Bad guy: Staying in Huanyinfang, picking up attributes and becoming invincible

Chapter 134: Da Ying hooks up her ass!I want to follow my little brother!

Chapter 134: Da Ying hooks up her ass!I want to follow my little brother!
"The Corpse Ancestor is so wise and powerful, how dare I, this junior, fool you!" Li Yunxiao was full of laughter.

Those who are weaker than him will use his words like crazy, and those who can't be defeated will just follow his heart.

This is his consistent code of conduct.

Hearing this, Yinggou snorted coldly and said doubtfully, "You'd better be like this, otherwise."

He stopped mid-sentence, anger flashing across his face.


That burden kept fighting for control of her body!
Ever since the opponent appeared, her consciousness has always been at a disadvantage in the confrontation.

Only at a very critical moment, when the opponent's soul power is weak, can she easily gain control of the body. However, directly squeezing out and controlling the body like just now is very energy-consuming and cannot last long at all.

gritted his teeth.

Does this love take away control of the body?
She refused to let it go her way!
The consciousness immediately started to conflict with the sister in my mind.

'Sooner or later, one day, I will completely destroy you. '

The next moment, his consciousness fell silent, his eyes closed, and the little man passed out.

Li Yunxiao blinked his eyes, feeling a little dazed.

This is the end?
He squatted down, stretched out his hand and poked Sister A's slightly baby-fat face twice, but there was no reaction.

"Huh!" Li Yunxiao let out a long sigh of relief.

It's really scary!
Who wouldn't be frightened if a god suddenly pops out of Er Fool's body and sucks your blood?
Li Yunxiao couldn't help but have a headache when he thought that the other party would come tomorrow.

According to the other party's smoking method, it would be a death sentence for anyone else!
I guess even Gangzi couldn't bear to have his sperm and blood sucked every day, right?
This means that he has a Chongyang body and can recover every day.

Li Yunxiao was speechless when he saw his sister An An.

When he wakes up, he's either going crazy or shouting and killing. It's cuter to be motionless like this.

Look at this appearance and combine it with the performance in the anime.

Li Yunxiao felt that the other party's giving up control of his body was not out of anger at all, but because Sister's soul was already dominant, and Yinggou couldn't fight it.

Therefore, we can only take control at critical moments, and Yinggou will definitely have to pay a price for such a forced replacement without warning.

If it was easy to suppress, how could he be so hateful when mentioning Sister A and insist on getting rid of her quickly?
Thinking of the situation of being threatened, Li Yunxiao became even more angry.

Really, even when he was still weak, he didn't act like this when facing Fanyintian and Jiangchen.

It's simply unbearable.

"Zi Zu? Ying Gou? Sister?" Li Yunxiao came closer and called loudly in his ear.

As a result, Sister A was just like a dead pig and didn’t respond at all.

Seeing this, Li Yunxiao was completely relieved.

He raised his palm, aimed at Sister's left and right buttocks, and slapped her hard with a crisp sound.

He still used some internal strength. Anyway, the opponent had the physical strength of Shenxiao, so it didn't hurt.

After venting, Li Yunxiao finally felt a lot more comfortable.

He put on the corpse puppet's mask again and left Sister A on the chair.

Li Yunxiao went to bed and fell asleep.

It was true that Zishi could recover, but he didn't want to endure it.

Early in the morning, the sun rises.


Li Yunxiao was awakened by a shrill scream. He sat up and took a look, and found that it was Sister A who was jumping on the ground with her buttocks covered.

The funny look is like that of a beginner figure skating on the ice.

Suppressing a smile, Li Yunxiao asked seriously: "What's wrong with this look?"

"I don't know which one is killing a thousand swords! My forehead and buttocks are going to split!" The elder sister rubbed her slightly swollen buttocks, her eyes piercing the young man's body like a knife.

"Hey! Doesn't it look like you?"

"How is that possible?" Li Yunxiao spread his hands, looking extremely innocent. "Have you forgotten? Yesterday you climbed out of the window and ended up squatting on your butt, and then you fainted for no reason."

What Li Yunxiao said was half true and half false.

"Really?" Sister A patted her confused head.

When Yinggou was in charge, most of her memories were unshareable.

The forcible seizure of command last night directly caused some confusion in her memory.

There is no way to tell whether it is true or false.

"Of course, otherwise why would I put you on a chair? If it weren't for me, you would have had to sleep on the floor all night." Li Yunxiao said it as a matter of course.

Sister A couldn’t tell the difference at all, “Does it look like this?”

Li Yunxiao would not give the other party a chance to think carefully, and got out of bed directly to clean up and wash up.

"Okay, get ready, we should leave today."

When the two arrived at the reception hall of Ten Thousand Poison Cave, Chi Li, who had been greeted in advance, had already prepared a farewell ceremony.

"Thank you both for your help. Chi Li will always remember this kindness in his heart. You will always be my guests at Ten Thousand Poison Cave."

Chi Li's emotions in the main position were extremely sincere.

Even if he forgot his enemy Chi Li, he could never forget these two gods who had emptied most of his family's fortune!

It is simply engraved in my mind.

With a decent smile on his face, Li Yunxiao toasted a glass of wine from the distance and said: "Meeting each other is fate. If there is anything I need to help you with in the future, I will be obliged to help you!"

"Haha, easy to say, easy to say." Chi Li smiled awkwardly and raised his glass in response.

From now on, it would be fine if it was just a normal get-together. If something happened, he would never go to the other party for help.

After two more visits to the Ten Thousand Poison Cave, he can change his career to become a beggar.

"Senior, this junior wants to ask you about a place." Li Yunxiao spoke at the right time.

Chi Li was also very happy, "Say."

As long as it doesn't help him with the Ten Thousand Poison Cave.

"Do you know the location of the legendary Twelve Cave in Miao territory?"

Hearing this, Chi Li's eyes instantly became sophisticated, and his voice became a little deeper, "You are looking for Twelve Cave, what do you mean?"

"It's just a mission. I just want to find out the location of Twelve Cave. I don't want to do anything else." Li Yunxiao responded.

Looking for King Qi is considered a secret of the Qi Kingdom, and it is not easy for him to tell others loudly that the current King Qi is a fake and a woman.

If you promote it imitatively, it will damage your prestige.

Chi Li fell into silence for a moment, as if weighing.

As the most mysterious existence in Miao territory, Twelve Cave was really causing a lot of troubles, and it was hard not to make him think about the altar of soldiers, gods and monsters.

Could it be that the Qi Kingdom also knew about it and had the idea of ​​​​a altar of war gods and monsters?
Seeing Chi Li's confused look, Li Yunxiao didn't bother to ask any more questions.

After three glasses of toast, my sister also drank three glasses of fresh fruit juice.

Li Yunxiao once again cupped his hand and said, "We meet again in the mountains and rivers, so I say goodbye."

After saying that, he led Sister, who was still planning to drink her fourth drink, away with a black line on her face.

What a shame!
It's like you haven't had anything to drink!
However, before the two of them could go out, they were stopped by a pretty figure.

It's Chi Meng.

Li Yunxiao nodded, said hello, and wanted to continue leaving.

But when Chi Meng saw this, he was so anxious that he quickly stopped, "Wait a minute!"

After saying that, he looked at Chi Li and said, "Dad, I have to go with Xiao Guo Guo!"

(End of this chapter)

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