desperately.

"Escape from this space quickly! This is the power of time!!!"


hum! ! !
The law of time completely exploded, combined with the space-time formation developed by Han Li based on the systems he observed in other worlds.

With just one move, Loki and Hela lost their ability to resist.


The power of the law of time combined with the power of the formation, Loki spurted out a mouthful of blood after being knocked to the ground, and the flesh all over his body seemed to have been displaced, unable to move.

But what frightened him even more was that the flow of time in his body seemed to have accelerated a thousand times, and it began to lose vitality rapidly.

Even the divine power seems to be aging, constantly passing away.


Hela grabbed her face tightly and screamed in agony.

There were wrinkles on her eternally youthful and beautiful skin, which was as breakable as a girl's.
"I...I am the goddess of death! How dare dare you!!!"

Han Li didn't even look at her: "I remember that as long as Asgard is immortal, Hela will not die, right? Thor, she has temporarily lost her combat effectiveness, and the rest will be left to you."

Thor nodded, feeling very complicated.

His invincible sister Hela, the goddess of death, could not survive a single move in Han Li's hands...

It seems that my intuition is right, these two people are definitely not human beings!
Rather, it is a terrifying existence that transcends human beings and reaches a certain state.At the same time, the intruder Kang, who barely escaped from the space-time formation field, watched his two teammates being knocked down with one move, and felt even more unbelievable in his heart.

quick!too fast!
Even though Loki is very weak in close combat, he is the God of Deception and possesses the power of the Space Stone and the Mind Stone.

But in such a situation, he couldn't react and was killed instantly with one move.

Faintly, the intruder Kang had a guess in his mind.


The Space Stone and the Mind Stone instantly flew into the hands of the intruder Kang, shining with different lights.

"It seems that you are the culprit of this time line change, Kang!"

Tony Stark stared at the intruder Kang, while secretly grabbing the Space Stone, ready to block his retreat at any time.

"Oh, you actually know that I exist?"

The intruder Kang's whole body was filled with spiritual energy and space energy. His entire body seemed to be magnified several times, making him appear extremely terrifying.

Tony Stark reminded: "Be careful of the power of the Mind Stone, it can control the mind!"

He didn't need to remind him that since arriving here, Shi Hao and Han Li had protected their consciousness, and even the power of the Mind Stone could not penetrate their protection.

After hearing the conversation between them, the intruder Kang became more sure of his thoughts.

"It seems that my guess is correct. The two humans next to you definitely do not belong to this universe, but are from another world!"

"Is it the existence that makes the Lord God furious...another existence similar to the Lord God's world. You are world invaders from another Lord God's world!"

Obviously, all the invaders from the main god's world now know about Annan's world.

And defined Annan as another 'main god world', and regarded Han Li and others as 'invaders from other main god worlds'.

another world! ?The world of the Lord God?
Before Thor could think about what this meant.

boom! ! !
The overflowing spiritual and spatial energy in the intruder Kang's body exploded like a storm at this moment, shooting straight into the sky.

In an instant, in the conflict and fusion of the two energies, the universe was torn apart, forming a huge black vortex.

But this was not the end. After the first black vortex appeared, one after another terrifying vortexes filled the entire sky of Asgard.

And these vortexes are all connected to countless parallel time and space, and the time and space channels of countless timelines!

Incalculable fluctuations in time and space and an extremely terrifying sense of oppression emerged, shaking the entire Asgard to its core, and the space peeled off and shattered like glass.

"See! This is the power of the Infinity Stones!"

The intruder Kang opened his arms: "I am indeed no match for you people, but if countless me appear, how will you deal with it!?"

The invader Kang, when he came to this world from the world of the Lord God, he became one of the 'Kangs' in countless parallel universes.

In the Marvel Universe, Kang exists in every parallel universe.

They are extremely powerful and can even travel through various timelines and parallel spaces.

The invader Kang grew up step by step over a long period of time and completed one of the main tasks: joining Kang's meeting.

The Council of Kang is a huge council composed of Kangs from countless worlds, and its power can affect countless parallel universes.

The invader Kang has become one of the members of Kang's Parliament!

Buzz! ! !
At this moment, in the countless time and space channels in the sky.

A series of very similar but completely different variations of Kang emerged from it.

The sky is densely packed with Kang’s figure everywhere!

Seeing this extremely shocking scene, Loki opened his mouth wide and even the physical pain was temporarily forgotten.

Kang... who is he?Why can such a thing be done? ? ?

However, in front of this endless Kang, the invader Kang, did not see any panic look in the eyes of Tony Stark and others.

He even saw a lot of ridicule in the eyes of Tony Stark and the other two!

It was like seeing a clown doing tricks in front of a world-class master!
Shi Hao took a step forward and looked directly at the intruder Kang with great indifference.

"Are you proud that you relied on external forces to achieve all this?"


A golden river of time slowly flows down from the distant sky. Countless fragments of time and space reflect countless past and future.

Shi Hao raised his hands: "Let me show you what it is called, the power of time and space."

"Every minute, every second of me! Come out!"

Boom! !
The river of time shook, and among the countless fragments of time and space, figures of Shi Hao appeared among them, striding out from the river of time.

In front of countless Kang, there are countless Shi Hao!
At this moment, the intruder Kang was completely stunned.

He backed away continuously, his pupils trembling constantly, unable to accept the facts in front of him.

How can it be?

How can it be!

How could it be possible with a human body to do such a thing! ?
In an instant, a possibility that he had completely ignored flashed across him although it had appeared before.

Could it be said that... this existence that summons the long river of time is a top powerhouse from the top world! ?

A feeling of extreme regret emerged in his mind, why did he use the power of the infinite stones arrogantly, and why did he become an enemy of Tony Stark...

But it was all too late.

From Shi Hao's chest, a bright light shot straight into the sky, and then, another halo of aura containing infinite mysterious aura shone and appeared behind him.

The exact same phenomenon appeared on all Shi Hao's bodies.

The tribulation light of heaven and the power of reincarnation time.

Shi Hao combined the power of the calamity of light that killed the gods with the power of reincarnation, and unleashed this terrifying and weird attack!
——The light of reincarnation from God!
hum! ! !
Like divine punishment coming, countless rays of light converge into countless destructive powers, flooding the entire universe and time and space, devastating everything in the universe.


When the last Kang in the universe disappeared, the Kangs in other timelines and parallel universes were turned into ashes one by one under the power of reincarnation and the power of God's Tribulation Light.

From then on, Kang no longer existed in the entire Marvel world.

The problem was solved, and Shi Hao took back all of himself.

Kang has been eliminated, and Hela and Loki are already in a semi-disabled state. The next thing can be left to Thor, the God of Thunder.

"The mission also reminds us that we have completed it. Let's go! I will take you to the earth to have a good time and show your friendship as a landowner!"

Tony Stark put his hands on their shoulders and laughed.

"Not right!"

However, both Han Li and Shi Hao's expressions changed at this moment.

"Something is coming!"


Accompanied by an imperceptible space-time oscillation, the chaos caused by the space-time battle just now triggered a certain chain reaction!

At this moment, all life in the universe felt that an incredibly huge force was gradually reviving.

With the emergence of this force, as if in response, the universe vibrated and shook in response to it.

A golden light that was more dazzling than the sun rose far away from the end of the horizon of the universe.

Amid the shocked gazes of countless beings, three huge golden faces appeared in the upper space of the entire universe.

The Court of Life, the high-dimensional existence that judges the entire universe, issued a call that resounded throughout the universe.

"People outside the boundary..."


(End of this chapter)

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