Bad guy: Staying in Huanyinfang, picking up attributes and becoming invincible

Chapter 147 Absorb the thunder!There’s a long way to go!

Chapter 147 Absorb the thunder!There’s a long way to go!
Soon, Li Yunxiao completely adapted to the rhythm of this thunder and lightning cycle. He did not even need to use his original internal strength at all. The power of thunder remaining in his body could completely cycle back and forth and become self-sufficient.

Not only that, the part that falls on the body also penetrates through the skin, achieving the effect of tempering and strengthening the body.

Coupled with the invincibility effect restored by Li Yunxiao during the Chongyang Body, Li Yunxiao was able to directly catch the thunder without being injured.

Countless thunders poured into his body, and the sky above his head flashed one after another, as bright as day!
This scene can be said to be so terrifying!
I don’t know how much time passed, but although the rain was still falling, its momentum was much weaker, and there was no more thunder in the sky.

It's like there's no stock.

Seeing this, Li Yunxiao had no choice but to focus on refining the remaining thunder power in his body.

Whether it is increasing the power of Yin Thunder or combing the meridians, this power is like a snake oil.

After sorting it out, the lightning strike directly increased Li Yunxiao's internal power of Jiuyou Xuanyin Thunder by 1000 million points and his realm value by more than 500 million points.

Although it is far inferior to killing a great master and dissipating the opponent's internal energy, just underestimate Tianlei.

1000 million, this is just his absorption limit, not the actual output of Tianlei.

Through the lightning protection shield, lightning resistance, infuriating resistance, and ground conductivity, the actual damage he suffered may not be even one percent, and the utilization efficiency of lightning may not even reach one thousandth. Naturally Can't get any higher.

Normally speaking, most martial arts techniques have basically zero use of the power of heaven and earth.

Therefore, even if this new version of Jiuyou Xuanyin Thunder Method can only convert a small amount of energy, it is already at the forefront of martial arts.

If not this is the world of martial arts.

As he continued to practice this technique, Li Yunxiao doubted whether he would be able to achieve enlightenment.

But he was even more fortunate that Lei Shifen gave him face after he had just obtained the general outline of the Five Thunder Heavenly Heart Jue.

If it had been before, without the blessing of the special effects of the general outline, he would have been directly killed by the thunder due to blind confidence, let alone using the thunder to improve himself.

Li Yunxiao is already very satisfied with such an improvement.

Killing the Great Heavenly Throne comes quickly.

But in the whole world, how many great masters can there be?

And how much thought does it take to kill someone of the same level?Is there any chance of absorption?
The Underworld Emperor picked up the leaks, and the Flower Bat Zi Guitou Yao were just out of anger. They had no realm and could only open and close.

The real veteran great heaven is not an easy person to get along with.

Besides, as long as your own cultivation surpasses theirs, no matter how many attribute points you have, you won't be able to explode them.

Moreover, there is a storage limit. It is estimated that if you kill him three or four times in the same realm, you will have to improve your cultivation level, and you will no longer be able to profit from it.

On the other hand, absorbing the thunder from heaven and earth, he only needs to find a geomantic treasure land with frequent thunderstorms all year round, and wait to practice and get hit, which is a worry-free thing.

The most important thing is that the energy generated between heaven and earth has no upper limit for him, which means that he can always use this method to improve.

You don't have to worry about being so strong that you can't pick up other people's attribute points in the end.


Li Yunxiao stood up like black coal.

The upper body clothing that bore the brunt of the attack turned into powder and was blown away.

Reaching out to touch his intact hair, Li Yunxiao breathed a long sigh of relief.

In order to prevent himself from being bald by lightning, he focused on protecting his hair with internal force.

Otherwise, you won’t be hacked and vomited blood due to uneven distribution right from the start.

Fortunately, I saved my hair.

Just the clothes are gone.

However, the luggage carried by the corpse puppet also contained his own Central Plains clothes, so it didn't matter.

With the thunder defense removed, Li Yunxiao allowed the rain to beat on his body, washing away the blackness, revealing his porcelain-white skin, lean and stylish upper body with perfect proportions like a sculpture.

Looking towards the direction of the Central Plains, his deep and intoxicating eyes revealed ambition.

Now, his Yin system skills can be said to be absolutely perfect and he has completely graduated.

But looking back at his yang attribute skills, only half of them were completed in one stroke.I have obtained the Five Thunder Heavenly Heart Art, but I still need the Holy Qiankun Art.

Li Yunxiao planned to synthesize the most extreme Yang Lei and Yin Lei martial arts as his own attack method.

Bloodshed is control and function flow.

Finally, the AOE invincible Qi Jing is used to clear the field, which is perfect.

I don’t know how he arranged the secret book he told Bago to steal?
Hope to hear good news.

Although King Li Keyong of Jin Dynasty passed down the Holy Qiankun Gong to each of his adopted sons, it seems that it was distributed in the form of staged rewards.

For example, if Li Cunzhong is a big star, then he can only get the big star and the previous chapters of the exercises. Only when his strength reaches perfection can he continue to receive the following content.

Otherwise, based on the uneven quality of the adopted son, the Holy Qiankun Gong would have been leaked long ago.

This should be the reason why Zhang Zifan gave up the Holy Qiankun Kung Fu in the later period and instead devoted himself to practicing the Five Thunder Heavenly Heart Technique.

Hatred is one thing, but why not use a method that can make people stronger together?

Because there is no follow-up content, why not fix it!
Li Yunxiao even felt that even Li Siyuan, who was still the Holy Master of Tongwen Hall, did not have the entire secret book.

Although Li Keyong was given for free, after all, he was facing the big bug Yuan Tiangang.

Although he has been in seclusion all year round, he can still control the situation. He definitely has a plan in the city, but it was just killed by the plot.

When comparing the computing power of a chess master with a Go master, they are indeed inferior.

Is Li Siyuan really very talented?

Maybe not top of the line, but certainly superior.

But why can Li Keyong reach the state of transformation with the same skill, reach the level of Shenxiao and be known as No. 1 under Yuan Tiangang?
But the original god can only languish in the great heaven, and his combat power cannot reach the top?
Li Yunxiao was the first to not believe that Li Keyong had nothing to hide.

How could a person who didn't even trust his own son not be wary of his adopted son?

What's more, the other party saw his ambition early on.

Therefore, the Holy Qiankun Gong in Li Siyuan's hands definitely does not have the part of Shenxiao, and may not even be the Great Heaven.

After thinking about this, Li Yunxiao realized that what he had thought before was a little too simple.

It is easy to get hold of the Holy Qiankun Gong, but it is very difficult to get it all.

Against Li Keyong, who might be in the late Shenxiao position?
Sorry, Li Yunxiao can't even think about it at this stage.

If the other party really wants you to beat him to death, he simply shouldn't take it easy, even if he uses all his means.

Unless you control Xiaobai from 800 meters away, you can attack first and take a bite, then quickly run away and keep a safe distance until the opponent can't stand it anymore and dies from the poison.

"It seems there is still a long way to go."

Li Yunxiao couldn't help but sigh.

The cold and wet wind blew, and the young man on the top of the mountain shivered.

Turned around and wanted to leave.

next moment.


The road in front of him opened wide, and the entire section of the cliff where Li Yunxiao was located was directly traversed due to the concentrated and violent bombardment of thunder.

Without any preparation, he fell down.


In the abyss, the voice of the national quintessence echoes endlessly.


(End of this chapter)

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