He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 90 The dark side of the Kingdom of Light!An existence that is on the opposite path to the Ki

Chapter 90 The dark side of the Kingdom of Light!An existence that is on the opposite path to the Kingdom of Light!
Annan frowned slightly. The monsters in the Ultra World didn't know what was going on.

No, not just monsters, but all races that use dark power are undergoing some kind of mutation.

His eyes sparkled with radiant divinity.

One thought is all-knowing.

One thought is all-powerful.

"I see."

An interested expression appeared on his face.

"The development of this matter is somewhat strange."

"Quite interesting."

"The transformation of these dark races takes almost half a day."

"In that case, let's go back and play games, and after half a day... watch the show."

In the blink of an eye, Annan's figure disappeared from the rotating universe.


A world starting from scratch...

Nearly 10 minutes have passed since that giant hand appeared and took away the gold medal list.

People all over the world, whether they were civilians, princes, nobles, warriors, or magicians, all had dull eyes and were completely unable to understand what had just happened.

Their eyes were dull, their minds were completely shut down, and they just stared blankly at the sky.

Countless questions pass through everyone's heart.

Like the Sword of Damos hanging over everyone's head, the gold medal list is just gone?Just disappeared! ?
He was captured by a pair of giant hands of light that could not be described in words, giant hands of light that could encompass the entire sky of the world.

Inside the mansion, cold sweat flowed down Roswaal's face like a waterfall.

As the world's number one magician, he felt deeply powerless and frightened in front of those giant hands.

Millions of times scarier than the teacher...even the jealous witch!
The palm of Reinhardt, the strongest man in the world, holding the hilt of his sword was constantly trembling.

"Just...just now...then...what is that hand?"

Roswaal's voice was trembling. Having lived for hundreds of years, his state of mind was already as stable as that of an old dog.

But now, in the face of this unprecedented terrifying power, his long-standing self-confidence suddenly collapsed, and he completely lost his usual calmness.

When the giant hand appeared, all magic and elven power could not be used, as if it was imprisoned by the supreme power.

It was as if the world itself was fearing and trembling.

Reinhard said nothing and slowly shook his head.

But one word emerged from his mind inexplicably.

A being with supreme power that can easily crush everything!

Only the word 'god' is worthy of that giant hand.


Boom! !

There was a strange noise in the sky.

In the originally calm sky, a strange black and white lightning flashed across.

In an instant, a drastic change occurred.

The whole world is divided into two halves,

Half of it was shrouded in extremely bright daylight, while the other side was plunged into complete deep darkness.

Before anyone could recover, Roswaal and others suddenly felt dizzy.

When they opened their eyes, they found that they had arrived in a strange space.

What they stepped on was a large black and white fog.

This space seems to be endless, with no end in sight.

Figures flashed out of thin air and appeared here.

Roswaal and others discovered that except themselves.

All the powerful and powerful people in the world have come here.

Not only that, but the notorious Sin Archbishops of the Witch Cult also appeared in this space with them.

Even the giant whale and other three major monsters are here!

His eyes narrowed slightly...

These people are distributed all over the world. What kind of power is this that can pull people from different places in instantly?

"What's going on!? Why am I here?"

The Slothful Archbishop - Pettychius Romanee-Conti.

He bit his fingers tightly, twisted his neck, and screamed wildly.

"Wait a minute...witch-sama, I saw the witch-sama."

"Could it be that this is your great power, Witch-sama?"

"Are we, the Witch Cult, going to unify the world?"

Witch! ?
Hearing this word, Roswaal looked around,

In the distance, he saw the figure he had dreamed of.

The Desire Witch—Echidna!
Roswaal's face showed great joy when he saw his teacher.

want to pass.

But, she suddenly discovered that...in addition to her teacher Echidna, there were other Seven Sins Witches beside her!
The seven witches are gathered together. If he goes there now, he will undoubtedly die!

