He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 176 The territory is billions and billions!Xian Qin Universe is in the bag!

Chapter 176 The territory is billions and billions!Xian Qin Universe is in the bag!

The bright moon world of Qin Dynasty, the mythical Yi Xiaochuan world...

The group members went to different worlds to do things.

Immediately after…

Annan's figure will appear in the sky above each world.

One after another, subordinate worlds belonging to the Xian Qin world were transformed into his own subordinate worlds.

Ever since, half a year has passed.


Transit World.

All the group members returned here. Due to the different speed of time, when they came back, less than half a day had passed in the transit world.

The first thing they did after coming back was to communicate based on the information they had obtained in those worlds.

Especially for the two Ying Zhengs, after seeing existences that were similar to but different from themselves, many ideas and possible futures emerged in their hearts that they had not had before or had not paid attention to.

If I had not pursued immortality, if I had not died so early, if I had not given birth to Hu Hai...

Their world history may be completely different from today.

"You are doing well."

Kalafar said to everyone: "The currency has been issued to your world card,"

"Next, let's watch the history of the Xian Qin Empire."

Immortal Qin Empire! ?
Hearing these four words, a bad premonition emerged in the hearts of the two Ying Zhengs at the same time.

Next, everyone entered the viewing space in the chat group and witnessed how the Qin Shihuang of the Immortal Qin world rose step by step and embarked on the road to the top.

When the scene ended, all the group members, especially the two Ying Zhengs, were shocked and speechless by the various deeds experienced by Qin Shihuang in the scene.

The First Emperor of Qin in the Immortal Qin world actually created a powerful empire that spanned countless universes and ruled unlimited territories!
In this situation, even the group members who had seen a lot of the world took a breath.

Moreover, this is different from the actions of those strong men in mythical prehistoric times.

Qin Shihuang did all this solely by relying on his own power and that of the country.

"It turns out that we are all just a wisp of luck from the real Qin Shihuang..."

In the end, Ying Zheng's face turned extremely pale. It was hard for him to imagine that everything he had experienced was just the history that the Qin Shihuang of the world had evolved through the destiny of the country.

Mummy Ying Zheng looked horrified and took several steps back.

"I...I am actually just an existence created by the fate of the country..."

The blow brought by this fact was hundreds of thousands of times more severe than when he knew that he would be killed in the future!
The other group members looked at each other and shrugged helplessly.

After knowing the truth of everything, how they will continue to act in the future depends on the two of them.


Immortal Qin World, Xianyang Palace.

Looking at the territory of the Xian Qin Empire and supervising the operation of the entire world, Qin Shihuang suddenly felt an extremely sudden heart attack in his heart.

It was like a sharp knife was suddenly inserted into his chest and stirred violently.

"Anyone want to rebel?"

Qin Shihuang frowned. This was not the first time he felt this way.

Whenever there is some kind of crisis in the Xian Qin Empire that can shake its rule, this feeling will appear in different forms to remind him.

But this time the premonition was a bit strange, as if the premonition itself was wavering and could not be confirmed.

"Shadow Guard."

Swish... From the shadows, a figure wrapped in darkness appeared.

"Here, Your Majesty, what are your orders?"

After Qin Shihuang paused for a few seconds, he slowly said: "Go and instruct all the shadows in the universe to check whether there are any signs of rebellion."

"If there is... shoot to death without mercy."

Shadow Guard lowered his head deeply: "Yes, Your Majesty."

At the same time, in a universe on the edge of the Xian Qin Empire.

This universe is very desolate, with less than a few hundred million beings living here, including the managers of the Xian Qin Empire.

Annan took this place as the starting point for the disintegration of the Xian Qin Empire. In the past six months, he conquered nearly tens of thousands of different universes, large and small.

Combined with the subordinate worlds that were taken away, the control of the world's will over this world has also been weakened to an appropriate extent.

"it's time."


Not long after the shadow guard left, Qin Shihuang's eyes suddenly widened.

Boom! ! !

