He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 173 Zulong!Immortal Qin of all heavens!The Ancestral Dragon of All Realms!

Chapter 173 Zulong!Immortal Qin of all heavens!The Ancestral Dragon of All Realms!

Watching two Qin Shihuangs from different worlds fight in the chat group.

This scene that is hard to see under normal circumstances made Annan very interesting.

In different worlds, there are two identical Ying Zhengs.

This situation is the same as those in the subordinate worlds of the mythical prehistoric world.

In different worlds, the same characters and organizations exist, and even the experiences are almost the same.

There is no doubt that these two worlds where Ying Zheng exists are the same as the world of Journey to the West. They have a main world that affects them and controls everything secretly.


World Chat Group.

Ying Zheng in the end world and Ying Zheng in the mummy world, after arguing for a long time.

Others found the opportunity to interject and told the chat group of all worlds and their current situation.

After a while, Ying Zheng in the Mummy World gradually calmed down and carefully watched the messages sent by the group members.

Qin Shihuang in the end world pondered this information for a long time.

[God-killing Ancestral Dragon]: The place where I am now is not an environment created by the gods, nor is it a special ability. It comes from a special law in the heavens and all the worlds, which is called the chat group of all worlds. ?
[God-killing Ancestral Dragon]: Including Gu, are all the people here from different worlds and different time and space? !I am Ying Zheng, and this person is also Ying Zheng!
[Immortal Ancestral Dragon]: This... Such a ridiculous thing, there are actually two or even more individuals existing in different worlds... How is this possible!

The reaction of the two people was also expected by others, and the situation this time was different from the past.

Two people in different worlds but with the same identity appeared in the chat group at the same time.

[Favorite drink of animal milk]: Well, since you two are both Ying Zheng, then each of you can tell your own experience. Wouldn’t that make it clear?

[God-killing Ancestral Dragon]: Interesting!Then let me go first.

So Ying Zheng in the end world will fight one-on-one with thirteen gods from birth to death, and then bear the fate of the entire human race.

The matter of saving the future of mankind through the decisive battle known as 'Twilight of the Gods' was revealed in detail.

[Thunder Otaku]: Is it worth risking the fate of humankind to fight the gods with a mortal body... It is worthy of praise.

[Immortal Ancestral Dragon]: Humph, are you going to fight God to save mankind?Just take a look at you!Next is me.

Ying Zheng in the Mummy World also described his complete life.

Although there are minor differences in personality, most of the events are almost exactly the same as Ying Zheng's experience in the end world.

There was no change until the end of his life, because he was too cruel and was sealed by a witch and turned into a terracotta warrior and slept underground.

Unless someone awakens him, he will never be able to escape this seal.

[Little Broken Ball]: Hiss... In the world I live in, there is also a history of Qin Shihuang Yingzheng, which is almost the same as what you described!
[Apprentice Death]: I just checked, and it’s also found in the histories of Eastern countries.

[Ghost Slaying Expert]: I also have records of Qin Shihuang here. So... doesn't it mean that in different worlds, there is a history of Qin Shihuang Yingzheng's existence? !
[The richest man in the world]: This is really a wonderful situation. Let's do this. You sell some things in exchange for points and upload the history of your world to us. Then we can make a more accurate judgment.

[God-killing Ancestral Dragon]: Points and world history?Is it the thing you mentioned before... Well, Guya is very concerned about the future of his world.

[Immortal Ancestral Dragon]: I need to sell items, but I can’t move yet...Okay, then sell the terracotta warriors and horses!
Soon, both of them sold their own items and transferred the history of their respective worlds to the group file.

Everyone entered the viewing space and began to watch the history of the two worlds.

Sure enough, as the two said, the Warring States Period they experienced was surprisingly similar.

Except for their different powers, looks, personalities, and the presence or absence of gods, they are basically the same.

At the end of history, Qin Shihuang died in the end world and was resurrected by the gods in the future to participate in the Twilight of the Gods.

In the mummy world, Qin Shihuang turned into terracotta warriors and horses, waiting underground for thousands of years.

