He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 146 The changes in the pattern of super gods!

Chapter 146 The changes in the pattern of super gods!

"Let you feel dizzy!"

Seeing the dull look of the golden-horned beast, Groudon opened his mouth wide and laughed mercilessly.

"Ahem, it seems you should not waste your points and go directly to the Super God World."

Dagu quickly went up to smooth things over, and at the same time allowed the golden-horned beast to temporarily shrink its body.

After all, such a conspicuous target might be noticed just after arriving in the Super God World.

"If you are ready, go in, I will wait for your good news."

After saying that, Kalafar's figure disappeared from the sky.

But several people knew that Kalafar had not left, but was secretly observing and watching their actions.

Han Li frowned and retreated behind everyone: "Let's go, there are fewer people this time, you go in first."

Everyone: "..."

His group ID is really correct!


After the familiar feeling of space dizziness came, when everyone opened their eyes, they landed on the same desolate planet as last time.

At this moment, Tony Stark immediately equipped himself with the newly developed Iron Man armor. The detector on the steel helmet emitted a bright light and instantly swept across the surface of the entire planet.

After solving the problems in his own world, Tony Stark used Asgard's connections to get acquainted with scientists from many civilizations, learned from and integrated their technologies, and created this nano-armor with the most cutting-edge technology in the universe.

Scanning and detecting, extracting energy from space, is just one of the simplest functions.

"There is no life on this planet, but there are many hums left behind after the war."

Tony Stark frowned slightly: "If the entire planet is beaten like this, what kind of civilization is fighting in this world?"

Dagu asked: "What should we do? Do we need to split up and look for traces of civilization?"

All of them have the ability to travel through space quickly, which seems to be a good plan in this unknown world.

However, Han Li shook his head: "No need to go to such trouble."

As soon as he finished speaking, a powerful spiritual thought spread out from his body, covering the entire planet in an instant, and continued to expand outward.

In just a few seconds, the area covered by divine thoughts exceeded the entire galaxy, and it was even expanding.

"found it."

Han Li opened his bright eyes and looked in a certain direction.

"In that place, there is a planet that is very similar to Blue Star and Earth, except..."

At this point, Han Li frowned: "Beyond that planet, countless fleets appeared and surrounded it."

"The humans on that planet will soon be attacked by alien civilization."

A planet very similar to the Earth and Blue Star, as well as humans.

Everyone looked at each other. Needless to say, this planet, which is very similar to Blue Star, is probably the center of this world.

This is a conclusion they came to after traveling to many worlds.

"Let's go."

Tony Stark opened the space channel: "Before the world invaders succeed, protect the planet and the Son of Destiny!"


Milky way galaxy, solar system, earth.

This is the mother planet of mankind, and it is also an extremely fragile primary civilization that has just stepped out of the earth and headed towards the sea of ​​stars.

Humans on this planet embrace hope and a future, and continue to research genetic engineering and super soldiers to deal with threats and offensives from alien civilizations.

However, their efforts had just begun, and were completely crushed in the face of this desperate fact.


Along with countless dazzling lightnings, hundreds of dark space wormholes appeared outside the earth's atmosphere.

In the eyes of countless human beings, countless huge cosmic fleets flew out of the wormholes one after another, surrounding the entire solar system.

Surprise, fear, confusion, and panic.

The entire planet and billions of human beings have witnessed this shocking fact with their own eyes.

In the Super Seminary, Ge Xiaolun, Zhao Xin and others who saw all this opened their mouths wide, unable to believe what was happening in front of them.

"What the hell is this?"


On the other side, above the top of the skyscraper, Angel Yan raised his head high and looked at the countless wormholes in the starry sky, his eyes full of shock and disbelief.

"The fleet from the Styx Civilization...and there are more than one, but, how is this possible!?"

The Styx Civilization is a powerful civilization led by Karl, the God of Death. It has countless powerful super warriors and many subordinate civilizations.

But with such a huge legion, such a large-scale attack, it is impossible for the angel and demon civilizations, as well as the numerous forces in the universe, to be unaware of this!