Furious, he punched out, and countless stars outside the sky were torn into countless rubbles by his terrifying power.

"Damn! What the hell happened!"

Qin Shihuang himself was closely connected with the national destiny of the Immortal Qin Empire, and he would be aware of anything that happened.

And just now, the national destiny of the Xian Qin Empire has decreased slightly!
Qin Shihuang suddenly realized that the reason why he had been uneasy for a long time was because something lurking in the dark was invading his territory!

"Report, report to His Majesty!"

In the shadows, the shadow guard walked out tremblingly, half-kneeling in front of Qin Shihuang with a stutter.

"I...I have something to report!"

"Say it!"

Qin Shihuang suppressed the anger burning in his heart and his tone was extremely irritable.

"Yes Yes……"

The shadow guard hesitated and said: "Nearly twenty subordinate worlds controlled by the empire have lost contact... However! Now the technicians are taking the time to repair and investigate the cause. Your Majesty, please wait a little longer..."

boom! !

The next moment, Shadow Guard's head exploded like a watermelon pulp that fell to the ground, shattering into blood flowers that scattered in the air.

"In the subordinate world, the national destiny is weakening..."

Qin Shihuang's voice became even more cold.

"So this is it, an intruder from outside the world!!!"

As early as after learning about the existence of other worlds, Qin Shihuang had a worry in his heart, so he built a barrier surrounding the entire world as a second line of defense against possible invaders.

But now it seems that what I did seems to be of no use.

Qin Shihuang closed his eyes and connected himself with the national fate of his entire Immortal Qin Empire, in order to perceive the changes in the entire world.

Although such a method is not difficult for him, because the amount of information it brings is too large, he will not use this method unless it is a critical moment.

"Found it!" After half an hour passed, Qin Shihuang suddenly opened his eyes, and his spiritual thoughts crossed countless universes and came to the edge of the Immortal Qin World.

At first glance, there seems to be no problem, but in fact, it is the most suspicious place.

It was like a white spot appearing on a piece of black paper, which was dazzling.

"I discovered your cover-up method!"

Qin Shihuang smiled coldly, and with a wave of his hand, a space-time passage spanning the universe appeared in the air.

The moment he stepped into it, he crossed the distance of countless worlds and came to the universe at the edge of the Xian Qin Empire.

"Oh, it came pretty fast."

And when he arrived here, Annan had been waiting in the universe for a long time, greeting Qin Shihuang like an old friend he hadn't seen for a long time.


However, the moment he saw Annan, Qin Shihuang, who was originally so aggressive that he was determined to kill him, suddenly opened his eyes and stared at the terrifying existence in front of him.

Without any temptation, from the first moment they met, he felt a will and great terror that transcended the world.

The person in front of him obviously looked like a harmless young man.

But Qin Shihuang kept retreating out of fear, and did not stop until the meteorite zone hundreds of light years away.

Even though he could barely see his figure clearly, the despairing fear that reached into the abyss was always engraved in Qin Shihuang's heart.

It was like an ant being noticed by the gods from the stars.

Even if the gods themselves have no interest in ants, the supreme pressure from the gods will still bring great terror to these mere ants.

"Sure enough, you are just a human being and have not been elevated to a god."

At some point, Annan stood behind Qin Shihuang and spoke calmly.

"Otherwise, it would be impossible for me as a power clone to make you feel so scared."

!! ?
Qin Shihuang turned his head suddenly and subconsciously moved his legs backwards.

What did he just say?Power clone?

In front of him, the existence that brought him such fear was just a clone! ?

Annan raised his hand, and all the changes in material space and time in his palm were continuously compressed, compressed...

Things in the entire universe began to twist and deform.

In the face of this absolute power, Qin Shihuang had no power to resist and was about to be twisted into a ball of flesh and blood and disappear from this world...

At the moment when Qin Shihuang was about to die, there was an echo that shook the world's time and space.

The time and space of the Xian Qin world stopped twisting and began to reverse.

