He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 159: The passage to the prehistoric world of the Divine Chapter is opened!Come!

Chapter 159 The passage to the mythical world is opened!Come!

With the experience from the last time, Annan will naturally not miss the breath of the mythical world this time.

"get through."

[The world coordinates are being anchored...the anchoring is successful...the world channel is being opened]

[There are…12 hours left to clear the world]

Annan nodded. It only takes 12 hours, which is quite fast.

But right now, there is still a problem that needs to be solved.

Buzz! ! !
Just like the world in the last Westward Journey, the way of heaven disappeared and the world began to move towards destruction.

The world's barriers began to collapse and order began to become chaotic.

Annan will naturally not let the world continue to collapse.

A similar approach was adopted as last time.

The personality of this Journey to the West world is also the universe, and cannot be integrated into the mortal world like last time.

After thinking for a while, I finally decided to let my own world laws settle in and transform it into a 'universe' of the Ultra world.

The rumbling vibrations stopped, Yu Haiyang looked around fearfully, and let out a long sigh of relief.

It seems that there should be no more danger next.

But...the mission has been completed, why haven't I been able to go back?
If some immortal god wakes up later, I'm afraid he will be in trouble again!

Suddenly, a ray of light appeared from the void without any warning and rushed into Yu Haiyang's body.

At the same time, a mysterious voice sounded in his ears.

"Well done, this is your reward this time."

The next moment, another ray of light appeared in the air and entered his body.

Yu Haiyang was surprised to find that after the light came in, some kind of qualitative change quietly occurred in the depths of his soul.

This feeling is difficult to express in words, but after integrating this light, his body, which was only at the level of an immortal, became even more powerful.

Although there is no basis, Yu Haiyang feels that this power can continue to be used in other worlds even after changing the body.

"Is that voice... the one behind the change of mission content?"

Yu Haiyang only felt that his body was tense and his heart was pounding.

At the same time, the golden light from the gold medal list also appeared, and in Sun Wukong's blank eyes, it was taken away by the ocean.

During his spare time when he returned to the Lord God's world, Yu Haiyang struggled internally for a long time.

But in the end, he chose not to say anything.

It is better to do less than to do more. Since the Lord God has not discovered it until now, there is no need for him to say it.

On the contrary, if he said it, he might be killed by that light in the next second.


Journey to the West, Lingxiao Hall.

Sun Wukong sat on the ground with a dejected look on his face, looking as if he had given up and completely lost the arrogance he once had.

Everything about you is the path arranged by the gods and Buddhas.

Such a thing would be unbearable for anyone, let alone a person with a huge self-esteem like Sun Wukong.

Before leaving, Annan thought about it and decided to take care of him.

After all, he is also the incarnation of Sun Wukong like the Supreme Treasure.

Therefore, Annan also quietly integrated a ray of light into Sun Wukong's body.

But how to use this power depends on his own choice.


After returning to Blue Star, Annan found that the group seemed a little lively.

In the Wanjie chat group.

[I will definitely come back]: Dear brothers and sisters, I have gained a certain amount of points now. How can I trade with you?
[The richest man in the world]: Oh?Did you actually get points so quickly? But there is no way to trade points yet.

[Small Breaking Ball]: It’s just mutton, no points needed to exchange for it!If you want to eat, just tell me. Points are so precious that they cannot be compared to mutton!
[I will definitely come back]: So that’s it, then how should I spend the more than 1 points now... I don’t need to draw anything.

These more than 1 points are points that Big Gray Wolf exchanged for after selling a bunch of inventions that he had no use for.

It just so happened that my wife needed a new place to pile up her newly purchased decorations such as dresses and shoes, so he just cleared the space.

[I'm still an egg]: Hehe, ten thousand points are nothing. You are from Zhongqian World, so you can at least get one hundred thousand points for ten consecutive draws!
[He is like a dog]: That’s right, having invincible strength is the most important thing to us. Don’t you want to break the void with one punch, travel around the world with your wife, and be a free and unrestrained person? ?

[I will definitely come back]: Unrestrained... travel around the world with my wife... and don't have to worry about running out of sheep to eat...

At this time, Big Big Wolf has begun to imagine that after gaining invincible abilities, he will stand tall and hold the whole world in his hands.