Da da da--!
Crisp footsteps sounded from this space, and a strange black and white figure appeared.

Stepping on the air, he walked down from the air step by step.

"Welcome everyone to my divine realm."

"Presumptuous! Who are you!"

"This is the witch's space!!"

Roar! ! !
Suddenly, the white whale, one of the three major disasters, flapped its huge body and suddenly opened its mouth towards Kalafar, trying to devour him.

Faced with such an attack, Kalafar didn't even bother to look away, just a tap of his finger.


Silently, the white whale disappeared in the air like a bubble.

This scene made the pupils of everyone present shrink to a point.

One of the three major disasters, the extremely cruel white whale, was wiped out so easily! ?

Kalafar's dull gaze shifted to a girl who was restrained by an open coffin.

"It has your power in it. Was it your command?"

In an instant, everyone's attention shifted to the girl in the coffin.

Parker's face was solemn and he whispered: "Daphne, the Gluttony Witch..."

"The three major disasters, the white whale, the big rabbit, and the black snake, are all created by her."

The weak voice of Gluttony Witch Daphne came: I, my whole body is tied up, it’s not me. "

The next second his style changed: "Hee hee hee, I was joking with you."

Kalafar's eyes were calm: "Not only did you take action against me, but other people were also taking action against me with hidden powers."

"Sure enough, just like Father God, there are too many people in this world who don't listen to discipline."

"In that case, I'll play a game with you too."

Kalafar snapped his fingers.

In an instant, the person who had secretly used his magic power on Kalafar noticed some inexplicable changes in himself.

"Hehe, what did you do to me? I'm so hungry. Do you have anything to eat? You look delicious. Your whole body is made of pure elemental magic. How about I eat you?"

The Gluttony Witch licked her mouth, and then suddenly exploded.

He bit off a ball of 'light' from Kalafar's body and swallowed it whole.

next second...

"Uhhhhhhh!!!" The extremely miserable scream came from the mouth of the gluttony witch. She convulsed all over and fell to the ground with her mouth cramped.

It was the ball of light element just now that turned into countless fine needles, wreaking havoc in the body! !

"A person from a mere small world wants to devour my power."

It was as if Kalafar was saying something extremely ordinary: "I have increased your perception and pain a hundred million times."

Then he continued: "Just feel the feeling of your body being crushed inch by inch."

"This is your punishment."

Incomparably harsh screams rang out one after another in the space. These were the people who had just taken action against Kalafar.

They looked at their bodies as if they had a pair of invisible hands, and their bodies were like foam toys that would break when pinched.

The body disappeared bit by bit, and a hundred million times the pain swept through the whole body. The key was that they could not faint.

The whole body is like a ghost on the bed, only the consciousness and mouth can function normally.

"Kill me, kill me quickly!!!"

The most terrifying thing in the world is not death, but the pain that is worse than death! ! !
The rest of the people's scalps were numb for a while. Even the witch couldn't resist the power. Who is he? ?
at last……

The screams stopped abruptly, not because of Kalafar's mercy.

Instead, everyone's bodies were crushed into nothingness and disappeared.


Kalafar waved his hand, as if a supreme power swept over him.

Everyone who died just now, including the witch, came back to life in an instant.

They gasped for air, as if they had seen a real devil, and kept retreating in horror.

The dead...are resurrected! ?

The pupils of other people contracted violently at this moment.

Ignoring them, Kalafar continued: "Those who can enter here are the strong men of this world and those with strong luck."

"After what happened just now, you should already understand your status."

"Next, it's time to get down to business."

boom! ! !
At this moment, Kalafar's eyes widened slightly.

Suddenly, the overwhelming terrifying aura surged in like an overwhelming mountain, overwhelming everyone and making it difficult to breathe.

All power and means became like toys under the power and momentum of Kalafar.

Faintly, they seemed to be able to see an endless vast continent appearing behind each other.

