Chapter 152: Reveal the secret and head to Twelve Cave!
After the mother and daughter finally recognized each other, Li Yunxiao was not disappointed and asked to leave.

But let them get along with each other for one more day.

Seeing that Xianshen's clothes were in tatters and her body was dirty, Chi Meng was excited to give his mother a makeover.

Because the other party couldn't leave, he took Li Yunxiao to a nearby town to buy a large amount of ready-made women's clothing.

After the fresh ginseng was washed away, Miracle Nuannuan's crazy cross-dressing mode started directly.

Finally, I chose a Miao dress.

The originally messy beggar woman transformed into a beautiful woman who was charming but not losing her aura. Even after putting on the new Miao costumes, she still behaved as recklessly as the crazy woman before.

"Mom, you are so beautiful!" Chi Meng's eyes sparkled, as excited as if he had discovered a new world.

Although Xian Ginseng has lived a sloppy life for so many years, it is always good to leave a beautiful impression in front of his daughter.

He held his head high and felt quite proud, "Of course! If the nest wasn't beautiful, how could it have given birth to someone like you?"

"Of course Mom is the most beautiful." Chi Meng smiled coquettishly and said, "If I put some rouge on you, you will definitely look better!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he pulled Xian Ginseng to sit down without any explanation, and took out some bottles and cans from what he carried with him.

She let Chi Meng do it without thinking too much.

But after Chi Meng had been busy for a long time, when he saw his face that looked like a monkey's butt through the reflection on the water, Xian Ginseng couldn't hold it any longer.

It's really not something ordinary people can do to be both beautiful and ugly.

His gaze was like a knife, piercing Chi Meng.

The girl laughed guiltily, "I have no experience, so I just want to give it a try."

Her makeup skills have always been bad, so she only touches her lips on weekdays.

It was just on a whim, I thought I could perform exceptionally well, but I didn't expect that my level was still stable.

Seeing that Xianshen was not trying to control himself, Chi Meng rolled his eyes and quickly hid behind Li Yunxiao who was watching the show.

"Senior, don't be impatient. Why don't you let me try it."

Helpless, Li Yunxiao had no choice but to speak out to save the situation.

"You?" Xianshen was very suspicious.

Li Yunxiao nodded and continued: "I have been traveling in the world for many years, and I am quite familiar with the method of disguising myself. I understand by analogy, and I can't help but make up for women."

Just kidding, putting on female makeup is considered his specialty, but disguise is the analogy.

"Okay, then you can do it."

"If she doesn't transform well, I won't be able to spare her!" Xian Shen continued to target her daughter who deserved a beating.

Li Yunxiao agreed. After helping to remove the monkey-butt makeup, he gave him a set of plain makeup. At first glance, there was no difference, but it made the whole thing more natural and refined.

In addition, he playfully used the charcoal pen he bought from 79 Wen to decorate the fresh ginseng brows, weakening their aggressiveness and adding softness.

After reshaping the whole body, the small white flowers of Jiangnan Misty Rain that Xianshen described herself emerged.

However, the other party obviously has no self-awareness.

Seeing her new appearance, Xian Shen nodded with satisfaction, "Not bad, much better than that good-for-nothing daughter."

Li Yunxiao smiled and said nothing more. These are all a history of blood and tears!
Now that he has great strength, he can gradually get rid of that predicament.

"Mom! How can you say nest like that!" Chi Meng stared, his cheeks slightly bulging, he rushed forward and started fighting together.

Li Yunxiao shook his head helplessly and walked out of the stone hall to continue preparing food.

Xian Ginseng, on the other hand, regained his composure, pulled Chi Meng in front of him, and told him, "Since you like that boy, you must take good care of it! Hurry up and cook the rice!" He is good-looking, has good kung fu, and is young. , can put makeup on women, has good cooking skills, and is very kind to their family. He is simply a perfect man!
If you can't seize the opportunity, you won't be able to get anywhere in the future!

If we can’t be number one, let’s be number two!

As the saying goes, the mother-in-law looks at her son-in-law, and the more she looks at him, the more she likes him. This is the current state of fresh ginseng.

"Mom! If you say that again, I will ignore you!" Chi Meng stamped her feet and turned her head, but the blush on her face, which was no less than that of her own mother's makeup, had completely given away her thoughts.

"That's right." Xian Shen curled her lips and said, "That's all you've got, just do it if you like it!"

"Why did Wo give birth to a daughter like you? I wish I had taken over your father directly! You really didn't inherit any of your style! That indecisive spirit must have followed your father!"

Xian Ginseng tapped the girl's forehead with her finger, as if she hated the iron.

Chi Meng tilted his head in pain and covered his head, but there was doubt in his eyes as he exclaimed: "Mom, didn't you say it was dad who chased you? Why did you change again?!"

Fresh ginseng: "!!!"

The next day, Li Yunxiao left the Dead Creek Forest with Chi Meng and Sister who had packed their luggage. In order to make Xian Ginseng feel better, Chi Meng also bought a lot of daily necessities when he went to town to buy clothes yesterday.

As for the money, of course Li Yunxiao paid it.

Chi Meng knew that he had taken a lot of treasures from Wandu Cave and was extremely rich, so this time he went out mainly for free prostitutes.

But Li Yunxiao didn't care. Anyway, he earned 250 taels of gold from his sister by roasting rabbit. He picked out everything and didn't feel bad at all.

No matter what, it's better than the trick of taking advantage of elder sister for 50 taels of gold for a banquet.

And he kindly bought a lot of pork, smoked and grilled it, and hung the fresh ginseng in a cool and ventilated place.

This way, you won't have to stay here for a long time.

Because their existence makes the Yi tribe extremely fearful, they have not offered sacrifices for so many days, so they must be more prepared.

After leaving the Dead Creek Forest, several people followed the route given by Xianshen and headed to the west.

The other party did not hand over his token like in the anime.

But after all, it is not a serious crisis situation, so it is not normal.

But that thing didn't play any role, and Twelve Cave didn't even recognize its identity.

Traveling ten miles west, he found the old site of Twelve Cave. After having a more accurate location, he didn't bother to decipher the mechanism inside.

Directly inquire about the whereabouts of a place called Painted Valley here.

However, due to the extremely remote location, even few locals living in this area knew about it. It took a long time to find out.

The Luohua Cave, which is the only way to pass, is a bit tricky.

The Luohua Cave is mysterious and its strength is unknown, but the master of the cave is probably a powerful person. Otherwise, how could he guard so many women?
Li Yunxiao didn't want to get involved with those women, they were just a bunch of crazy believers.

Breaking in by force is not a matter of life and death, there is no need.

But this is not a problem for Li Yunxiao.

The main target of Luohuadong is men.

He directly embellished his facial features with rouge and gouache to cover up the sharp edges and corners, and then spread his hair loosely. Even if his clothes were not changed, a flawless beauty appeared before his eyes.

Chi Meng was even more shocked. She circled around Li Yunxiao as if she had discovered some rare treasure, "Xiao Guo Guo, I never thought that you look so beautiful in women's clothes! It makes me feel embarrassed to be a woman anymore!"

In the end, Li Yunxiao and the two women walked along the border and safely escaped from Luohua Cave's sphere of influence without being troubled.

(End of this chapter)

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