He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 141 The transformation of the Ultra world, half a step to the top!

Chapter 141 The transformation of the Ultra world, half a step to the top!

After the Marvel world was completely transformed into a subordinate world, oaa exerted its own divine power, and its boundless power spread to the entire universe and time and space lines.

Shi Hao's previous moves and the battle between the two creation gods oaa and Annan had a certain impact on countless parallel universes.

Therefore, oaa took action personally to put the loopholes in time and space and the distortions of various parallel universes back on track.

"Sir, please allow me to leave first."

oaa bowed his head respectfully: "After becoming a subordinate world, my world began to change."

"Each universe will probably experience a lot of chaos due to these changes. I need to re-create a life court to settle the disputes between parallel universes."

Annan nodded: "Go."

"Remember to manage your world well. Although the Creator God does not need to interfere in the human world, if the universe is restarted and the world changes, part of your responsibility will be yours."

The hidden meaning in Annan's words made oaa's face suddenly turn pale: "...I understand, sir, I will definitely pay attention."

After saying that, oaa's body faintly disappeared from the void.

After oaa disappeared, Annan was not in a hurry to leave.

Although the crisis in this world has been lifted, a new subordinate world has also been gained.

But there is one extremely important thing that remains unresolved here.


"I, I am here!"

After being called out by the group leader, Tony Stark immediately lowered his head, his body more tense than ever before.

Annan asked: "Stark, in your world, there used to be a gold medal list, right?"

"Yes, it is!"

Tony Stark immediately replied: "But it disappeared together with the gold answer lists in other worlds before."

Disappear? Since there are still world invaders in this world.

That means the gold medallist did not leave, but just hid.

Annan closed his eyes, and the Marvel world had become his subordinate world.

There is no place in the entire world that can be hidden from him.


In one thought, the laws and existence of the entire world emerged around him.

Annan's thoughts merged into it, sweeping through the infinite parallel time and space in the entire Marvel world, taking in everything in sight.

Nothing can escape his detection.

"found it."

Annan opened his bright eyes, and the hiding place chosen by the gold medallist was indeed clever.

Normally, no one would be able to find it.

Unfortunately, it met itself.

After snapping his fingers, Tony Stark found that several gems in his arms suddenly began to tremble.

The next moment, all the Infinity Stones were there, except those that Tony Stark had drawn with points.

As if being pulled, they all turned into meteors and flew in front of Annan at extremely fast speeds.

Six Infinity Stones float in the air, constantly rotating like rings.

The Infinity Stones were gathered in an instant, and now all he needs to do is get the Infinity Gauntlet to unleash the power to destroy the universe.

But what Annan needs is not this weak ability.



Suddenly, the six Infinity Stones bloomed with six different radiances at the same time, and continued to approach each other in the astonished eyes of Tony Stark and others.

The infinite stones, which are extremely hard and difficult to destroy, are slowly blending together like jelly and melted cement.

"No...the Infinity Stones melted!?"

Seeing this scene, Tony Stark subconsciously touched the space gem on his chest.

Fortunately, his Infinity Stones were drawn with points, not the original Infinity Stones.

As time went by, the moment the six gems were completely fused together, a blazing white light that was more dazzling than the light of the six gems just now shone throughout the universe!

Gradually, the light dissipated.

In the surprised eyes of the three people, a larger Infinity Stone appeared that combined the characteristics of six Infinity Stones and emitted six different kinds of light at the same time!
No, it is no longer an Infinity Stone, but a World Stone!

Shi Hao looked at this world gem carefully. From this gem, he felt six different powers contained in it.


Han Li and Shi Hao frowned at the same time and looked at each other.

In this world gem, in addition to time, space, mind, reality, soul, and power.

There is also an extremely obscure power that did not appear until the six world gems merged into one.

"Do you still want to hide? I'm on the gold list for answering questions."