What happened behind all this?
After all the fleets surrounded the solar system, a spaceship dozens of times larger than the other fleets slowly sailed out of a huge wormhole.

Its ferocious black shell is equipped with tens of thousands of different powerful weapons. Unlike its bloated and wide appearance, it is a war beast that can make any civilization feel fear.

Inside the giant ship, in the topmost command post.

A black figure who seemed to not exist in this space, separated from time and space, stared at the earth while showing an extremely ferocious smile.

"After tens of thousands of years of waiting, this day has finally arrived!"

Tens of thousands of years of patience and waiting have finally come to fruition!

Mir, who controls all the fleets and launched this offensive, is not a life in this universe, but a world invader from the world of the Lord God!
As early as 2 years before the plot of this world began, he had already come to this universe and joined the Super Seminary in order to participate in the history of the core characters.

In the Super Theological Seminary, he has always been an unknown little transparent person, dealing with various important figures in the future to win their trust.

When Carl proposed the concept of ultimate fear, he initiated research with him as his supporter.

In the end, the two of them were kicked out of the Super Seminary and came to the Styx Galaxy to continue their research.

Mir, who has been working as an assistant, is secretly manufacturing various powerful technologies and super soldiers.

And after Karl studied the void matter, he immediately used it on his soldiers, silently accumulating power.

It wasn't until a year before the history of this world began to turn that Mir used the ability brought from the Lord God's Space to plunder Karl's identity, divine body, knowledge, and everything he owned, all on himself!

Without anyone noticing, Mir became Karl, taking over all the research and power from his hands.

After stealing the big clock from the earth and waiting until the three major genes on the earth were activated, he finally launched this unprecedented interstellar war!

[Main mission: Capture three major genes]

[Main mission 2: Destroy angel and demon civilizations, and destroy all super seminaries]

After preparing tens of thousands of years in advance, neither the angel Keisha nor the demon Morgana knew that the real Carl was already dead.

They are definitely no match for me!


At the same time, civilizations in other galaxies were also aware of the Styx Civilization's massive attack.

In addition to shock and disbelief, there is also deep doubt about this.

Karl, the God of Death of the Styx Civilization...what exactly does he want to do! ?

Angel Civilization.

Kesha was sitting on the throne, silently thinking about this problem in her heart.

Shouldn't Karl's purpose be the ultimate fear and the future of this universe?

Even if they want to invade the earth, they shouldn't send out such a large fleet.But no matter how much she thought about it, she couldn't get the answer.

Angel Yan is still on the earth, and the three major genes have not yet been fully developed. Morgana is probably also watching the fleet.

All this happened too suddenly and too violently.

With no other choice, Kesha stood up, revealing her beautiful figure and her long blond hair waving in the air.

"Attention everyone, activate the fleet and prepare to go to Earth!"

The war between angels and demons sweeping the entire universe will begin again.


On the Styx Fleet, Mir discovered Kesha's things from the monitor hidden on the edge of the angel civilization.

"Are you here? It's faster than I expected."

Mir showed an extremely sinister expression: "Morgana."

"Tsk, why are you calling me?"

As soon as he finished speaking, an enchanting figure walked out of the darkness, with a cold expression that did not conceal his disgust for Karl.

"Haha, don't be so angry. Your sister Kesha is coming soon. Aren't you going to do something before destroying the earth?"

Upon hearing the name Kesha, Morgana's expression instantly became complicated.

"Hmph, I see."

After saying that, she turned and left, leaving only an echo echoing in the air.

"I will deal with her. Before that, get the three genes quickly."


Outside the earth, the number of space fleets is increasing, almost covering the sun's light.

In the darkness, the soldiers of the Super Seminary and the Xiongbing Company could not think of a way to deal with these fleets.

what to do?There's no way to fight!
In terms of the number of equipment and soldiers, they are not of the same order of magnitude at all.

Although they have found many super soldiers, they have not undergone much training and their strength cannot be guaranteed at all.

What's more, it is a fleet that comes directly across the starry sky. With the current technology of the earth, it is almost impossible to deal with it.

"You, look at the sky!"

