He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 25 Boiling!Lemons in my eyes!I'm afraid that my brother will suffer hardship, but I&#03

Chapter 25 Boiling!Lemons in my eyes!I'm afraid that my brother will suffer hardship, but I'm also afraid that my brother will drive a Land Rover! (Second update)
【Little breaking ball】: (=Д=)! ! ! , thanks... Thank you to the group leader for your kindness! !

[The richest man in the world]: The group leader is still too conscientious. If you were a capitalist, you would be required to repay the points now, with interest attached.

[Death Agent]: @I am a phoenix, not a birdman, but a phoenix. Now you are the only one in the group with 100 points. How about you try the lottery?
【Big bones made into soup】: I want to see it too!Something will come out of this lottery.

After seeing the comments in the group, Tony Stark, who was about to call an acquaintance, silently stopped.

If someone comes to help them find out the bottom, they can be mentally prepared for the subsequent lottery.

Pirate World...

Marco, who was sitting in the room, didn't need to tell his friends that he also had the idea of ​​trying the lottery.

Among the members of the group, only he has one hundred points, which can be used to draw a low-level prize pool.

And one hundred points is not a lot, even if you don’t draw anything good, it won’t be a loss.

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: Okay, let me try a single draw!

After Marco opened the group points lottery page, a huge white screen appeared in front of him.

When he saw the page, he suddenly became a little nervous, and beads of sweat formed on his palms.

He took a deep breath and washed his hands before returning to the room and clicking the lottery button.

Instantly, the picture on the white screen began to change rapidly.

Countless items flashed across the screen, like slot machines, and the contents were not clear at all.

A few seconds later, as the speed slowly decreased, under Marco's extremely nervous eyes, something finally stayed on the screen.

It was a crystal bottle the size of a perfume bottle, containing a green liquid.

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: Oh, no, this 100-point lottery really doesn’t work!
[The richest man in the world]: Huh?It’s okay, try your best next time!What a pity!
After sending the news, Tony Stark secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time felt sorry for Marco.

There is nothing I can do, I am afraid that my brother will suffer, and I am also afraid that my brother will drive a Land Rover.

But then he saw Marco send another picture.

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: Oh, I just got this "picture" thing. It would be great to give me something that can improve my strength.

Seeing Marco's words, Tony Stark curiously clicked on the picture.

"Life Essence": After taking it, it can directly increase your life span by 50 years without side effects, and your body functions will return to the state they were 50 years ago.

[The richest man in the world]:! ! !

[Death Agent]:! !
[Big ancient soup made into soup]:! ! ! !
[Ghost Slayer Expert]:! ! ! !
[I Can’t Fly]: It’s only 50 years. Is it a lot?Sometimes I sleep longer than I have in 50 years!

[The richest man in the world]: That’s the standard for you monsters, right? !Humans only have a lifespan of 100 years, and this will add 50 years to their lifespan. Those billionaires and senior politicians who are already in their twilight years are probably willing to pay any price to get it!

[The richest man in the world]: This is another half of my life!
After seeing this picture, Tony Stark's mentality collapsed. Isn't this something bad? ? !

This is so low-key!

Damn it, brother, not only did he not suffer, but he also had a great time!Lemons are popping out of your eyes! !

And what makes him even more jealous is that one hundred points can produce such a good thing.

Wouldn't it be awesome to win a lottery once a thousand or ten thousand times?
Or if you collect enough [-] points to exchange for a ten-consecutive primary lottery, you will definitely not lose money!

When everyone in the group was picking lemons, they naturally thought of the reason.

[Apprentice Shinigami]: No, I also have to find items that can earn points. I should be able to exchange some of Rukia’s items from Soul Society!I don’t know if it’s a false calculation?If that doesn't work, I'll find some Zanpakutos to sell!

[Dagu makes soup]: I want to sell it too!The victory team has a lot of good equipment, but I don’t know if the chat group will accept Feiyan No. [-] and No. [-]?
[Little Broken Ball]: I also want to see what technology humans can sell, and see if the chat group accepts it!
[Ghost Slaying Expert]: I just tried selling the Breathing Technique. It’s great. The Breathing Technique meets the conditions and can be sold!
Seeing the news from others one after another, Tony Stark felt numb. What could he sell? !