The sea of ​​stars all over the sky surrounds it, as if Kalafar is the center of the world and the origin of everything!

At this moment, they felt that they were facing a God who could create everything!
Kalafar's eyes looked at everyone, as if looking at a group of inconspicuous ants.

Under this terrifying pressure, both Reinhardt and the seven witches could only kneel down and tremble.

His figure cannot be looked directly at!



They were extremely frightened. This feeling... was almost like facing those giant hands in the sky!
After half an hour...

Kalafar's figure disappeared from the space, leaving only a dull crowd.

They struggled to digest the information they had just received and looked at each other.

The world I live in has become...a subordinate world to the universe? !
Was the gold medal list robbed by the other party?

Within seven days, they are not allowed to fight each other and elect a world leader.

At that time, the world channel will be opened to go to the transit universe.

Although it is unbelievable, but...this cliff is true.

It is absolutely impossible for such a strong person to exist in the world.

The eyes of all the strong men flashed. This is a great opportunity, and they must definitely become the person in charge of the world.



Most of the day passed in a flash.

Ultra World…

In the vast and far-reaching hyperspace, a universe adjacent to the Kingdom of Light universe.

The distance between the two universes is not far, but their appearance is completely opposite.

The universe of the Kingdom of Light shines with a faint light, eye-catching.

The adjacent universe has a darker tone.

If you enter this universe, you will find that not only the universe itself, but also all the animals, plants, and life forms in this universe have dark tones as their main colors.

Here in the central galaxy of the universe...

An extremely huge planet, or star.

The light emitted by its outline is very dim and hazy, as if it is covered with a light black veil.

And on this strange planet, there are actually living things surviving!
This planet is called:

——Ampera Star!
In the original Ultra Chronicles, Ampera and the Kingdom of Light were different powerful forces existing in the same universe.

However, in the Ultra World created by Annan, they are divided into two universes and do not disturb each other.

The life forms in Ampera are commonly known as Ampera people.

This universe is the dark universe ruled by the people of Ampera.

The appearance of the Ampera aliens is very similar to the Ultra warriors of the Kingdom of Light.

However, it is completely different from Ultraman who is composed of red, blue and silver.

The appearance of the Ampera people is mainly black and gray, with exoskeletons made of sharp spikes all over their bodies, and their faces are very cold.

The personalities of all Ampera warriors are completely opposite to those of Ultra warriors, they are cold and ruthless.

Its dark pupils give people an oncoming evil aura, which makes people shudder.

The process why the Ampera people became what they are today is strikingly similar to the Ultra clan.

I don’t know how long ago, the sun of Ampera was extinguished like the sun of the Kingdom of Light, and countless lives died.

However, they did not develop a plasma spark tower to receive the power of light.

Instead, he did the opposite and chose to embrace the power of darkness and evolve into a life form that could control the power of darkness.

It can be said that the Ultra clan and the Ampera people are completely opposite existences.

Moreover, Amperaans can also control monsters.

If we say, the Ultra clan is the supporters of light.

Then the Ampera people are the rulers of darkness!
The leader who leads these Ampera people is called the Great Emperor of the Dark Universe!

His status is equivalent to that of the Ultra King of the Kingdom of Light.

In this dark universe, he is the only ruler!

Suddenly, a large amount of dark energy particles poured into the universe.

Countless dark particles permeated every corner of the universe in an instant.

As dark particles skyrocket, the dark energy of the entire universe increases geometrically!
The violent dark monsters in the universe burst out with extremely terrifying power at this time.

The entire dark universe becomes more chaotic.

On Ampera, it was strengthened by the power of darkness.

All the Ampera stars burst out from their bodies with auras that were several times, even dozens of times more terrifying than before!

A scarlet light flashed in their eyes.

The Dark Emperor stood up in the throne and spoke as if he was stunned:
"Light... destroy light..."

"Target the Kingdom of Light!"



(End of this chapter)

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