Bad guy: Staying in Huanyinfang, picking up attributes and becoming invincible

Chapter 150 Mother and daughter finally recognize each other!

Chapter 150 Mother and daughter finally recognize each other!
It's just as Xianshen said, willow leaves, eyebrows and cherry mouth.

In terms of the sophistication of his appearance, he is even slightly better than Chi Meng, and his growth in age and motherhood have given him a different kind of brilliance.

At least there is no water content in appearance.

Chi Meng was fascinated by it.

He couldn't help but murmured: "Why does Wo think you look so familiar? It feels like I've seen you before there."

"I'm your mother, you can look like me, of course you'll feel familiar!"

"Besides, you were able to open your eyes when I handed you over to your father." Xianshen said as expected.

Really, why do you feel that your daughter only inherited her beauty, but her brain is very worried?

Well, it must be Chi Li's problem, not his own.

Even so, Chi Meng still couldn't believe it and subconsciously looked at Li Yunxiao.

Noticing the look that looked like asking for help, Li Yunxiao said: "The reason why Senior Xian Shen helped the Lord King to steal the Twelve Cave Treasures was because they became a couple and were pregnant with a daughter."

Xianshen glanced at Li Yunxiao and said, "You Huanyinfang knows a lot."

I thought that no one other than the two brothers Twelve Dong and Chi Li knew about this secret.

"Senior, thank you." Li Yunxiao smiled slightly.

"So, are you really my mother?" Chi Meng couldn't hide the excitement on his face.

She didn't know why. Maybe Xiao Guoguo saved her when she was most helpless, so she relied on the other party's judgment on some important matters.

Xianshen rolled her eyes and said, "Nonsense, do you still recognize it? You don't recognize Wo Ke?"

Before she could finish her words, she was rushed into her arms by the young girl as if she were returning to her nest.


Chi Meng didn't care about the mess on the fresh ginseng at all. He wanted to bury it in it, holding it tightly with his hands and reluctant to let go.

"Okay, okay, if you keep doing this, I will strangle you to death."

Xian Shen said very distressedly, but her eyes were slightly wet.

The reason why she didn't recognize each other immediately was because she thought it would be troublesome.


"I don't want Wo." Chi Meng shook her head coquettishly, but hugged her tighter, her voice choked with sobs, and tears slid down Lian's family, "I haven't hugged Wo for so many years, so let Wo hold me for a little longer."

Hearing this, Xian Ginseng had no choice but to let it hold him.

Until Sister A suddenly said: "You are so old, but you are still hugging me here and there. What a little kid you are."

In one sentence, the effect is significant.

"You haven't got your legs up yet? You have the nerve to talk about it?" Chi Meng let go and began to quarrel with her sister.

"What do you know? It's all concentrated essence! At least you won't cry if you don't understand!"

The older one and the younger one were scolding each other like this, and the good atmosphere of mother and son acknowledgment was instantly destroyed.

In the end, Li Yunxiao couldn't stand it anymore and interrupted, "Let's eat something first."

Compared with roasted rabbit, the bird itself does not have much meat, so marinating the meat is not suitable. It is best to maintain the original taste.

Thanks to Li Yunxiao's superb skills, the roasted bird tastes equally good.

The girls ate with gusto, and the elder sister even said that if she didn't want to eat at the banquet in the future, she would eat the food cooked by Li Yunxiao. It could be said that her appetite was completely conquered.

"Mom, how did you and dad meet?"

In front of the fire, Chi Meng leaned next to Xian Ginseng, swallowed the food, and asked with great curiosity.

"That's a long story." Xianshen wiped her lower lips and spoke of the past one by one with sincerity.

In this regard, Li Yunxiao said that the editing was indeed good.

Because in her narration, Xian Shen portrayed herself as a simple, weak young girl who yearned for the outside world, but Chi Li became a foolish young man who was eager to express himself.

Then go through all kinds of imaginary hardships and achieve true results.

The most outrageous thing is that the famous scene of a woman's legs and a man's legs was directly changed by Xian Shen.

A female bandit-like figure suddenly turned into a little white flower in the mist of Jiangnan, which is simply outrageous.

"I never imagined that my father would be such a terrible person when he was young." Chi Meng held his cheeks in disbelief.

She felt that her cognition had been subverted. In her impression, her father was always kind to women.

However, because the fresh ginseng was his mother, Chi Meng did not doubt how much water was mixed in it.

"Mom, since you are fine, why don't you live with dad? Even if you are imprisoned, no one is watching here, so you can run away if you want!"

Living as a single parent for so many years has made the girl feel a little bit more resentful about the joy of regaining her lost love.

"With the strength of Twelve Cave, Ten Thousand Poison Cave is simply vulnerable, let alone disobeying their death orders." Li Yunxiao interrupted at this time.

Forces like this that are closed to the outside world are often the most embarrassing.

If it weren't for the bugs like Yuan Tiangang in the Central Plains, and the ancestral motto of not going out for generations, Twelve Cave could be said to be able to crush all opposing forces, especially in terms of the number of high-end combat forces.

"What should I do? I don't want my mother to have to stay here for the rest of her life!" Chi Meng was anxious, and even more disgusted with this organization that he only heard about by name.

"Unless we can get the powerful Lord of the Great Cave to speak, there is no need to discuss it."

Li Yunxiao spread his hands.

Don't think about solving it with force at this stage.

Twelve Cave is really mysterious.

Just the few actions of Xianshen, Eleventh Cave Master, and Second Cave Master Li Suo can tell how powerful the tip of the iceberg is.

It is conservatively estimated that the Great Cave Lord is at the same level as Jin Wang Li Keyong, and may even be stronger.

The most important thing is that the other party can also tell fortunes and divination, which is a bit like Yuan Tiangang.

Seeing that he couldn't force it, Chi Meng did not hesitate, "Then we will go to Twelve Cave! We will ask them to let mom go!"

"No!" Xian Shen objected as soon as he finished speaking, "It's too dangerous, I don't agree."

He is a traitor, so his daughter's identity is even more embarrassing compared to Twelve Dongs.

"I don't want you to remain in the dark."

"Silly baby, if you want to nest, just come and see the nest secretly." Xian Shen smiled, with a hint of maternal brilliance in her brows.

She really has a gentle attitude.

However, Chi Meng became more stubborn and insisted on going to Twelve Cave.

At this time, Li Yunxiao intervened: "Senior Xianshen, Twelve Cave advocates the idea of ​​​​reclusion from the world and doing nothing. Although Chi Meng is your daughter, she will not pose any negative threat to them, so it is impossible to take action. Otherwise, it would be impossible for us to grow up to this day safely.”

"You know enough."

Li Yunxiao continued to suggest, "If Chi dreams of going, you can go with me."

"Yes, yes! Xiao Guo Guo is so powerful, he will definitely protect Wo Di!" Chi Meng nodded in agreement.

Xiao Guo Guo cleans up the flower bats so neatly, and Twelve Cave is definitely no problem!
Xianshen did not give the result immediately, but asked: "Boy, you were going to Twelve Cave in the first place, right? What's the matter?"

His eyes were sharp, as if he wanted to see through Li Yunxiao's entire body.

(End of this chapter)

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