It was like rewinding a video tape, everything in front of me was flowing backwards, and the only one who was not affected was Annan.

But under the influence of some extremely powerful force, his body began to gradually dissipate.

The invisible will of heaven is lingering somewhere in this world, its eyes fixed on Annan, full of terrifying killing intent.

"Is it really coming?"

Annan smiled, and before the clone completely dissipated, he spoke to the confused Qin Shihuang.

"Have you seen it? It is the will of the world, which can also be called the way of heaven. It is the ultimate master of this world and manages the existence of all living things."

"Everything in your past is under the control of the will of the world. Only a small part of the power you want to dominate is taken away by you. The real big head has long been secretly taken away by the will of the world. "

"You have been fighting for such a long time. It seems that you are fighting for yourself, but in fact you are just being a dog of the will of the world."

Qin Shihuang: "...What are you talking about!"

Following Annan's words, the world's will, which was hidden and observing at the bottom of the world, finally couldn't hold back anymore and rushed out from the bottom of the world.

In an instant, the laws of heaven appeared, and countless divine chains of order flashed back and forth with the universe, turning into a huge golden cage, completely sealing Annan in it.

hum! !

The will of the world burst out with the power of oppression of the entire world, and the golden dragon of national destiny of the Xian Qin Empire roared in time and space, trying to completely suppress Annan's clone in his own world.

In the eyes of the world's will, it is enough to invade this world, and even make it difficult for him and Qin Shihuang to detect it.

At least, it also consumed more than one third of the body's power.

As long as this power is digested and tracked in the reverse direction, one's own power will be greatly enhanced and this guy's body will be swallowed up as well!
However, Annan did not care at all about the situation of his clone, but turned to look at Qin Shihuang, who had been silent.

"Did you see it? It can even control the national destiny of the Xian Qin Empire, so Ying Zheng, do you want to consider becoming my subordinate and get rid of the control of the world's will?"

Qin Shihuang's face was downcast, and his nails were almost digging into his flesh on his clenched fists.

Everything he said was true.

It turns out that everything about me is under the control of the will of heaven.

All the efforts he made have become the wedding dress of the will of heaven in vain, and even the golden dragon of the Xian Qin Empire's national destiny is controlled by it.

Faced with such truth, what choice can I make?

Annan's eyes exuded the divinity of existence, and terrifying power began to invade the world.

Boom boom boom! ! !
Under the unbelievable gaze of the world's will, endless brilliant light flew from the edge of the entire Xianqin world, and after converging into a huge ball of light, it turned into a huge human form of chaotic light, standing in the cosmic space.

Annan's real body's big hands grasped the will of the world of Xian Qin like a chicken.

"No, this power...who are you!?"

No matter how it moves, even if it uses the national destiny and all the laws of the entire Xian Qin Empire.

In the face of this absolute power, there is no room for resistance.

Ignoring the pitiful cry of the world's will, Annan had a thought. The concept of the world's will was stripped away and turned into pure laws of the great avenue gathered in his hands.

After being branded as a subordinate and transformed into a subordinate world, Annan threw it to Qin Shihuang.

"Take it, the new Creator God Ying Zheng."

boom! ! !
At this moment, the will of the world disappeared.

Instead, there is a brand new creation god - Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng!

"This is...the power of the world!"

Qin Shihuang clenched his fists with great sigh, feeling the mighty power of the whole world gathered throughout his body.

The laws of the Ultra world are integrated, and the laws and energy are improved. Countless people in the Xianqin who do not know the truth in the universe cheer for the majesty of Qin Shihuang and are grateful for the benefits he bestows.

Qin Shihuang, who had become the God of Creation, could now clearly sense the fervent calls of the people in every inch of his empire's territory.

But he knew that it was not him who brought all this, but the mysterious existence that made him the God of Creation.

After becoming his subordinate, Qin Shihuang understood more deeply the huge gap between them.

I'm afraid that existence has already entered the illusory and supreme realm above the vast world!


(End of this chapter)

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