He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

The gold list on page 82 of Chapter 5 is anchored to the coordinates of the big world!

The gold list on the fifth page of Chapter 82 is anchored to the coordinates of the world!
Soul Society…

A mountain peak like a ten thousand dagger rises from the ground, like a long blade piercing the sky.

The top of the mountain is extremely bright, with streams of lava flowing, and it seems to contain terrifying destructive power.

Cliff Blade.

In the Pokémon world, it is Groudon’s exclusive skill.

Kurosaki Ichigo's eyes narrowed slightly.

He glanced at Groudon beside him. The latter was extremely ordinary, as if he was just doing an ordinary little thing.

Although he had already imagined Groudon's power.

But he still couldn't expect it, just one move!
Groudon instantly killed the most powerful Spirit King in his world.

The last time I and Dagu went to Uchiha Madara's world to complete a mission, we also saw Dagu, who was also from the Great Thousand World, take action.

But intuitively speaking, Dagu's combat power is not as terrifying as Groudon.

When Groudon took action, Kurosaki Ichigo felt it, and the entire Soul Society resonated with it.

The power of the Law of the Earth was fully demonstrated by it, and he had no doubt that if Groudon's blow landed firmly on the ground of Soul Society.

The entire crust of Soul Society would probably be split into two halves.

He sighed in his heart: "This is the power of the gods in the world..."

"No wonder there is an insurmountable gap between the creatures in the small world and the creatures in the big world."

On the other side…

Stark's expression was even more miserable than that of Kurosaki Ichigo.

His eyes almost stared down. After killing the intruder, he realized how exaggerated the volcanic blade in front of him was.

This is the person who brags and beats himself up every day in the group...

No wonder they were all teasing themselves before. Everyone had such power, but it was a bit funny for me, an ordinary person, to blend in among them.

But now...

Tony Stark picked up the gem in his hand and took a look, quietly breathing a sigh of relief in his heart.

Fortunately, I am no longer an ordinary person now.

He already has the qualifications to be on an equal footing with his friends.

But now, something happened that made Ichigo even more distressed.

"Groudon, you took action and blasted the Spirit King into pieces. How can I restore him?"

Kurosaki Ichigo was a little depressed, and he planned to sell the Soul King to the chat group.

Let alone selling it, the ashes have already been raised.

This wave of blood loss! !
"Small things, look at me."

Tony Stark showed a confident smile and activated the ability of the space stone in his hand.

Following his will, all the fragments of the Soul King that had been shattered throughout Soul Society moved in front of them instantly and began to assemble themselves.

Seeing this scene, Groudon shrunk his body and stared in great surprise at the Spirit King who was assembled like a puzzle in front of him.

"To be able to achieve such microscopic control, the power of this space gem is really powerful!"

"As expected of a golden item, you are so lucky on a dog day!"

He is a bit poor and has nothing to offer himself.

This damn "richest man" was taken to his soul.


Losing their strength, the Death Gods lying on the ground opened their mouths wide and stared blankly at the Soul King's body pieced together in mid-air.

The lost strength has gradually returned.

But they had no intention of getting up at all.

They no longer understand this world at all...

First, Kurosaki Ichigo, a human, suddenly became stronger and directly suppressed the Shinigami and Quincy around the world.

Then the Spirit King was inexplicably resurrected and took the power of the entire world.

It seems that the world is about to be destroyed.

Everyone thought the world was about to return to nothingness.

Unexpectedly, Ichigo Kurosaki arrived directly, bringing with him two people and creatures he had never seen before.

The most important thing is...

The arrogant Spirit King, the Spirit King who wanted to destroy the world, was killed by a single move from that crimson creature.

The things that happened today have completely shut down their brains.

It feels like these countless long years have been lived in vain, lived on a dog.

Only one person still has a clear mind.

Aizen leaned against the wall and pushed up the bridge of his nose. Unfortunately, his glasses had been lost in the battle.

His eyes looked at Kurosaki Ichigo with a bit of shock, the bohemian look on his face, and the red creature that looked like a dinosaur.

The power system of the entire world was conceived by the Spirit King.

The power of the God of Death, the power of the Quincy, the power of the Hollow... none of them can defeat the Soul King.

These two people... are not creatures of this world! !
Can Kurosaki Ichigo communicate with creatures outside the world?


While piecing together the Spirit King,

Kurosaki Ichigo looked at the current Soul Society, which was mixed with the entire Hueco Mundo.

