He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 170 Annan wakes up and undergoes horrific changes!

Chapter 170 Annan wakes up and undergoes horrific changes!
There are changes in the incarnation of the prehistoric world. This is an unprecedented situation!
The divine consciousness of the Mythical Yuanshi Tianzun penetrated into the void and communicated with the other six saints.

"Have you also felt that there has been some kind of change in the incarnation of the prehistoric world?"

"I do feel it, but logically speaking, this kind of problem is impossible to occur..."

"That's right, under our management and operation, the laws of heaven in the prehistoric world cannot possibly go wrong!"


Now that the spiritual consciousness has been communicated, all the saints have realized that the problem cannot exist, but it is indeed possible.

Within the prehistoric world, someone deliberately influenced the way of heaven and changed the established past and future.

But there are only a few beings who can do this. Basically, only one of their incarnations has this ability.

In order to confirm who it was, several saints communicated with the divine chain of order of heaven to check the prehistoric world.

Immediately afterwards, the Mythical Yuanshi Tianzun was almost dumbfounded to discover that the way of heaven in the prehistoric world, the past and the future, had completely deviated from their original script and was racing towards an unknown road.

Not only did the Witch Clan and Monster Clan not have a war, they even merged into one and formed a brand new race.

The Great Tribulation of the Gods disappeared directly, and most of the human race lived in the Western Continent.

There are no seven saints between heaven and earth, but only Taoist ancestor Hongjun, and a saint named Annan who is not in the established future.

Obviously, this guy named Annan is the culprit who changed the past and the future!
"A saint who is not within the number of days..."

Mythology Yuanshi Tianzun's eyes flashed with cold light: "We must get rid of him immediately!"

"Let's go together too."

Several other saints said: "I'm afraid that Annan is here well prepared. We cannot give him any chance to escape. We must squeeze all the secrets out of him."

Yuanshi Tianzun nodded: "Everyone, let's go."


The prehistoric world, now under the leadership of Annan, can be said to be extremely peaceful.

Since Pangu opened the world, he has conquered the ancient and indivisible land.

Today, except for the fact that there are still frictions in a few areas, in most cases, the winner is decided in the form of a duel, regardless of life or death.

The human race also prospered and developed in the western land. Although it was different from the established future, great figures such as the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors were still born.

The remaining quasi-sages are still struggling to seek the opportunity to become saints, and have failed to become the third saint in the world.

Annan's clone is located alone in the Ultra Temple. This is a temple located in the center of the three religions. Only Annan can enter and exit.

It was here that he collected information while observing the development of the ancient world.

"It seems that in the next prehistoric world, I basically don't need to intervene."

Annan nodded slightly, everything was as he planned, and the prehistoric world took a completely different route from normal circumstances.

Daozu Hongjun was unable to intervene in the development of the prehistoric times. The only variable now was whether the remaining saints would still be able to become saints under such circumstances.

as well as……

Annan raised his head and wondered whether those saints who truly transcended the vast world would come to the mythical world above the ancient world.

The prehistoric world is one of their most important worlds. No matter what, they probably won't sit idly by.

Just as Annan was about to continue to retreat, suddenly, the heavens shook, and a strange feeling came from the barrier of the prehistoric world.

To use an analogy, the world is like an incredibly large box with no end in sight.

And now, from the edge of the box, that is, at the barrier of the world, there are seven completely different, yet terrifyingly powerful forces, like inflated balloons.

They squeezed in together with a momentum that nearly exploded the entire vast world.

The prehistoric world was almost torn apart by this huge combination of forces. Perhaps it was because of the mythical prehistoric world standing behind it that it barely managed to hold on.

And this kind of power, Annan's clone has only seen from his own body.

"come yet……"

Cold sweat ran down the cheeks of Annan's clone. Just as he expected, the saint from the prehistoric world crossed the world in person and came to the prehistoric world.

But what he didn't expect was that the saint who came was not one - but seven saints!

If there was only one, he wouldn't be able to defeat him, but in this primitive world, he might still be able to hide.

But now, with seven saints appearing at the same time, there is no possibility of escape for him.

boom! ! !
With no way out now, Annan's clone flew directly out of the Ultra Temple and stood at the edge of the 33rd Heaven, looking directly at the direction of the source of power.