Swish! ! !
At the same time as Annan's voice sounded, a powerful force that was completely different from the infinite gems suddenly burst out from the world gems.

With the intense golden light blooming, an existence that Tony Stark was all too familiar with hurriedly left here from the world gem.

It’s a gold medal for answering questions!
"The gold medal list for answering questions is actually hidden in the infinite gems!?"

Tony Stark's expression suddenly changed, and he felt a sense of fear. Fortunately, he didn't use the power of the Infinity Stone immediately after he obtained it.

Otherwise, who knows whether it will be affected by the power of the gold medal list.

After the golden answer list that had been hidden appeared, the Lord God's Eye immediately blocked the answer list. The huge golden pupil released a terrifying pressure, shaking most of the life in the universe to the ground.

Obviously, it is here to protect the world's top quiz players.

Buzz! !
The huge pupils opened, and the dazzling golden light released countless lights of destruction, and the space was shattered one after another.

Asgard, Earth, and all places with life in the universe have witnessed this extremely eye-catching light of destruction.

The Eye of the Lord God held the entire universe hostage to delay the escape of the quiz leader.

But these little tricks had no effect at all in front of Annan.

Annan stretched out his palm, and the destructive light released by the Lord God's Eye was directly pushed back into his body.The powerful force backfired and burst the Lord God's Eye.

Sensing the destruction of the Lord God's Eyes, the Answer King increased his speed again in fear and wanted to escape.

However, after it ran for nearly ten seconds and failed to leave the world, it discovered the clue.

The 'universe' in front of him actually divided into five fingers, which were slowly clenched into a fist.

"caught you."

That's right, the place where the gold medal for answering questions lies is not the universe at all, but the palm of Annan's hand!
In the blink of an eye, the golden question-answering list held in the palm of your hand stopped moving. The will of the Lord God inside it was completely wiped out, and it turned into a golden page.

The gold list for answering questions is completed.

Another goal of this trip was solved. Annan put away the answer sheet and spoke to Tony Stark and the three of them.

"I have extended the group task retention time to 24 hours. I will leave the rest of the matter in this universe to you to solve."

After the words fell, Annan's figure slowly faded out of the universe.

As the group leader disappeared, Tony Stark coughed: "You two."

"Since the group leader has given us an extra 24 hours to stay, let me entertain you as a guest and host!" "By the way, come and help my world a little bit?"

After thinking about it, neither Shi Hao nor Han Li refused.

They wanted to know more about Tony Stark's world, and both of them were interested in so-called gods and superpowers.

If you can study it, it might bring new inspiration to the way of cultivation.


Ultra world, hyperspace.

After returning to a familiar place, Annan silently felt the changes in his body and the entire world.

My own strength has been greatly strengthened compared to what I was ten seconds ago.

It's not just a big step forward, but a deeper, more unexplainable, qualitative change that comes from the origin.

Not only himself, but also the Ultra World.

After accepting the Marvel world as a subordinate world, both the Ultra world and Annan itself have entered a new stage of qualitative change.

In an instant, in hyperspace, in countless universes, different laws hidden in the origin of the world appeared, and they were extremely active and intertwined with the laws of the Marvel world.

The laws of the Marvel world began to blend with the laws of the Ultra world and complement each other.

In the sky of every universe and planet, there are divine chains of law and order appearing.

It's just that ordinary humans are completely unaware of all this and continue to live their normal lives.

After being integrated and completed with the laws of the Marvel world, the laws of the Ultra world have not disappeared as before, but have exploded with a more terrifying attraction.

At this moment, all the worlds that have become subordinate worlds seem to have been called to reveal the laws of their own worlds.

With the Ultra World as the goal, different world laws and underlying rules all appeared in the hyperspace.

The laws of the Ultra world began to merge with all the underlying laws of other subordinate worlds at the same time.

Whether it is the invisible law or the tangible divine chain of order, the underlying rules, or the world itself, have begun to undergo an unprecedented transformation towards a higher level of existence.