The Three Realms are unstable.

Once the Soul King is sold, the present world, Hueco Mundo, and Soul Society may collapse.

Someone needs to be found to replace the Spirit King.

However, after watching "Death", he naturally has a solution.

Look for it.

Came to Yhwach's side.

Yhwach was in a worse situation, while others had their power of death taken away from them.

And Yhwach himself possesses part of the body of the Soul King.

Now, he has been taken away from the body that belonged to the Spirit King, and has returned to a state where he can no longer see, hear, or speak.

Just in time to save the trouble of fighting, Kurosaki Ichigo took Yhwach's body and transferred it to the Spirit King again.

"The commander of the army, Ichibei, stop pretending to be dead and make Yhwach the Spirit King."

At the same time that Kurosaki Ichigo called his true name, the monk opened his eyes and stood up immediately, gasping for breath in disbelief.

"No, I didn't expect that Lord Spirit King..."

He was the worst being beaten by the 'Spirit King'.

After seeing Yhwach's body, the monk was startled, as if he knew Kurosaki Ichigo's plan.

"I see, I understand, leave it to me."

After saying that, he disappeared with Yhwach's body.

Not long after, the trend of the integration of the three realms completely stopped.

The Three Realms are once again wells and rivers, and the lines between Jing and Wei are distinct.

Kurosaki Ichigo also opened the chat group panel and sold the recovered Soul King.

"How many!?"

Seeing the Soul King's body disappear, Stark, who knew that Kurosaki Ichigo must have sold it, approached him and inquired curiously.

Ichito's body trembled. The number he saw for the first time made his whole body tremble: "5!"

! ? ?

Upon hearing this number, Stark and Groudon suddenly turned red-eyed and stared at each other.


A total of fifty thousand points! ! !

Damn it!You can draw five full premium prize pools!

Ultra Universe, Blue Star.

[The world aura of the Death God world has been collected...the world coordinates have been determined...anchoring has begun...]

[Anchor successful...]

[The world channel is being established... Estimated time... 30 minutes...]

"Does it only take three and 10 minutes this time?"

"Sure enough, as my strength continues to improve, the time to establish the world channel is also constantly shortened."

For Annan, even if his strength is pushed forward a little bit, it will be an unprecedented and huge improvement.

Wait for a few more subordinate worlds to become stronger.

He had a hunch that there would be no need to wait for the passage in the Small Thousand World. Once the coordinates were anchored, the passage could be opened directly. …

Death world...

Kurosaki Ichigo, who made a huge profit from selling the Soul King, seemed to remember something.

"I remember that after the group tasks were completed, the group leader would come over, right? I was in Madara's world before, and after completing the task, the group leader also came over and took away the gold medal list."

Groudon nodded and recalled: "Based on the previous process... it should be like this."

After hearing the conversation between the two, Tony Stark suddenly leaned over excitedly.

"Really! The leader of the group appears!?"

Seeing Stark's excitement, Kurosaki Ichigo opened his mouth, but still did not break his beautiful imagination.

Although the group leader has appeared many times, until now, no one has seen the real appearance of the group leader.

At most, you can only see the group leader’s hand and vague figure.

that's all…

In order to be able to see the group leader take action to get the gold list of answer questions.

Both Stark and Groudon have chosen not to return for the time being.

for the rest of the time…

Groudon and Kurosaki Ichigo were chatting.

Tony Stark, who was traveling to another world for the first time, looked around like he had ADHD.

Constantly researching various things in Soul Society.

He also entered the Technology Development Bureau, gathered a lot of things, and packed them together.

He even took an ownerless Zanpakutō and carried it behind his back, preparing to take it away with him.

The Death Gods looked at Stark, who was like a devil entering the village, and opened their mouths... but then they looked at the Flame Knife Mountain that still stood in the center of Soul Society.

They chose Congxin.

Ichigo Kurosaki reminded helplessly: "Stark, it's useless no matter how much you take away. The rules of the world are different. Even if I take them to your world, they are just decorations."

"Of course I know that."

Stark chuckled: "But this is an item from another world. You can take it back as a souvenir or display it at home for decoration!"

Groudon has no interest in this at all. First of all, it is a divine beast and has no use for human things.

Secondly, these are things from the Small Thousand Worlds, too weak to look down on.

that's all…

Half an hour flew by.

At this moment, suddenly.

In an instant, time in the three realms stopped and space solidified.