Everyone is in the modern technological world, and he just tried it, and chat groups like mobile phones, computers, hot weapons, etc. are not accepted at all!
The chat group only accepts things unique to "this world"!


Marco was not aware of the restlessness in the group at this time.

His thoughts have long since withdrawn from the chat group.

One Piece World, Moby Dick.

"Marco, you suddenly called everyone here, what happened?"

A group of people were a little confused.

Marco grinned and said to Whitebeard: "Dad, we can't go any further! Let's go to war with the whole world! We want to find all the devil fruits!! There are also various famous swords and special ones. treasure!!"

Marco's words made all the crew members look confused, as if they were looking at aliens.

"??? Do you want to think about what you said? Going to war with the whole world? Are you crazy!"

Whitebeard was also a little confused. He had never thought that he could actually hear the words "declaring war with the whole world" in Marco's mouth. He has always been the laziest!What's going on?
Marco did not answer them, but handed the things he had just drawn from his pocket into Whitebeard's hands.

"Dad, drink this!"

Whitebeard took what Marco handed over and found that it was a crystal bottle filled with green liquid.

Seeing that his father seemed to be hesitating, Marco was puzzled: "Why don't you drink? How could I harm you like Teach."

"Of course I know you won't hurt me, but can you open the bottle!!"

His white beard was covered with black lines, and his body was already huge. The small bottle in his hand was several times smaller than the oral liquid, and it was impossible to open the lid.

"Oh... oh oh."

Marco walked up and unscrewed the lid with an embarrassed look on his face, and instantly...an indescribable fragrance filled the air.

The aroma was overflowing, and the crew members who smelled this aroma suddenly felt as if they were in a state of ecstasy. The physical fatigue and the hidden wounds they had suffered for many years all disappeared when they smelled this aroma!

They look like they are several years younger and their bodies are full of energy!
The white beard closest to the medicine bottle widened his eyes and stared at the exit of the bottle. All the cells in his body seemed to be thirsty for this liquid.

Marco didn’t need to tell him that this was an extremely rare item!
Whitebeard picked up the crystal bottle, which was not enough for him to drink, and poured it into his mouth. A warm feeling instantly surged through his body, making him feel extremely comfortable.


In an instant, he felt that all the cells in his body were jumping for joy.

A stream of pure life energy flows to the limbs and bones, and all cells and body tissues are greedily absorbing this energy.

Whitebeard felt as if he was in a hot spring with just the right temperature. His whole body felt extremely comfortable, and his tight muscles were relaxed as never before.

This comfortable feeling has not been experienced since he needed infusion to maintain body functions.

He felt that his body at this moment seemed to have returned to his youth, when he was full of energy and braved the sea.

This feeling lasted for more than half a minute before slowly stopping.

When Whitebeard opened his eyes again, he looked at the sons in front of him. Their eyes were all wide open, and their jaws almost dropped to the ground, as if they had seen something unbelievable.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

After Whitebeard's powerful voice sounded, everyone was even more shocked.

"Old... dad... you, you have become younger!!"

After hearing his son's words, Whitebeard subconsciously touched his face and turned to the sea behind him.

He looked at his reflection on the sea.

Then his mouth opened as wide as his sons, and his pupils trembled.

What was reflected on the sea was not the old man's face full of vicissitudes of life, wrinkles, and body covered with scars that he was already familiar with.

Instead, he was a middle-aged man who looked to be just over fifty, extremely strong, without any scars, and full of energy!

Even Whitebeard couldn't help but change his expression in shock at this moment.

And he could feel that this change was not on the surface. His originally weak body was as full of vitality as a second youth!
"Marco...what...what the hell is going on?"

"Dad, it's time for the Whitebeard Pirates to take action. Collect Devil Fruits. More incredible things will appear."

After hearing these words, Whitebeard's body trembled slightly and he looked at the empty bottle in his hand.

Will there be more incredible things?
This rejuvenating potion is only the lowest level! ? ?
Feeling his body at its peak, Whitebeard took a deep breath.

"Guhahahaha!!! The Whitebeard Pirates, move out!"

"Target, Devil Fruit of the World!!"



(End of this chapter)

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