Not only him, but other quasi-sages and powerful men above the Golden Immortal level in the prehistoric world also felt this sudden and terrifying presence.

Kunlun Mountains.

Yuanshi Tianzun, Taishang, and Tongtian Cult Leader did not feel fear when they felt the terrifying power approaching from outside the heaven. Instead, they felt an inexplicable sense of intimacy.

The same is true for other quasi-sages. This feeling makes them incredible.

There is actually a being that can approach from heaven, from outside the wilderness, and also bring them such a cordial feeling?

What exactly is going on?

Boom...boom boom boom!

Outside the chaotic sky, Daozu Hongjun's heart beat violently, and the Heavenly Dao, which was almost integrated with him, was like a living being, trembling with fear.

Beyond the way of heaven, beyond saints, beyond the existence of the entire prehistoric world.

"Yes, it's coming!"

Click!collapse! ! !

The world barrier is wide open. As the first layer of protection against the invasion of outsiders, the endless chaos storm in the chaotic sky actively separates in the face of these seven different extremely powerful pressures, turning into a sky-reaching avenue, connecting to the ancient land in the 33rd heaven. .

In an instant, the color of the sky and the earth changed, and the prehistoric world returned to a chaotic state of ambiguity, a mixture of clear and turbid, as if chaos had returned.

Demons, humans, witches, immortals, gods...

The creatures of all races raised their heads and looked at this strange world with confused expressions.

Earth Fire Feng Shui, Tai Chi Liang Yi, Qian Kun Ba Bagua, Six Paths of Reincarnation...

Everything in the prehistoric world seemed to have stopped at this moment.

The next second, the rising sun rose, and thousands of rays of light gathered in one place, turning into seven great sun wheels, appearing in seven places in the sky in the prehistoric world.

"Saint...the power of a saint!?"

The Yuanshi Tianzun of the prehistoric world opened his mouth in disbelief: "No, this power... is countless times more powerful than the saint!!?"

boom! ! !
The seven incomparable miraculous figures truly descended on the prehistoric world. The power of the saint, which was extremely familiar to the prehistoric creatures, was magnified countless times and suppressed the minds of all creatures.

They are both saints, but the gap between them is as big as a tank or an ant.

"Old creatures, kneel down!"

In an instant, the roaring sound of the prehistoric world trembled in everyone's ears.

No matter what kind of creature it is, no one can resist at all under this unprecedented pressure.

But what surprised them even more was the sound that sounded in their ears.

It is exactly the same as the voice of Yuanshi Tianzun, one of the quasi-sages and a disciple of He Daozu Hongjun!
In Kunlun Mountain, the other two saints were kneeling on the ground, staring at Yuanshi Tianzun in shock.Yuanshi Tianzun knew what they were thinking, and shook his head repeatedly: "No, it's definitely not me. With such power, not even Master can match it, how could it be me!"

At the outer edge of the 33rd layer of heaven.

Annan's whole body was tense, and he relied on his connection with his body to avoid being directly blasted to the ground by the saint's voice.

A wry smile appeared on his face. It seemed that his clone was going to die here.

Seven mythical saints appeared at the same time, and there was no chance of him surviving.

In the sky, the mythical Yuanshi Tianzun shrouded in the mythical halo looked down at Annan.

"Do you want to come forward and die? It's a variable in the ancient world."

After the seven saints simultaneously used great magic power to analyze Annan's existence, their pupils froze.

"The origin of your power comes from outside the prehistoric world!"

The existence called Annan in front of me is not a native creature from the ancient times!It's disguised!

This kind of disguise is extremely terrifying, and only these saints, who are beyond a great realm, can see it.

"Existences from other worlds...can't leave him alone!"

Shinhwa Tongtian shouted loudly and clapped his palm.

Boom boom! ! !

In an instant, thousands of chaos gathered in the prehistoric world and turned into a golden giant palm that shattered the world. It penetrated the chaotic storm and fell towards Annan's clone in the unbelievable eyes of the prehistoric creatures.

However, with this power, which is enough to destroy a whole world, it is not at the same level as the mythical saint.