In all the still space, a supreme will spanning time and space passed through the world and watched all existence below.

This familiar sense of oppression, the suffocating terrifying power and gaze...

Everyone feels as if their souls are about to collapse, and life is no longer something they can control.

"What...what's going on? There are world invaders?" Stark was inexplicably panicked, because he used the power of the space gem to hide himself in the space mezzanine to no avail, and the suffocation felt like a thorn in the back.

"No...no, the group leader is here." Groudon said.

The moment its voice fell, the whole world changed, with a power that could destroy the world and overturn the world from the sky.

Boom! !Click! ! !

Time and space stood still, under the horrified and dazed gazes of all the Shinigami and Quincy.

A pair of big hands that cannot be described even if all human words are exhausted, stretch out from beyond the end of the world and encompass the whole world.

Countless laws linger around the palm.

Compared with this palm, the Spirit King is like a hammer!
With unspeakable terrifying pressure, the giant hand moved towards the place where the gold medal list was.

In an instant, the answer gold medal was captured by a big hand without resistance and taken away.

After a long time, the Death Gods recovered from the shock caused by the giant hand and fell into a trance.

They just reluctantly accepted the reality that the Spirit King, the creator of the Three Realms, was instantly killed by a red monster.

But not long after, another such terrifying existence appeared in the sky, completely surpassing the Spirit King by countless times!
In front of those giant hands, the Spirit King was as fragile as a baby!
Their worldview and values ​​completely collapsed at this moment, and they couldn't be held together with glue.

Although it was not the first time that Groudon saw the group leader take action, his scalp was still numb and his whole body was shaking.

That pressure, that terrifying power of law, and the seemingly endless supreme power.

And Stark, who saw the power of the group leader for the first time, his eyes widened even more at this time.

Both of them froze on the spot, so shocked by the scene just now that they couldn't speak at all.

This is the power of the group leader... He even just appeared with a hand!

If the group leader showed his body completely, the scene would be too terrifying for them to even think about.


They didn't know that it was just a big hand transformed from Annan's thoughts. If the real body came in, the world of Death would explode.

It took a long time...

Only then did I calm down.

"It's not a loss!! It's not a loss this time!! I can see the group leader take action and earn another [-] group points."

"Okay, the time to stay is almost up. It's time for me to go back. It's up to you to clean up the mess."

Tony Stark and Groudon disappeared.

Not long after the two left, Kurosaki Ichigo suddenly discovered that the spiritual pressure in his body was continuously recovering.

The energy particles between heaven and earth seem to be increasing continuously.

A wave of extremely pure extraordinary particles began to flow into the world.

He was a little surprised, what's going on?

The next second, the pop-up window prompt of the chat box appeared in front of me.

[Congratulations to the trainee Shinigami, your world has successfully become the subordinate world of the group leader]

[Please select the placement location of the world passage]

After seeing the news, Kurosaki Ichigo suddenly realized.

I see!My own world has finally become the subordinate world of the group leader!

Ultra Universe, Blue Star.

After recycling the gold list of the Death God World and turning it into his own subordinate world.

Annan could clearly feel that the power he controlled had once again increased.

The booklet composed of the remaining pages of the answer sheet floats in the air, and a new page is included in it.

With a faint golden light, the pages of the booklet changed and increased to five pages.

The page number displayed on the Death God World Gold List is '35'.

And this time, because of the increase in page numbers, the Creation God System once again anchored a world passage.


Sensing the passage of this world, Annan's eyes flickered.

"It's different from before."

"This is not the passage to the Small Thousand Worlds."

"It seems to be a world passage leading to the vast world."

"System, open up a channel."

[Anchoring the world... Anchoring successfully]

[The time required to open a channel...100 days]

His eyes flickered.

One hundred days?

Sure enough, it should be a vast world.

In this way, his real body can finally go to the world to play, and he is looking forward to that day.

A mere hundred days, to him, passed by in a blink of an eye.

At this time, another prompt popped up from the system.

[A huge energy increase was detected, and the channel establishment time was shortened to 12 hours]

Annan was slightly stunned, 100 days reduced to half a day?And such a good thing!
However, when he took a closer look, he discovered that the reduced world passage was not this time.

But last time, when I got the remaining pages of the gold medal list in Attack on Titan, the world passage had not yet been completed.

What originally took three days now only takes half a day to complete.

Is it because another page has been added to the gold medal list?


(End of this chapter)

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