He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 73, page 4, answer gold list, control the puppet to enter the main god space!

Chapter 73: The fourth page of the answer gold list, control the puppet to enter the main god space!
Attack on Titan World…

Stab it~!

Countless wooden spikes sprouted from the ground, strangling all the giant zombies.

Suddenly, the earth trembled, and the sound of galloping troops like thousands of horses came from the distance.

The already fragile earth and mountains are constantly collapsing.

The three of them immediately took off to high altitude and looked into the distance.

The scene in front of them made the three of them feel numb and had goosebumps all over their bodies.

On the distant horizon, densely packed, the same monsters as before were standing, seemingly endless, surging towards the direction where they were.

Apart from these monsters, no other life can be seen on the entire land.

Little Broken Ball frowned and said in disgust: "Is it possible that not even a single human being has survived in this world, only these monsters are left?"

Marco said: "Maybe there are survivors."

Marco's vision spread out, centering on himself, and sweeping away in all directions.

Wherever I scanned, I found no signs of life.

Suddenly, his eyes opened: "Found it!"

"A living human was found in a broken city surrounded by huge high walls."


Marco's eyes flickered: "This man is not an ordinary human. His power is very similar to that of a monster, but it is countless times stronger!"

There is only one possibility for this.

"World Invaders."

Uchiha Madara spoke slowly: "He hasn't left this world yet!"

The three of them looked at each other, and in the exchange of glances, they had already made a decision.


at the same time……

A corner of a huge city surrounded by high walls.

A thin man wearing a green robe was looking at the blood beads floating in the air in front of him with great excitement.

"Haha!!! What a blessing from the Lord God's space! There are such good things in this small world!"

That's right, the man in green robes in front of him is the world invader who invaded the world of Attack on Titan.

——Lin Qing.

The bloodline owner of the Drought Demon Sequence is now at the "Flying Zombie" level.

As a two-star invader, he came to the world of Attack on Titan this time to complete the task of being promoted to a three-star invader.

But Lin Qing had no idea that such a seemingly ordinary world would possess such a powerful special bloodline power - the power of a giant!
Some humans in this world can gain the ability to transform into giants through blood inheritance.

Although you will lose your mind, you can gain powerful physical abilities.

Moreover, some of the chosen ones can not only obtain the strength and speed of giants, but also maintain normal consciousness, and their strength is terrifying.

However, it is useless to face yourself. Even if you are a giant, if you are bitten by yourself, your body poison will be filled with it, and you will turn into a zombie controlled by yourself.

Now, he has gathered the power of the nine most powerful giants in the world.

The blood beads floating in the air are the product of his bloodline after extracting the giant's power.

Now there is only the power of the last ancestor giant left. It has not been completely absorbed, but it is almost there. It will be absorbed and returned to the main god space soon.

After absorbing the blood of giants, Lin Qing was able to transform into any of the other eight giants based on the blood of zombies.

Originally, as a zombie, he would be severely restrained by weapons or skills such as Taomu Sword and Thunder Method.

But now that we have giant blood, the situation is completely different!

It can be said that what he has now is a new bloodline power that combines the advantages of the zombie and giant bloodlines, the zombie giant.

What once restrained him now has no effect at all.

Coupled with the thick-skinned giant body, even that little impact can be ignored.

While absorbing the power of the ancestor giant, Lin Qing secretly made calculations in his heart.

As long as the answer gold list completely absorbs the origin of the world, the task will be completed automatically, and you will be a three-star world invader.

Coupled with the ability after the fusion of zombie and giant blood, even if he has just been promoted, he will never be at the bottom among the three-star invaders.

Although after transforming into a giant, his attack power and speed are relatively average.

However, the most terrifying thing about zombies is their ability to infect.

And more importantly, this infection-type ability will be extremely popular in future confrontation-type copies after it has no weaknesses.

As long as you find ordinary people in your own dungeon world, transform them into zombie giants, pass them from ten to ten, and directly carry out a wave of explosions.

Not to mention anything else, as long as it is not a cross-level battle, the overwhelming number alone can tire the opponent to death!
Just as he was happily imagining the scene where he was being fought over by various teams.