[I will definitely come back]: As long as you draw ten consecutive rounds from the premium prize pool, you will be able to gain invincible power!
[Frowning and running quickly]: This depends on your luck. You might be able to extract powerful items from the world. But if you want to be more stable, you can directly use [-] points to increase your strength.
[I will definitely come back]: I understand... I will exchange points right now!


Qingqing Prairie World.

After Gray Wolf left the chat group, he immediately plunged into his laboratory and turned the entire room upside down.

However, after he happily sold all the props, he only sold a mere [-] points.


Only then did Big Big Wolf realize that it seemed a bit difficult to collect enough [-] points...

However, he was unable to produce more inventions in a short period of time.

Just when Big Big Wolf was at a loss what to do, Xiao Huihui opened the door and shouted happily to Big Big Wolf.

"Dad, I'm going to Yangcun to play. I'll be back before dinner!"

"Oh, let's go, dad has something else to do... huh?"

Suddenly, Big Big Wolf suddenly stood up and shouted as if a bolt of lightning flashed across his head.

"Yes! Yangcun!"

In addition to himself, Manyangyang, the head of Yangcun Village, is also a good inventor and must have many inventions!
"Little Huihui, wait!" Big Big Wolf hugged his son excitedly: "Dad, go to Yangcun with you. I have something to do to find the lambs."


Xiao Huihui stared at him suspiciously: "You don't want to catch Brother Pleasant Goat and the others, do you?"

"Of course not!" Big Big Wolf said swornly: "Don't worry, dad will never lie to you!"


The dubious Xiao Huihui and Big Big Wolf walked to the gate of Yangcun on foot.

The moment he stood in front of the gate, dozens of cannons were set up at the gate of Yangcun, aiming at Big Big Wolf.

"Big Big Wolf, why don't you give up?"

On the watchtower in Yangcun, Pleasant Goat sighed and shook his head: "And he also wants to take Xiao Huihui as a hostage. No matter what, I will never let you pass!"

"Hmph, Pleasant Goat, I'm not here to argue with you today."

Big Big Wolf shouted: "I came to Yangcun because I wanted to ask for something!"

Have something to ask for?

After hearing these words, all the lambs looked at each other. Was Big Big Wolf out of his mind?Or was he deceiving them?
"Then if you raise your hands and let us tie them up, I will believe you!"

Pleasant Goat made such an unreasonable request, and he thought Big Wolf would definitely refuse.

But unexpectedly, Big Big Wolf nodded casually and raised his paw: "Please, take me to see Slow Sheep."

Pleasant Goat frowned, and after discussing with the others for a long time, he used the remotely controlled robotic claws to tie up Big Big Wolf tightly and brought her to the laboratory where Slow Sheep was. "Old man, let me tell you the truth, I need your invention."

When they came to the laboratory, the unable to move Big Big Wolf lay on the ground and said: "After the matter is completed, I will share some benefits with you!"

Mananyangyang stared at him with a serious face and looked up and down: "Big Big Wolf, you just want to weaken Yangcun's combat power. It is impossible for me to give you my precious invention."

"Hmph, who cares? Mine is much better than yours!"

Big Big Wolf snorted coldly: "Then I'll tell you. As for whether you believe it or not, it's up to you."

So, he told Manyangyang and others about the existence of countless worlds, and hid the existence of the chat group. He only told them that he had obtained a magical item that could exchange precious things into points to obtain more powerful items. .

After hearing these words, Man Yangyang's glasses almost fell off.

"In addition to our world, there are countless worlds!?"

Big Big Wolf nodded proudly: "So I don't care about your meat at all."

Adjusting his glasses, Man Yangyang paced in place. After thinking for a long time, he finally nodded.

"Okay, yes, but I have a request. You must convert it into points on the spot, and you cannot take it out of Yangcun!"

"make a deal!"

A few minutes later, under the nervous gazes of all the sheep, Big Wolf, who could only move his mind, touched one invention after another.

In their surprised eyes, these inventions just disappeared out of thin air.

Man Yangyang and others finally believed Big Big Wolf's words, but...

"not enough!?"

Big Big Wolf fell to the ground when he saw that he had just reached 60000 points.