The desperate Annan clone suddenly raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing a strange smile.


Ultra World, Blue Star.

Infinite chaos exploded at this moment, turning into brilliant starlight that filled hyperspace, dispersing into time and space and countless parallel universes.

Annan opened his eyes, and the glorious divine body that transcended the chaos of time and space illuminated the entire universe of Ultra World in an instant.

Even the strong men in the subordinate worlds felt the revival of the great existence.

Kalafar, who was practicing, couldn't help shouting.

"Father God is awake!"

The moment Annan woke up, he had a panoramic view of the changes in the Ultra world and all subordinate worlds.

A ray of clone that he separated from, everything he experienced in the prehistoric world also turned into a flow of information and entered his mind.

"I see, so much time has passed over there."

Annan's body of the God of Creation floated out of hyperspace, transcending the laws and power of the world. It surrounded him like a sharp blade. Without his active control, the power of the law would also take the initiative to attack, destroying those who were close to him. of all malice.

Now, he has completely completed his transformation and reached a state that is only one step away from the supreme.

Half a step to the top!

Such a state is already transcendent.

In Annan's eyes, everything in the world has turned into a more essential and pure concept.

"Now, it's time to solve the problem over there."


Wild world.

In a trillionth of a second, the strike from the mythical sky was already within reach.

In the expectation of Shinhwa Tongtian, this blow would not only blast this existence from outside the world into nothingness, but the remaining power would later fall on the ancient continent, killing the witches and monsters to pieces, and once again Divided into two tribes.

The entire prehistoric continent will also be blasted into four continents like the normal future.

The holy way mastered by Annan will also be divided into other saints for sanctification.

With one blow, the order of heaven in the prehistoric world will be brought back on track.

A crisp sound of a slap suddenly sounded below Tongtian.

The Mythical Sky's blow was easily turned into nothingness by the slap of 'Annan'.


Shinhwa Tongtian stared blankly at his palm. Was his blow slapped away?
"Come back, clone. You have worked hard during this period."

The voice of 'Annan' sounded, and all the mythical saints in the mythical world couldn't believe it, and looked at it with frightened expressions.

Annan, who had given up resistance just now, was now wrapped in a radiance that was so bright that it was impossible to look directly at it, and even the eyes of the mythical saint could sting. He stood in the sky and raised his head with a relaxed expression.

It is clear that he exists here, but it seems to be infinitely far away, incomprehensible and incomprehensible.

All power has no effect on him, and all laws are useless in front of him.

The moment they were stared at by 'Annan', all the mythical saints felt their hearts tremble, as if they had been transformed into ordinary people by this sight. A sense of terror that they had not experienced in countless years crept into their hearts little by little.

The two of them seemed to have returned to before they became saints. After being stared at, their whole bodies trembled and their legs trembled.

"You... who are you!"

Yuanshi Tianzun suppressed the fear in his heart and completely lost the posture of the mythical saint. He was like a hysterical madman, using madness to cover up his inner fear of the unknown power in front of him.

"You also have a true body. Why, can't I have a true body?"

Annan showed a harmless smile: "All the saints from the ancient times of mythology?"

These words, like the thunder of chaos from heaven exploding, fell heavily on the hearts of the seven saints.

Now, compared to the fear caused by the gap in strength, the news revealed in Annan's mouth was what frightened them more.

Does this Annan know about the existence of the mythical world?

He knows where we come from!

In other words, the 'Annan' in front of them is not only the same as them, but also transcends the level of the world.

And he has reached a higher realm, an existence that is closer to 'that' realm!

With a swish sound, the seven saints simultaneously burst out with their strongest power, reversing the laws of heaven and time and space in the prehistoric world, erasing the 'past' that they came here and erasing the fact that they had been here.

The more powerful a creature is, the harder it is to erase the traces of its existence in the past.

But the seven saints broke out at the same time, and this was a prehistoric world, so it was completely possible for them!


boom! ! !
Annan flicked his finger, and the combined power of the seven saints shattered into nothingness in an instant.

The figures of the seven saints, with bright red blood flowers, fell from the top of the sky to the ancient continent.


(End of this chapter)

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