As a flying zombie, he smelled the smell of blood food.

He frowned slightly: "There are still humans alive in this world?"


He looked towards the high wall.

On top of the high wall, three figures appeared.

"If you survive, why don't you just hang on for a while and enjoy the little life you have, and then perish with the world? Do you have to come here to die?"

But the next moment...

His expression became a little stunned.

There is no three-dimensional mobile device on these three people at all...

Moreover, for some reason, the figures of two of the three people seemed familiar to him.

and many more……

Lin Qing's eyes suddenly widened,
Marco in the world of pirates...Madara Uchiha in the world of Naruto! ? ? ? ?

Now, as long as there is an intruder in the main god space, who does not know these two famous existences!

The two of them lived in a world where top invaders had overturned.

These two small thousand worlds are suspected of having mysterious abilities, and in the eyes of the invaders, they are already existences that can only be accessed if they have four stars or above.

but why……

Will these two beings from other worlds come to this world? ?

And the ball next to them didn't look like something to be trifled with.

While the four were confronting each other, Little Broken Ball secretly heard: "The world is too fragile now. Don't use too much power, the world will collapse!"

"I understand."

Marco and Uchiha had spotted heads and energy waves gushing out of their bodies.

"Damn, fight!"

At this point, Lin Qing understood that there was no possibility of escape for him.

Anyway, everyone is at the Xiaoqian World level, so who is afraid of whom?
It’s not certain who will kill the natives from other small worlds!

Scarlet light bloomed, and the power of the last ancestor giant's bloodline had been absorbed.

Roar! ! !
The next moment, with a roar, Lin Qing's body continued to expand. The zombie blood and the power of the giant merged into one, directly turning into a giant zombie over 20 meters tall.

"go to hell!!!"

Lin Qing, who turned into a giant, used his own strength and threw an astonishing punch.

The sound of breaking through the air sounded, and the giant fist slammed towards the three people with the sound of roaring wind.


In an instant, Uchiha Madara opened his Nine Magatama Samsara Eyes.

hum! ! !
The supreme pupil power emerged and instantly locked onto the giant's body, freezing his posture strangely in mid-air, unable to move.With just one move, he lost all resistance.

Feeling that her body had lost its freedom, Lin Qing kept roaring in her heart: "How is that possible!"

"Aren't they from Xiaoqian World! This strength is almost close to that of a four-star invader!"

In an instant, many thoughts flashed through Lin Qing's mind.

Eventually, a decision was made.

"Damn! You forced me to do this!"

The trump card that I originally wanted to save for the four-star promotion mission can only be used now!

Suddenly, the ground trembled.

Little Broken Ball felt something for the first time and shouted in surprise: "Be careful! Something is coming!"

Uchiha Madara also felt that the world invader caught in front of him seemed to be using some method.

Originally, they wanted to keep him alive temporarily and ask for some information, but now it seems there is no other way.

At this time, Uchiha Madara's pupils became more powerful, preparing to control Lin Qing to commit suicide.

But, it's too late.

boom! ! !
Coming from under the ground, countless zombie giants emerged from the ground.

In the surprised eyes of the three people, these zombies and giants decomposed into countless pieces of flesh and blood, squirming on the ground and in the air, covering Lin Qing's giant body.

at the same time……

The whole world, all the giants and zombies, all glowed with a red light.

The light disappeared, and the giants and zombies fell to the ground.

Countless red lights merged into Lin Qing's body,
"Damn it, you forced me to do this. Go to hell!"

"Not in bone form!!!"

boom! ! !
Lin Qing's body became even larger, his arms completely broke free from the control of the Samsara Eye, and his legs sank deeply into the ground.

Instead of turning into bone form, this is a move that gathers the flesh and blood power of all zombies together, allowing him to temporarily break through his own limits.

At this moment, after merging with hundreds of millions of zombies, his body has far exceeded a hundred meters in height.

Such terrifying power naturally comes with a price.

Every time it is used, Lin Qing's consciousness will merge with countless zombies.

After using it too many times, he will become a complete zombie and lose his sense of self.