What to do?Still missing a full 40000!
He had no choice but to ask everyone in the chat group for help.

[I will definitely come back]: Everyone, I still have [-] points to draw, what should I do?

[I Can’t Fly]: Are all the treasures in your world sold out?

[I will definitely come back]: All the treasures I know have been sold out, and there is nothing else left to sell...

[Apprentice Shinigami]: This is troublesome... That's right!You can first trade world history to check, maybe there is something missing?
【I will definitely come back】: World History... Good!

After exchanging one thousand points for world history, almost all the group members rushed over as soon as they heard the news and watched his world history with Big Big Wolf.

However, when the Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf appeared in the picture.

All the group members opened their mouths wide and looked extremely weird.

[The richest man in the world]: Is this... you?Big Big Wolf?

[I will definitely come back]: What’s wrong? Is it weird?

Little Broken Ball forcibly resisted the desire to complain, how could this be just weird!It’s so funny, okay!

He looks like a character straight out of a morning children's show!
It looks like an animal and a human at the same time, it’s so weird!

Groudon also resisted the urge to turn away, feeling that he had never been so lucky to be in the Pokémon world.

If he turned into something similar to Big Big Wolf, he would be laughed to death!
Immediately afterwards, the screen began to advance.

After ignoring the funny figures, they gradually fell into this magical world.

Especially the appearance of Big Big Wolf after being beaten away again and again made everyone laugh and laugh out loud.

[I can’t fly]: Who told you to go against the Son of Destiny? You should be happy if you didn’t get killed!
[Gu Body Saint Boy]: This... is very interesting.

[The richest man in the world]: Damn it!Even the Wannian Diving Party was blown up!
[Apprentice Death]: I always feel that your world history is very suitable for children to read.

[I will definitely come back]:...

However, as the person involved, Big Big Wolf couldn't laugh at all.

After all, he was the one who was beaten away time and time again!
It’s too late to feel distressed!
However, as the plot continues to develop, the relationship between Big Big Wolf and the lambs also begins to change.

After a certain incident, the two parties reconciled directly and truly became teammates.

Big Big Wolf looked at his future self and felt a little uncomfortable.

In the end, did I still get along with the lambs...

However, this result seems to be quite good.

Anyway, he doesn't need to catch the sheep anymore. The biggest conflict between them has disappeared, and reconciliation is not impossible.

With the end of world history.

Big Big Wolf also determined his goal, the light props and dark props in the weird world!

After leaving Yangcun, he quickly returned to the castle and built a drilling vehicle that could go straight to the ground in the shortest time.

Buzz! ! !
The drill bit rotates at extremely high speed, and Big Big Wolf drives the drill bit car straight to the underground world.

After evading the surveillance of the bees, he sold both light items and dark items to the chat group.

【Sales successful!Earn 40000 points]


Big Big Wolf laughed underground. He and his wife wanted to become the strongest man in the world!
hum! ! !
In an instant, the lottery space was filled with light, and a bright golden light appeared.

[Law of Thunder (Advanced)]: The power of the law that controls the power of thunder in the world.

This is... what they call the most advanced type of reward, the power of law!

The extremely excited Gray Wolf simply ignored the other white and blue items and integrated the Thunder Law into his body.


At the same time, Annan had obtained enough world origin.

[Opening the world of Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf...completed! 】

With one step forward, Annan was already above the green grassland.

Take another step and you will enter the bottom of the world.

It didn't take much effort for Annan to complete the transformation of the world of his subordinates and make his mark.


"This is……"

In Yangcun, Pleasant Goat suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky for no apparent reason.

The air, the grass... everything in this world seems to have undergone some inexplicable change.

They have not practiced, so they cannot accurately feel the changes in energy.

But as living creatures, they also have instinctive feelings.

Pleasant Goat was a little confused: "Is this change related to Big Big Wolf?"

No matter what, as long as they are not doing bad things, they have no objection.


In the chat group, Big Big Wolf was excitedly showing off to the group members the power of law he had drawn.

Annan, who had already returned to Blue Star, was lying on the armchair, waiting for the passage of time.


[The passage to the mythical prehistoric world has been successfully opened! 】


(End of this chapter)

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