Then, Qin Shihuang in the mummy world waited until modern times and was awakened by archaeologists who accidentally came underground. When he decided to rule the world again, he was defeated and died by humans.

After reading the history of the two worlds, Qin Shihuang in the mummy world was completely dumbfounded and confused.

He is the majestic First Emperor, a super macho man who can transform into a three-headed dragon.

In the future, he was defeated by a few ordinary humans?
Compared with Ying Zheng, who died early in the end world but was well-paid, am I too out of place? ?

Ying Zheng in the end world also wanted to laugh a little. He in this other world was also in a miserable state.

It's okay to be sealed into terracotta warriors and horses by magic, after all, the skills are not as good as others.

After being resurrected, he was defeated by ordinary humans. This was really embarrassing.

But he didn't mock out loud. After all, no matter how embarrassing he was, he was still himself in another world, and it made him feel uncomfortable to mock him.

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: It seems that what the two said is true. One was resurrected by the gods to participate in the battle to save the survival of mankind, and the other was sealed and defeated and killed in the future.

[The richest man in the world]: Well... It seems that the key point is still the person. Although the experiences are similar, different histories will be derived from the different worlds.

[I think you are a dragon]: It feels so complicated...my head is going to explode!
[Ghost Slaying Expert]: But no matter what, it will be good if we can clear up the misunderstanding. Let’s all get along well in the future!

【Ding! 】

[Group mission released: It is detected that the world of the God-killing Ancestral Dragon is in crisis. Group members are requested to go to the end world immediately, defeat the gods, and save the group members and humans in the end world! 】

[Task reward: 10000 points]

[Limited number of people: 3 people]

The familiar yet unfamiliar group task reminders made the group members' eyes light up.

[Little Breaking Ball]: Wuhu, the first group mission in ten years!The world this time is the Middle Thousand World, and I have to go to anything!
[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: And I still have it!After my strength improved, I just needed a sandbag to practice!
[Do you want to dance too?]: Everyone in the world, you shouldn’t compete with us in the world for this opportunity, right?

[I will definitely come back]: Well... I've actually been very busy recently. I haven't done any group tasks yet. Why don't you let me try?

[I think you are a dragon]: Me!I also want to play in other worlds...to fight in other worlds!

After ten years in the new world, all the group members did not want to miss this rare opportunity.

Half a minute later, the group members determined the group members who would go to the end of the world this time.

Raikage, Tanjiro, and BattleGreymon.

The reason why there are Lei movies is because of her own strong demand.

"As a god, I cannot sit back and watch this kind of behavior happen. I must stop them."

And she has never participated in group tasks before, so she is a suitable candidate.


end world.

Ying Zheng's consciousness returned to reality and he looked deeply toward the sky.

"Will they really come?"

Although the existence of world history is enough to prove the various bizarre things said by these group members.

However, Ying Zheng still had some doubts about traveling through the world.Hearing Ying Zheng's sudden words, the Valkyrie Arvite asked strangely: "The First Emperor...who are you talking to?"

"It's okay, I was just talking to myself."

Ying Zheng laughed and returned to his normal face again.

But it doesn't matter, Ragnarok, which determines the survival of mankind, will begin in three hours.

Whether this Ten Thousand Worlds chat group can travel through the world will soon be revealed...

boom! ! !
With an unprecedented violent sound, a huge object covered in golden armor suddenly fell to the ground, crushing the floor in front of Ying Zheng.

The floor of the entire area was constantly shaking due to this huge mass. The gods and the powerful men from the history of human civilization felt this sudden movement.

"what happened!"

Zeus, who looked like a little old man, widened his eyes and looked in the direction of the lounge where Ying Zheng was.

"Something is coming!"

Boom! ! !

As the behemoth fell, another purple thunder that penetrated the heaven and earth flashed to the ground like thunder with an extremely fierce momentum.

A woman wearing a purple kimono and dark purple hair appeared in front of Ying Zheng and the two of them like thunder appearing in the world.

"This is the first time we meet Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng in Xia Lei Movie."


