Bad guy: Staying in Huanyinfang, picking up attributes and becoming invincible

Chapter 22 Intercepting letters!Zhong Xiaokui versus two brothers and sisters of Ba family!

Chapter 22 Intercepting letters!Zhong Xiaokui versus the two Ba brothers and sisters!

After saying hello to Ji Ruxue, Li Yunxiao quickly returned to the courtyard.

Although it took a little time, Fanyintian did not leave directly as he said, but continued to wait for him.

It's just that his attitude is a bit like his nose is not a nose, his eyes are not his eyes, and his words are yin and yang.

This made Li Yunxiao laugh a little.

He knew that in the anime, Fanyin Tian didn't treat Ji Ruxue well, but he didn't expect it to start so early.

Because he felt that Xing was sitting upright, Li Yunxiao did not look for the reason in himself.

Fortunately, Fanyintian quickly returned to normal.

The two of them arrived outside Fengxiang City, gathered people at the inn privately owned by Huanyinfang, and set off.

Since it was a mission, not a war, it was naturally impossible to make a big fanfare and all go out together from the main entrance of Huanyinfang. Isn't that just a conspicuous package?
Following Fanyin Tian all the way, Li Yunxiao gained a lot of experience in the world.

Just like outside, you have to be careful about what you can eat and what you want to test for poison.

And how to judge whether a person's identity is consistent, whether he should be careful, etc. based on his behavior, dress, temperament, and behavior.

In just a few days, Ji had already encountered three illegal shops that wanted to kill Mo Cai.

Such a high frequency shows how dangerous the world today is.

However, with Fanyin Tian’s sufficient experience and judgment, no one fell into the trap.

The only thing that made Li Yunxiao uncomfortable.

It was Fanyin Tian who looked at himself too closely, as if he would die if he left his sight, and was very speechless.

This mission is to intercept a letter delivered from Liang Guo to Mobei.

Nowadays, there is civil strife in the Central Plains, and there is no time to take care of it. At this moment, Zhu Wen sent a letter to Mobei, and his purpose is thought-provoking.

The task is not big or small.

You have to get the letter and see the contents to understand the seriousness of the situation.

Following the transportation route deduced from the analysis, everyone arrived at their destination.

"Okay, here it is, all hidden and waiting to appear." Fanyintian gave the order.


All the disciples of Huanyinfang spread out and waited.

Li Yunxiao also wanted to do this, but just as he was about to take a step forward, Fanyin Tian carried him back.

"Just stay close to me and don't move."

Li Yunxiao curled his lips, not wanting to contradict him in front of so many people.

He could only squeeze into a hidden spot with Fanyin Tian.

The breeze blew by, and even though he was so close, he could only smell a faint fragrance.

Can't help but feel a little emotional.

What a professional. From the moment I left the workshop, I never wore the sachet again, letting the smell dissipate.

Presumably it is also for convenience and concealment.

I don't know how long has passed.

In the forest at night, the crows of birds startle dreams!
"Here we come!" Fanyintian's eyes instantly became sharp.

However, there seems to be some deviation in the direction of the sound.

They haven't even reached the place where they ambush.

"There are other situations!" Fanyintian reacted instantly. After giving the hint, he picked up Li Yunxiao and headed towards that location.

Li Yunxiao: "."

He has legs himself!Not a pendant!

When he came closer, Li Yunxiao was put down. The short man looked towards the middle of the bushes.

I saw two groups of people fighting fiercely.

One team was roughly wearing black armor and had ghostly faces with green faces and fangs.The other team was dressed in white costumes, partially protected by soft armor, and the masks on their faces were black and white, like theatrical masks that were not completely colored.

"Tongwenguan is here too." Fanyintian said in a low voice.

As expected, the intelligence work of the other party's organization is not a vegetarian.

Fanyin Tian directly chose to stand still.

When both sides are hurt, it is not too late to take action depending on the situation.

This is much better than the situation where they were the first to encounter the Xuanming Sect and then were watched from afar by Tongwen Hall.

The leader of the Xuanming Sect is a petite woman in red clothes and an official hat on her head. The vaginal thread in her hand reflects the cold light under the moonlight. Every time she pulls it, it can take the life of others. It is extremely sharp.

But here at Tongwen Hall there are two.

The man was dressed in tight black clothes and holding a pair of half-moon-like axes. He seemed to be in a deserted place among the Xuanming Cult soldiers.

The woman was wearing a hot black tight skirt with slender legs. One leg was outlined by long boots, while the other leg was completely exposed.

The weapon on the back was strangely shaped, a coil of something like a coil of wire, with several short knives attached to the end, which could be thrown using internal force.

And even if someone wants to attack from behind, he will fall down and twitch inexplicably.

Li Yunxiao couldn't help but widen his eyes, a little shocked.

Zhong Xiaokui, Ba Ge, and the invincible General Baye!
These characters actually appeared in advance!
However, it’s okay to think about it on second thoughts.

As a living person, it is impossible to do nothing when the plot is not in progress.

After Ba Ya finished killing the people nearby, he suddenly threw out the half ax in his left hand, and at the same time, he raised his body and went straight for Zhong Xiaokui.

Zhong Xiaokui's expression was very calm.

The specially made gloves pulled all the underworld threads back toward him, blocking half of the sword and harvesting a lot of cannon fodder at the same time.

Well aware of the terror of this thread, Ba Ye's expression changed and he only took back half of the axe, not daring to get close.

Bago, who was watching the overall situation, snorted coldly and snapped his fingers.

The Xuanming Cult soldiers who had fallen to the ground and twitched completely, suddenly stood up strangely one by one.

He was shaking his head, but holding a weapon, he was quickly approaching Zhong Xiaokui like a zombie.

Seeing this strange scene, Zhong Xiaokui couldn't help but frown.

Using his internal energy, while his body retreated, the dark water threads were drawn out like sharp blades.

Cutting flesh and breaking bones unimpeded, these Xuanming Cult soldiers whose actions were controlled without knowing whether they were alive or dead were completely chilled and turned into countless corpses, with green and black blood spilled on the ground.
This extremely bloody and shocking scene made Li Yunxiao's face turn pale and he felt a little disgusted.

He was just an ordinary person in his previous life. Even though he had seen many dead people in his memory of fleeing in his previous life, he had never faced anything like this!
But fortunately, he was born with a tough mind and had grown up in Huanyinfang for half a year. He managed to hold on and did not expose his whereabouts due to panic.

In fact, the large swaths of attribute points scattered on the field made him go from being a little scared to excited!
This was the first time he had seen such a large amount!

[Martial arts +10]

[Martial arts +10]

[Martial arts +10]

The golden words almost blinded him in the dark night. There were also several different things mixed in, presumably fragments of the three people's cultivation methods!

But no matter how eager he was, Li Yunxiao didn't act rashly because he found out that he had something to order!
As for Fanyintian beside him, his expression was simply ugly.

She recognized the woman in red. She was Zhong Kui from the Xuanming Sect, a master of the Little Celestial Rank!
She didn't know about the two from Tongwen Hall, but the man had solid martial arts skills and the woman had weird methods. She was also not sure she could beat them.

I'm afraid the task will be difficult!

Fanyin Tian secret way.

This is the embarrassment of Huanyinfang, the talent gap.

Other forces have the Great Heaven Position above, and the Middle Heaven Position, Small Heaven Position, and Big Star Position below.

However, in Huanyinfang, apart from the big heaven position, only the big star position can be used.

This often results in being forced to give up on tasks.

Fanyintian was thinking about this matter in his heart at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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