Bad guy: Staying in Huanyinfang, picking up attributes and becoming invincible

Chapter 117 Companion!Head to the Ten Thousand Poison Cave!

Chapter 117 Companion!Head to the Ten Thousand Poison Cave!

Hearing this, Xiao Xiao also realized her impulse just now, her face became hot, and she hid behind Li Yunxiao with some embarrassment.

"Boy, do you mind waiting a little longer?"

After Xiao Weng puffed out the smoke, he said that he was asking for opinions, but his attitude was very firm and irrefutable. It was obvious that the decision had been made long ago. This was to inform rather than discuss.

His eyes were a little deep. If the other party showed impatience, he would definitely reconsider.

"I don't mind." Li Yunxiao shook his head, and he was fine with it.

"It just so happens that the boy also has a mission and needs to complete it first. As for time."

Li Yunxiao pondered for a moment, then estimated in his mind: "It will take about a month."

"Okay, then the wedding date will be set in one and a half months!" Xiao Weng agreed happily.

Then he changed the topic and said in a cold voice: "But if you don't come by then, you will make me and Xiao Xiao become the laughing stock. I will chase you to the ends of the earth and kill you to express your anger."

"Please rest assured, father-in-law, I will never break my promise and will definitely come as promised!" Li Yunxiao quickly expressed his stance.

One month was the total time he expected to spend searching for the Twelve Cave of Miaojiang after exploring the Ten Thousand Poison Cave.

This organization is so mysterious that even in Miao territory, which is far away from worldly disputes, it is like a peach blossom garden.

Even though Li Yunxiao had watched the anime, he was not confident that he could find it, but no matter how he accepted the mission, he still had to make a symbolic effort!What's more, his real purpose is not to help the empress find her brother Li Maozhen, but for his own promotion.

He is really greedy for the uncle's Qi.

If I could get top secrets and a top wife, this trip to Miao territory would be really worth it!
Of course, even if you can’t find him, you won’t force him. How can this thing be as important as having a wife?

At worst, in the future, if he follows the protagonist group to travel to Miao territory and gets the secret book, it will be the same.

After hearing Li Yunxiao's separation, Xiao Xiao was sad and reluctant to leave, but she also knew that the other party came to Miao territory to perform a mission and could not be delayed because of her.

And she really didn't want to marry the one she loved in a hurry while still carrying the label of Young Master Long's fiancée.

It is best to cut off the previous bad ties.

Otherwise, let alone her husband, she might be unhappy, and even she herself would feel bad about it.

She wanted to get married cleanly.

Thinking of this, Xiao Xiao quickly cheered up.

He smiled at the person in front of him and said, "Good brother, then I will wait for you at home."

In a month, she could start to prepare. I heard that women from the Central Plains would embroider their own wedding dresses when they get married. Her red dress is not bad, so she plans to give it a try.

This is the most important moment in her life, and she wants to appear in front of her husband in the best possible way.

"Well, wait until I come back." Li Yunxiao reached out and ruffled the hair on Xiao Xiao's head. Because he was called away halfway, he didn't wear the purple bandana, but he was still beautiful, and his soft and smooth hair was also beautiful. It's addictive.

Xiao Weng's face darkened and he immediately urged, "Aren't you going to leave? Get out of here!"

He hates his son-in-law who has no sense of boundaries for his daughter.

"Also, when you use the poison repellent beads, you must bring them back to me."

Li Yunxiao let go of his hand and nodded: "I will definitely offer it intact."

He used it to get through the poisonous miasma in the Miao border. After this trip, he had no need for it anymore.

"That's good."

"I want to make a couple and give them to Xiaoxiao as a dowry!"

"If you knock the poison-avoiding beads, I'll ask you for a question!" Xiao Weng pretended to scold him.

Li Yunxiao laughed secretly.

He looks wide and fat, but he is an awkward person!
But yes, as long as he is a father who loves his daughter, except for the situation where he is so old that he hates getting married and regards his son-in-law as his savior, he will always find his son-in-law a bit difficult to deal with.

"Yes, I promise to return it as is!" Li Yunxiao nodded seriously.

He takes great care of his own things and the things that will become his own in the future.

Thinking of something again, Li Yunxiao took the initiative to request: "Father-in-law, I have many emergencies when performing tasks. Can you temporarily entrust my sister to your place?"

He's not sure what will happen next?
But the only thing that is certain is that Sister A is the biggest emergency for him.It's better to get rid of it as much as possible.

"Okay." Xiao Weng agreed without any hesitation.

In his opinion, the female doll is too big to eat, and he is not afraid of being deprived of his huge Guishizi.

Xiao Xiao also echoed softly, "I will also try my best to take care of my sister."

She was very fond of the little girl carrying a large package that looked like a turtle shell.

After all, the other party praised me for looking good!
"That's good."

Li Yunxiao felt relieved, finally having solved a problem.

Regarding the specific customs of weddings, he did not dictate. He was an orphan in this life and did not need to follow any etiquette, so he just followed the local customs.

All matters were directly handed over to Xiao Weng, while Li Yunxiao stayed with Xiao Xiao.

He looked at the girl next to him who was squatting beside the clear stream, putting his hand into the water to feel the temperature and smiling.

Li Yunxiao's mood was also affected and he felt very comfortable.

Putting aside the gentleness of acquired cultural influence, it is estimated that only such a spiritual mountains and swamps can raise such a woman who is like a mountain spirit.

"What's wrong?" Feeling the gaze, the girl turned her head and looked over. The autumn water in the sun made her eyes even more dazzling, reflecting the appearance of the person she loved.

Li Yunxiao shook his head and said softly: "It's nothing, I just thought you looked good, so I watched you."

"But I think husband, you are good-looking. If you wear my clothes, you will definitely be prettier than me."

"So, husband, do you want to give it a try?"

Xiao Xiao asked seriously, because that's what she thought.

Li Yunxiao's smile froze on his face, "Thank you, no need."

He may be more familiar with how to wear women's clothing than Xiao Xiao now.

Li Yunxiao didn't want him to know about this kind of dark history.

down all day.

Li Yunxiao followed Xiao Xiao's footsteps and went to many places she had frequented since she was a child.

It also made him understand this girl better.


The next day, Li Yunxiao, who was cleaning up alone, deliberately did not go to greet the sister in the bamboo house next to her.

After saying hello to Xiao Weng, hugging Xiao Xiao and spreading Daughter's brand dog food all over his face, he left alone with Corpse Puppet and Xiao Bai in the farewell of his father-in-law who was full of praise (and curses).

The name of Wan Du Ku is as well known to every household in Miao territory as it is to ask the surname of the person who destroyed the Tang Dynasty in the Central Plains.

Therefore, Li Yunxiao easily knew the specific route forward and successfully arrived within half a day.

Looking at the green poisonous miasma in front of him that was almost invisible, he did not enter immediately. Instead, he opened the package carried by the corpse puppet and took out the box inside.

This is the meal Xiaoxiao specially made for him early in the morning.

What a surprise, what a virtuous and good woman.

With emotion in his heart, Li Yunxiao opened the box, revealing a very attractive meal inside.

Because of the special material of the lunch box, even now it is still warm and the food is fragrant.

But the next moment, before he could even move his chopsticks, he saw a dark figure rushing towards him from the corner of his eye.

With his mind trembling, Li Yunxiao dodged and distanced himself, avoiding the hungry tiger's attack.

When he saw the person clearly, he was dumbfounded.



(End of this chapter)

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