In the dull eyes of Ying Zheng and Valkyrie Arvette, the thunder movie followed.

Another black-haired young man wearing strange clothes and wearing two long knives at his waist fell gently to the ground like a drop on the water. Only a burst of inconspicuous dust was blown up and surrounded the young man.

"Ah, you two landed so fast."

The black-haired boy smiled, bowed slightly to Ying Zheng and said, "Are you the newcomer? My name is Kamado Tanjiro, and my other name is Ghost Slayer Expert."

!! ?
Upon hearing this strange name, one of Ying Zheng's eyes quickly looked at the purple-haired woman who had just appeared and the weird dragon-shaped creature in front of him.

"Could it be that you are a 'thunder and lightning otaku' and you are 'I think you are a dragon'!?"

Thunder Movie nodded slowly: "In the real world, just call me Thunder Movie. It is BattleGreymon."

BattleGreymon nodded and opened his mouth: "Where is the god who needs to be destroyed? I really want to test how strong I am now."

A man, a woman, and a huge monster that could never appear in reality fell from the sky and blasted this building created by the gods into pieces.

These three beings from another world gave Arvite an unprecedented impact, which made her head dizzy.

what happened?Is she dreaming?

Is the monster speaking human language?Still want to kill God?

"I didn't expect that this Ten Thousand Realms chat group could actually do such incredible things."

A drop of cold sweat fell on Ying Zheng's cheek, and then his expression became extremely excited.

"In other words, can you really do it! Defeat all the gods! Save mankind!"

Arvette's expression changed from dull to extremely shocked and confused in an instant.

Was what she just heard an illusion? The First Emperor said that this strange combination in front of him could defeat all the gods?

"Knock us down? This is really the biggest joke I've heard in all my life!"

Boom! ! !

Under an arrogant voice, the room where Ying Zheng lived was blown away by the violent wind in an instant, leaving only five people standing on the ground.


The god known as the King of the Gods and the Father of the Universe - Zeus, with a bloodthirsty face, has already set his sights on fighting Greymon.

"Are you the one who wants to defeat us, the gods who rule the world?"

"It looks really strong!"

Behind Zeus, gods with absolute power walked out one by one.

Odin, Shiva, Thor, Hermes, Poseidon, Bishamonten...

All of them with extremely strong auras appeared here at this moment. Even if they didn't use any power, the coercion emanating from them was enough to make humans tremble.

"Hmph, they're just vulnerable humans."

"It's boring. No matter who the troublemaker is, just defeat them all."

Staring at this group of gods with their own characteristics and weird expressions.

Lei Xingqing frowned: "You are the one who wants to destroy mankind? Even gods are not qualified to decide the life and death of a race!"

"Human beings have done so many wrong things. Do you still want to ask God for forgiveness?"

Odin, who was covered in black robes, said in a deep voice: "Originally, this Ragnarok was the last chance for mankind, but now it seems that you are going to destroy it all with your own hands!"

"Miss Lei Movie, leave this place to us."

Tanjiro smiled faintly, took a step forward, and pulled out the two long knives from his waist.

Zanpakutō, Nichirin Sword.

"There is only one solution for people like this."

In an instant, the light of the sword spread across the space, and the extremely fast slashing speed, together with the power of cutting off souls, landed on every part of the gods.

"Don't worry, I spared their lives."

The battle ended in an instant. Tanjiro sheathed his sword. As he turned around, the gods behind him shot out a large amount of blood and fell to the ground with a plop.

BattleGreymon roared, shook its metal wings and shot straight into the sky, then raised its hands high.

Buzz! ! !

Let all the energy existing in the world be concentrated on one point, and release ultra-high-density energy bombs - the power of Gaia!
Boom, boom, boom! ! !

The golden pure energy, under the control of BattleGreymon, accurately fell on all the gods that had not yet been knocked down, exploding into hundreds of golden mushroom clouds.

In the eyes of Ying Zheng and Valkyrie Arvette, who were completely dumbfounded, Lei Movie spoke calmly.

"Mission, completed."


(End of this chapter)

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