Bad guy: Staying in Huanyinfang, picking up attributes and becoming invincible

Chapter 160: Meeting the owner of the cave, give up, you can’t save the fresh ginseng!

Chapter 160: Meeting the Lord of Eleven Cave, give up, you can’t save the fresh ginseng!
Although he, the Miaojiang Twelve Cave, is reclusive and has no prominent status, which of these cave masters is not someone who can shake things up in the world?
He ranks second in terms of strength!
They all reacted so mediocrely!
Li Xiang, who was pretending to be in vain, put his hands behind his back in embarrassment, and then scolded: "It is already the limit to take you into the Twelve Cave. The Lord of the Cave Cave has everything under control, how can you just see it casually?"

"What should we do?!" Chi Meng was very anxious.

She is trying her best to save her mother now!

"You should stay here for a while before we talk. If the Master of the Great Cave wants to see you, he will naturally meet you." Li Suo said eloquently.

Li Yunxiao nodded, "Thank you very much, sir."

"But I don't care about the food at all. I can make whatever I want to eat." Li Suo expressed his thoughts in a roundabout way.

"No need to worry about this. All you need to do is provide the ingredients."

"That's the best!" Li Kuo raised his eyes and looked at the goat that he had raised for more than two years and was captured by his sister. Anger filled his stomach and he said firmly: "After all, you are visiting my second cave. If I don’t care about anything, but it makes you laugh. Let’s use this mutton as the ingredient tonight.”

After saying that, he couldn't help but swallow his saliva, his thoughts were clear.

"I wonder, uncle, do you know where King Qi is at this time?" Li Yunxiao asked.

Li Xiang didn't hide anything, and pointed directly in the direction of the top of the cliff, "He? He is usually at No. 11 Cave, just go up from here."


Li Yunxiao's eyes narrowed slightly. No wonder the people in No. 11 Dong in the anime felt that they were very familiar with Li Maozhen. It turned out that he lived there.

"When you came to him this time, could it be that you wanted to welcome back Li Maozhen and take charge of Qi Kingdom again?" Li Suo said.

"No." Li Yunxiao directly denied, "I just wanted to see if His Highness King Qi is well. There is a female emperor taking care of him over there."

He wanted to meet Li Maozhen, mainly because he wanted to give him a hand. No matter how he looked at her sister, he was already part of the family.

You can't just watch your uncle jump into the fire pit!
The current situation is that if Li Maozhen had been hiding in the Twelve Cave, he might still have a chance of survival based on the centuries-old agreement in seclusion.

Once you leave these twelve caves, you will definitely die.

Yuan Tiangang would never allow such a prince with both strength and ambition to exist.

Empress, Li Maozhen’s sister?
Li Suo recalled the little girl he had seen following Li Maozhen.

Nodding secretly, I didn't expect that a female prostitute would become the hero of a separatist party, which was really rare.

"Okay, then you can stay here. Boy, if you want to see me, you can go to No. 11 Cave on your own and explain your purpose to the owner of Cave No. [-]."

"As for other places, remember not to break in!"

"The juniors know."

Li Yunxiao originally planned to visit the master of Eleven Cave who was as unique as Hou Qing tomorrow morning, but he didn't expect to show up uninvited.

In the spotlight of several people, the meat skewers are about to be grilled.

But Li Yunxiao felt some movement in the sky at this time.

Can't help but look up.

It was a bright night with few stars, and through the moonlight, he could clearly see a black shadow falling straight down the cliff.

Along with the deafening sound, the entire ground shook twice, and dust flew into the sky.

"Oh my god! There's an earthquake!" Sister was so frightened that she hurriedly climbed onto Li Yunxiao's body.

Chi Meng saw how delicious it was and hurriedly stepped forward to grab Ajie.

After so many days, she knew that the other party had no relationship with Li Yunxiao.

After the dust and smoke dissipated, the person was finally revealed.

He has half-long black hair, tall and tall figure, handsome appearance, a beard and bright eyes.

Li Yunxiao was stunned. Isn't this the owner of No. 11 Cave?
Why did you fall from the top?
Compared with the surprise of the group, Li Suo's reaction was wary and full of unwelcome. "If you don't stay well at Eleven Cave, why did you come to my place?"

The owner of Eleventh Cave looked calm, "I haven't got dinner yet. I see the smoke coming from the kitchen here. Come and take a bite."

The eyes are quite sharp.

Li Kuo silently complained that there were too many monks and too little rice, so naturally he was unwilling to share.

He calmly blocked the grill and accused him, "Can't you go around here? You have to jump from here every time!"

"Sorry, I'm used to being straight forward and don't like to take detours." The master of Eleventh Cave explained matter-of-factly.

When you come out of the back door of his house, you are facing the cliff. How convenient is it to walk like this?

If we go around, we will still have to walk several miles!
Looking at Li Yunxiao and the others, Shiyidong's eyes narrowed slightly and he said doubtfully: "Who are these people?"

"Friends I brought from outside."

The master of Eleventh Cave suddenly realized, "Are they the ones in Huagu? No wonder you weren't there during the day."

Li Yunxiao was the first to express his respect: "I have met the master of Eleven Cave."

"Yes." The master of Eleventh Cave nodded, smelling the rich aroma, and looked at the barbecue grill through Li Suo.

"What is this?"

"Mutton kebabs, would you like to try them, owner of the cave?"

"That would be disrespectful." The master of Eleven Cave didn't show any pretense and directly took the bunch. He came just to eat.

After one sip, he was also conquered by the pleasure of masturbating.

The owner of Eleven Cave exclaimed, “It’s delicious!”

Sure enough, he made the right choice by jumping down.

So he joined the time-sharing mutton skewers army regardless of Li Suo's resentful eyes.

However, rather than waiting for ready-made food, the owner of Eleven Cave prefers to bake it himself.

"Why did you come to Twelve Cave? This is not a place you can come to casually. If there is no necessary reason, please leave as soon as possible."

After eating happily, Eleventh Cave said in a calm voice. Compared with Li Suo, the master of Erdong, he stood out and was ruthless.

Chi Meng licked his lips and quickly stated his purpose, "Wo wants to save Wo's mother! Her name is Xianshen, and she is also from Twelve Cave!"

"I am from Huanyinfang of Qi Kingdom. I am here under the order of the Empress to find the whereabouts of King Qi Li Maozhen." Li Yunxiao continued.

With the energy of the Twelve Cave, it is impossible for these cave owners not to know Li Maozhen's identity.

Sister A looked around and found that she was the only one left. She scratched her head and said, "Well, it's okay. I'm just walking along."

"Li Maozhen?" The master of Eleventh Cave pondered for a moment, and said casually: "He is in my Eleventh Cave. If you meet him, just go there directly. It is best to take him away with you."

He didn't like this Central Plains man, and felt that he didn't look like a person who could let go of worldly things.

His views are consistent with those of the Lord of Sandong.

It is really too dangerous for this person to stay in Twelve Cave.

Aren’t the lessons learned back then enough?

His eyes then fell on Chi Meng, and he said coldly: "Xian Ginseng? She is the sinner of Twelve Cave. The owner of the Big Cave didn't kill her, so he was generous."

"You give up. Banishing Xilin to death is the punishment she deserves. You can't save her."

(End of this chapter)

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