Amidst the unbelievable voices of the soldiers, a ship one kilometer in size crossed the atmosphere and arrived above the Super Seminary.

Immediately afterwards, there was the second ship, the third ship...

Nearly ten fleets broke through the atmosphere and officially landed on the earth.

With the sound of the hatch opening, ferocious demons and super soldiers from the Styx Civilization fell from the spacecraft.

bang bang bang! ! !
The moment hundreds of soldiers landed, they immediately launched a fierce attack in the direction of Ge Xiaolun and others.

"Except for the heirs of the three major genes, everyone else can be killed!"

The Earth warriors who were caught off guard picked up their weapons, and all they got in return was bursts of miserable shouts.

Ordinary humans are vulnerable to the transformed super soldiers.

Among the retreating team, Ge Xiaolun, who witnessed all this with his own eyes, couldn't bear it anymore and rushed towards these super soldiers with just a big sword.

"Ge Xiaolun, come back quickly! Their target is you!"

He completely ignored the instructions from his superiors. In Ge Xiaolun's heart, he only had the thought of revenge for these sacrificed soldiers!
"Haha! Target found! The credit is mine!"

Almost all the super soldiers and demons discovered Ge Xiaolun's appearance at the same time and launched a frantic attack on him.

Because Lord Karl, that is, Mir, once promised.

As long as you grab one of the three genes, you can enjoy the opportunity to transform into a divine body, possessing immortality and powerful power!

Who can resist such a temptation?


Ge Xiaolun gritted his teeth and swung the big sword heavily in his hand. Every attack brought out bursts of sound.

But...he who has not yet grown up is no match for these super soldiers.

In less than three seconds, a demon grabbed his throat with one hand, and the giant sword in his hand fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

The demon was extremely excited, holding up Ge Xiaolun and shouting: "Hey, hey, hey! My, the divine body is mine!"

boom! !

The next moment, a strong shock wave roared out from behind the two men, smashing the demon's head into pieces.

Ge Xiaolun fell to the ground in a daze, and then, the originally powerful monsters in front of him were smashed to pieces by the energy impact of one blow after another.

A joking voice sounded from behind him.

"Courage is admirable, but you are too young and don't have any strength to go to the battlefield?"

In Ge Xiaolun's blank gaze, Tony Stark, wearing the Iron Man armor, picked him up and threw him in the direction of retreat.

"Don't come here again, leave this place to me."

"Wait...what are you-"

Poor Ge Xiaolun was thrown into the retreating troops at the rear before he even finished speaking.

Of course, Tony Stark didn't realize at this time that he had saved a world of children of destiny.

Otherwise, according to his character, he would have to blackmail him well.


"The team we just sent down was completely wiped out!"

On the fleet, the commander reported with a trembling voice: "A human in red armor wiped out our team!"

"Hey, are you talking about me?"

The next second, Tony Stark's sarcastic expression appeared on the big screen of the fleet.

"Your technology is really weird. Why do I feel like it's all focused on genetic engineering? The firewall is not reliable at all. I successfully invaded in no time."

After saying that, Tony Stark on the screen raised his palms, and the nuclear fusion energy absorbed by the space gem continued to gather.

"Bye, see you in the next life."

Bang bang bang bang bang—!
In an instant, dozens of fleets that came to the earth were wiped out by Tony Stark in an instant, turning into gorgeous fireworks and falling to the ground.


"No problem on Tony Stark's side."

On the surface of the moon, Han Li withdrew his thoughts: "Just leave the Earth's troops to Tony Stark alone."

"Our goal is all the fleets in the universe, as well as the central boss!"

That's right, when Mir's fleet officially launched the offensive, the five people came to the moon.

Through his spiritual thoughts, Han Li understood the huge differences between the two civilizations, and also knew who was righteous and who was evil.

There is probably a world invader hidden in the huge ship in the center!
So they began to discuss the plan, which was summed up in just four words - act separately!

Each is responsible for a part of the fleet, and the resources they receive are also sold to the chat group.

But most importantly...

Whoever can finish cleaning up his part first can kill the boss in the center and grab the most things in exchange for points!


(End of this chapter)

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