In the end, it will either be dealt with by the main god space, or it will become a prop for some intruder.

So this is the first time he has used this move since he got it.

Lin Qing looked at the extremely small three people on the ground with wide eyes, and raised a giant hand that was already the size of a building.

"So strong! He actually has such power!"

Marco frowned: "In this case, it is impossible for us to defeat him without using our strongest strength."

Buzzing--! ! !
Because of the fusion, Lin Qing's consciousness became blurred.

He unleashed his power without any reservation, waving his arms wildly and hitting the ground, causing the entire land to shatter one after another.

Boom! ! !
There was a click, and an extremely clear cracking sound came from a very far away place.

Then, there was a sudden tremor.

The immortal bones formed by the fusion of hundreds of millions of lives have exceeded the limit that this world can accommodate.

The law of the entire world completely collapsed and could not be maintained.

As the world order collapsed, Uchiha Madara's power was also affected, and the power of the eyes disappeared.

The expressions of the three people changed instantly.

"Haha, God really helped me!"

The world order collapsed, and Lin Qing could no longer maintain his giant body and returned to his human form.


Lin Qing shouted, and his figure suddenly turned into a stream of light and flew into the gold medal list.

The three of them couldn't stop them even if they used their abilities.

"Hahaha! You're stupid! I don't care who you are, you can't use your power when the world collapses!"

"I don't know how you got here, but now, just wait for death!"

"Ha ha ha ha!!!"

There was a voice coming from the question answering gold list.

Listening to this arrogant voice, Marco was so angry that he clenched his fists tightly.

"Damn it, if I didn't have to worry about the world itself, I would have killed him long ago!"

"What should we do now?"

The three of them looked around. Wherever they looked, everything was collapsing and annihilating like a bubble.

At the farthest edge of the world, space is like a fortress made of sand, constantly shattering into nothingness, and everywhere is filled with an aura of ruin.

What's even worse is that due to the destruction of the world, the entire world has turned into a disorderly environment, and has turned into a forbidden magic realm, where no ability can be used.

The disappearance of the pupil power and the removal of the form of the Immortal Bone King just now were due to this reason.

Helplessly, the three of them stood back to back, constantly avoiding the ground that disappeared into nothingness.

In this short period of time, the world has reduced by nearly one-fifth of its size.

At this moment, the little broken ball pointed to the sky: "The gold medal list is about to run away!"

I saw in the sky that the originally huge gold medal list for answering questions began to shrink and become smaller after absorbing the origin of the world.

Finally, it turned into a piece of golden paper, flew away from the sky at an extremely fast speed, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

World Chat Group.

[Little Breaking Ball]: @光之光, the leader of the group!The gold medal list for answering questions is gone! ! !
Ultra World…

blue star.

When he saw the news in the group, Annan disappeared.


On the other side, the attacking giant world barrier was now like a spreading spider web, full of cracks, and pieces of it peeled off and disappeared into the void.

This is truly the end of the world!
A magical golden page emerged from the barrier of the world.

all of a sudden…

An indifferent voice came out into the void and turned into Hong Zhongdalu, echoing outside the barrier of the entire world.

"I've been waiting for you here for a long time."

In an instant, countless rays of light converged from the void, and a human figure formed by the convergence of light stepped out of it. The boundless divine law instantly locked the answer list.

Feeling the terrifying gaze, the answer gold medal was filled with horror, bursting out with all his strength, the golden light flashed, and he wanted to escape from here.

"Hmph, want to run away?"

Annan stretched out his palm and clenched his fingers into a fist.

For a moment, it was as if time and space were frozen, and everything came to a standstill.

When time and space flowed again, the answer sheet had been shattered, lost its brilliance, and turned into a piece of white paper floating in his hand.

After taking the paper in his hand, Annan discovered that there was actually a world invader teleporting in the passage of the gold medal list.

The corners of his mouth raised slightly: "Just right, we can do an experiment to try."

Annan did not stop the man from leaving. With a thought, a ray of energy with his own breath entered his body and was hidden.

The intruder disappeared from the passage with his aura.



(End of this chapter)

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