Naturally, Kalafar felt the huge changes in the Ultra world immediately.

"Father God has become more powerful again! And it feels like...an unknown change is taking place in the Ultra world."

Kalafar's mood was agitated, and this feeling was even stronger than when the Father God was asleep last time!
When the transformation is over, the Ultra world will surely become more powerful!

In the Kingdom of Light, the Ultra King sitting in the Plasma Spark Tower couldn't help but look at the distant horizon with a shocked expression under this strong movement.

"It feels like...that adult and this world are becoming stronger!"

The next moment, the flashing plasma spark tower gave the answer.

The light became more intense, and the concentration of energy particles in the entire Kingdom of Light was rapidly increasing.

As giants of light in the Ultra world, the favor they receive will be the most obvious.


Three-body world.

The Lord of the Rings civilization, which has become the dominant civilization in the entire world, also felt a strong feeling at this moment.

"This feeling... comes from the world of Lord Shishen!"

As the rulers of the world, the highest-dimensional civilization in the Trisolaran world, the strong men of the Lord of the Rings civilization all clearly feel that the Ultra world is embarking on an invincible path!

"Long live Lord Shishen! Lord Shishen is invincible!"

The people of the Lord of the Rings civilization cheered with great excitement. The stronger the Ultra world is, the stronger their world will be!
Ascending to a higher dimension will no longer be just a delusion!


In the Dragon Ball world, all kings are watching the newly held battle royale competition.

At this moment, a strange feeling suddenly came to his heart, and King Quan blinked subconsciously.

"Hmm... It seems like it's Annan's world?"

"It feels like the world is changing!? It's amazing!"


In the Marvel world, Shi Hao, who was helping Thor rebuild national order in Asgard, suddenly frowned.

Then, his expression turned into one of extreme shock.

"The world of the group leader is undergoing a transformation!?"

On the side, Tony Stark was a little confused and turned around: "What did you say suddenly? What about the transformation of the world?"

After taking a deep breath, Shi Hao spoke with difficulty: "The world where the group leader lives is undergoing an unprecedented and huge transformation!"

"If nothing goes as expected, after the transformation is over, the group leader will become even more powerful!"

Hearing these words, Han Li and Tony Starkton were stunned for a moment.

The group leader, who was already invincible, can actually become even more powerful! ?

"Are you kidding me?"

Tony Stark didn't believe it: "After reaching the level of group leader, you can still go up?"

"I don't know much about this either."

Shi Hao shook his head: "But I can be sure that the world of the group leader will definitely become more powerful after the transformation is over!"


Ultra world, in hyperspace.

Surrounded by the rules of the world, Annan continues to feel the constant transformation of the world and himself.

This state may continue for some time.

So, Annan opened his eyes. When the transformation was completed, his state...should be called..."half-step to the highest"?
He took out the gold medal list he had just captured.

This golden page is the same as the previous golden page in the three-body world, with a texture that is almost the same as that of jade.

Then, he took out the booklet with the gold medal list and floated it in the air.

Under the strong mutual attraction, the golden pages were integrated into the booklet and appeared at the top of the golden pages in Trisolaris.

【Ding! 】

[Progress update: The passage to the world of the Lord God is close to being opened, and there are still 900 million years left]

Can a jade gold answer sheet reduce a million years of time?

Annan thought, that is to say, if you want to open a passage in a short time, you must find nine other great worlds with question answering gold lists.

[Detect the existence of a new world passage. Will it be opened immediately? 】

Another notification from the system made Annan very excited.

It seems that I am lucky and will be able to travel to a new world next.

"get through!"

[The coordinates are confirmed, and world anchoring is in progress... The anchoring is successful, and the world channel is being opened...]

[The world passage was successfully opened! 】

Annan was a little surprised. No need to wait, just get through directly...

Is it because I have enough golden list booklets that contain enough question-answering gold lists?


(End of this chapter)

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