Bad guy: Staying in Huanyinfang, picking up attributes and becoming invincible

Chapter 121: The First Affection in Ten Thousand Poison Cave!Imprisoned Chi Meng!

Chapter 121 The most affectionate thing in Ten Thousand Poison Cave!Imprisoned Chi Meng!
When they were young, King Chi Li and Poison Lord Chi Li were sent to Twelve Cave by the evil commander Yuan Tiangang, where they respectively learned the method of bewitching and half of the corresponding production process of the Weapon God and Monster Altar.

From the names of these two books, it seems that they were written with the combined efforts of two people.

Of course, the part about the altar of soldiers, gods and monsters must be removed from the secret book. Yuan Tiangang ordered the two of them to learn half of it, but they could not tell each other, which directly laid the hidden dangers today.

As for whether other parts are kept privately, Li Yunxiao doesn't know, and it doesn't matter. Anyway, these are enough for him to learn.

As the reading of the last word was completed, the last Ten Thousand Poison Witchcraft Scriptures were also successfully entered.

Li Yunxiao breathed a long sigh of relief.

This action was much simpler than he thought!

So smooth!

Sure enough, levels without bosses are easier to clear.

He chose this moment really well.

I don’t know how Chi Li, who has already gone to Jin, will feel when he knows that his home has been stolen.
After getting it done, Li Yunxiao planned to call it a day.

Now that you have successfully obtained what you want, there is no need to stir up trouble anymore.

After climbing up to the roof, Li Yunxiao planned to look for his sister.

I don’t know how the other party has been doing for so long?

But judging from the quiet atmosphere, there should be nothing wrong.

Just as he was about to leave, something far away caught Li Yunxiao's attention. There was a house that was guarded by someone he knew and a half.

The most powerful men (tool men) under Chi Li are Huabaozi and Guitou Yao.

The reason why I say one and a half people is because the arms of the two people are fused together.

They formed a heart-to-hand connection and spoke with the same voice.

This was a technique performed by Poison Master Chi Li, which allowed the two of them to have powerful skills that were unmatched by their peers, and their inner strength was evil and highly poisonous.

But it comes at the expense of lifespan. The two of them are destined to live less than 30 years old, and they must always be connected heart to hand, otherwise they will also die once their arms are separated.

Such an inhumane secret technique could only be accomplished by Chi Li.

The two of them were so strong that not even Hou Qing could defeat them, and their weakness of fear of blood was even calculated.

But Lao Li was even worse. Because of the poison in his internal energy, he was injured and his martial arts was disabled for the first time.

Of course, otherwise there would be no blessing in disguise later on.

Overall, the hard power of these two people should be in the mid-range position in the Great Heaven Ranking, but their ability to withstand blows is very tenacious. They can sharpen the sharpness of the Longquan Sword. They are as tenacious as a sewer rat, so they are evaluated all day long. Maybe it needs to be upgraded a bit.

However, although he has an IQ, he feels like a dead soldier. He has lost the ability to distinguish between right and wrong. He only blindly obeys the orders of Poison Lord Chili, and is no different from the walking dead. Later, he and the people from the old department were made into a altar of soldiers, gods and monsters. There's no level of violation.

In this period, the characters they are guarding are certainly not simple!

Li Yunxiao's mind moved.

Could it be King Chili here?
It feels like the possibility is not that great.

Out of curiosity, Li Yunxiao decided to take a look.

And the other side.

A young man with long silver hair, good looks and a tall posture was walking on the road carrying a food box.

"Well done, young minister."

"Hello, young priest!"

Everyone they met on the road saluted the young man.

The young man nodded in response.As the strongest member of the younger generation in Ten Thousand Poison Cave (except for Hua Batzi and Guitou Yao, both of whom have overwhelming potential), You Chuan is extremely outstanding in terms of appearance, martial arts, and personality.

He was even regarded as his adopted son by Po Gong Chi Li, and his courageous yet benevolent temperament was also appreciated by the king. He has always been trained as the successor of Wan Du Cave, and he can be said to be unparalleled in the limelight.

Even if there is a change in the relationship between the two kings, Youchuan's status is still unshakable.

But this also puts him in an extremely embarrassing situation.

When You Chuan walked away, the disciples of Wandu Cave whispered, "Is the young priest going to bring food to the saint again?"

"What kind of saint? King Jiao has betrayed our philosophy of Ten Thousand Poisons Cave. She is just the daughter of a sinner. How can she be called a saint?"

"That's true, but I can't help but the young priest likes it!"

"Since that incident, the young priest has never had a good face, right? The food he brought was thrown down, and he went to deliver it after it was finished."

"I don't understand. If this sinner's daughter likes it, why should she care about it? Just force the bow on the king, and it's fine. You have to make it more difficult for yourself."

"I can only say that I am worthy of being the most affectionate person in Ten Thousand Poison Cave. I can't do it, I can't do it."

I don’t know if today’s dishes will suit Chi Meng’s taste.

You Chuan couldn't help but think as he walked.

The King of Snakes was imprisoned, he saw it in his eyes and was anxious in his heart.

But he couldn't do anything, because the person who did it was his adoptive father who raised him, taught him martial arts, gave him his current status, and was so kind to him!

Even if he wanted to do something, there were still Huabazi Guitou Yao, the old department and others watching him.

Compared to King Jiao, he was more worried about Chi Meng's condition.

In order to avoid being looked down upon by others, he would personally deliver three meals a day.

If he hears humiliation, he will punish him without hesitation.

Now he just hopes that his adoptive father will not be too absolute.

They are obviously brothers, why do they want to kill each other?Working together to develop and expand Ten Thousand Poison Cave is the right path!

But You Chuan only dared to bury these things and thoughts in his heart.

Passing by the Treasure Pavilion, You Chuan, who was distracted, did not hear the greeting.

After coming back to his senses, he turned around and saw that the two guards were leaning on both sides of the door wall, with their heads lowered and their hands folded around their chests, looking like they were being dragged too hard.

He was very confused, and even had a bad feeling. You Chuan stepped forward quickly and patted the person on the shoulder. However, he saw that the whole body fell in one place extremely stiffly, and at the same time, the body was struggling and twisted before death. Face.

You Chuan's heart suddenly skipped a beat. He leaned close to the door and listened carefully. There was indeed movement inside.

Without saying a word, he kicked the door lock!
Huabazi and Guitouyao, as products of overthrowing talents, may be able to keep up with them in terms of combat power, but in other aspects, they cannot compare with the real great ones, such as insight.

Li Yunxiao managed to get to the back of the house without being discovered even though he was carrying a bunch of things with him by using Qinggong seriously.

Through the slightly open window, he could see clearly what was going on inside.

However, what surprised Li Yunxiao was that the person imprisoned was not Chi Li, the King of Snakes, but a girl with purple hair and a silver crown, wearing tight purple clothes, and outlining her graceful figure.

It is Chi Meng, the saint of Ten Thousand Poison Cave, the wife of countless people in the past life, known as the little witch!
what's the situation?
At this time, had Chi Meng not escaped from the Ten Thousand Poison Cave?

He thought Chi Meng had already embarked on the road to escape at this moment.

Otherwise, save it easily?

Li Yunxiao thought subconsciously.

But something is not right about his current situation!

The sack was full of belongings from the Ten Thousand Poison Cave, and then there was the Saintess from the Ten Thousand Poison Cave. No matter how you looked at it, it seemed a bit sinister!
(End of this chapter)

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