He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 59: All the members were wiped out, and the old opponents were resurrected! ?

Chapter 59: All the members were wiped out, and the old opponents were resurrected! ?

[Apprentice Death God]: Damn it, hurry up and pick up Ou Qi, who else wants to draw the high-level lottery.

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman (4w9 points)]: Let me do it this time! !I haven’t drawn the premium prize pool yet!
[The richest man in the world (0 points)]: (╯°□°)╯︵(.o.), Fuck! Big dog! You now have nearly [-] points!!

[Apprentice Shinigami (4900 points)]: I’m so sad, I’ve worked so hard to get so many points. Damn it, I’m too weak and can’t touch higher things!

[Small breaking ball (12000 points)]: Hiss... I added the 1 points from the group mission, and it was only just over [-]. I used up all the previous points and got items and props used to restore the development of the earth.

[I can’t fly]: I also got [-] points from the group mission later, so now the total points of the whole group can’t be compared to Birdman! ?
Nowadays, Marco is the person with the most points in the group. He has sold four pieces of the historical text of road signs, plus the points he earned from selling various treasures before, and he can be said to be rich and wealthy.

But soon, Marco returned from the lottery interface, and his whole body felt numb.

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: I vomited!Four high-level draws yielded three blue and one white items... What a huge loss!Alas, but fortunately there is a consolation prize, the power of a law.

After sending the message, Marco also sent the screenshot to the group.

"Law of Fire": One of the billions of laws, representing the power of fire.

Everyone in the group suddenly took a breath of cold air.

[Ghost Slayer Expert]: The law of fire is equivalent to the law of earth!And it’s still intermediate! !

[The richest man in the world]:? ? ?Just be nice when you get a bargain, right? Only God can control the power of law!Even among the blue prizes, they are considered the best batch, right? !

[I can’t fly]: Tsk, you’re out of luck, I, the Law of the Earth, am the most awesome!Let me pump it!I hope to draw an advanced rule!
The next moment, Groudon returned to the group in despair.

[I can’t fly (0 points)]: Damn... white prize...

[Little Breaking Ball]: Hahaha!You're out of luck, look at me! !

after a few seconds.

[Small Breaking Ball (2000 points)]: It’s over…white prize.

[I can’t fly]:…

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]:...

[Small broken ball]:......

At this moment, the trio looked at each other's news and were speechless, with only tears following each other.

Xuanbu, help!Don’t change your ways!

Seeing the tragic situation of the three of them, Kurosaki Ichigo suddenly became frightened.

[Apprentice Shinigami]: Is this a [-]% probability... It's so tragic. All the people with over [-] points were wiped out.

[The richest man in the world]: It seems that today is not a good time to draw a lottery... No!I don’t even have points, so what the hell!
[Do you want to dance too (5000 points)]: Sure enough... it is a rare situation to draw golden items continuously.Now that I have the underworld fruit, I won’t take the risk for the time being. It’s too bad. I’ll wait until the bad luck dissipates.

[Apprentice Death God]: Then I won’t draw anymore, and the points will be redeemed for strength.After all, my strength is among the lowest in the group, and I have very few points.

[Ghost Slayer Expert]: Yeah!I would also play it safe and exchange it directly for strength, which would make it easier to obtain treasures or resources.

Both of them knew their own strength, they were the lowest among the group, and they were only stronger than ordinary people like Stark.

With the few thousand points they have on hand, it would be more cost-effective to simply exchange them for strength.

As long as their strength increases, they will be able to obtain more things in their own world. The more things they obtain, the more points they can exchange for.

In this way, a good cycle can be formed.

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: It's okay. Isn't there a guy at the bottom who has neither strength nor points in the group? Just take your time.

[The richest man in the world]:? ? ?Little chicken, black feet exposed!I feel offended!

naruto world...

In the underworld.

Uchiha Madara took out the underworld fruit he got in a lottery.

Originally, he was still worried about how he would be able to eat this fruit when he was in a soul state.

But fortunately, this is a devil fruit produced by the chat group. Even in his soul state, he can 'eat' it.

When Madara Uchiha ate the first bite of the fruit, his soul accepted the pull of the power of the fruit, and his soul escaped from the underworld and successfully returned to the physical body of the real world for resurrection.This time he had experience. Before he died, he found a secret place and set up a barrier to prevent anyone from being interested in his body.

After sitting up from his hiding place, feeling this real body, Uchiha Madara sighed.

After the lottery opened, he spent a thousand points to draw an intermediate prize pool and got the Underworld Fruit.

Now, there are 5000 points left.

After originally drawing something as good as the Underworld Fruit, Uchiha Madara planned to continue drawing the intermediate prize pool.

But after seeing the miserable state of the three people in the group, he hesitated for a while and decided to stay and directly use points to improve his strength.

All 5000 points are used to improve your strength.

The moment after Uchiha Madara's choice was confirmed.

Boom! ! !

The moment you click OK.

Uchiha Madara seemed to see a huge aperture surrounding him.

At the same time as it was enveloped, countless dense auras jumped into his body, and an unprecedented sense of fullness filled Uchiha Madara's whole body.

He could clearly feel that his body, chakra, and even the Samsara Eye were undergoing unprecedented changes!
The body is visibly getting stronger.

The strength increased too quickly, causing natural energy to flow out uncontrollably.

The surrounding plants grew wildly and turned into towering trees, and the tree world descended.

After a long time, he slowly opened his eyes.

And the Samsara Eye in his pupils has evolved into the Nine Magatama Samsara Eye, which is the same as Kaguya's.

Without testing, he felt that whether it was mental power, soul strength, chakra, or eye power, they had reached a limit.

At the same time, Uchiha Madara also felt an indescribable sense of oppression and suffocation.

It was as if I was suddenly locked in a narrow space, with restrictions coming from all directions.

This is a bottleneck that humans cannot break, a shackles from the world.

"Is this the limit that the world can accommodate as Birdman said? Sure enough, it's really unpleasant."

Uchiha Madara clenched his fists and looked at the heretic demon in front of him.

After watching "Naruto", he also knew his true identity.

This is the sacred tree, the body of the Ten-Tails.

It needs to absorb the power of the nine tailed beasts in order to revive it.

"Then it's time to restore the fruit of the sacred tree and sell it to the chat group."

His points were directly consumed due to this upgrade. .

If you don't find a way to get some points, you will become the poorest member in the group besides Stark.

Suddenly, Uchiha Madara frowned.

After his strength increased, his spiritual perception became extremely powerful.

He captured chakra particles in the air.

This feeling of chakra...

It's Hashirama! ?And... Tobirama?
wrong!In addition to these two people, there was a lot of chakra in the air that he was very familiar with.

Most of the chakra sensations belong to old opponents who died during the Warring States Period.

How is this going! ?

(End of this chapter)

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